Successful Expediting, secret 47

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are a number of things you need to do if you want to be successful. Here's secret 47. Do not associate with other drivers. Harsh I know, so let me expand on that. If you want to spend time hanging out with other drivers, find some who are for your team and talk about the last ballgame or the one coming up later. Find some who like the same NASCAR driver and talk about their strategy for the season. Find some for the other side and have a polite but spirited discussion. Find some who share your hobby of astronomy, radio, reading, knitting or fence post counting and discuss your hobby.

Just DO NOT LISTEN IF THERE IS TALK OF ANY SPECIFIC COMPANY. If there is more than one person present you can be assured some, if not all, are talking out of the part of their anatomy that is for expelling things other than conversation. They know nothing about what they're discussing. They are talking merely to hear themselves talk and be thought knowledgeable and impressive. If you accidentally hear anything about any specific company forget it as quickly as you possibly can. Remember, groups and gossip both start with G as do garbage and good-for-nothing, both of which apply to 98% of what you hear about specific companies from a group. If you hear it and are unable to force it out of your brain, then trap it inside and never let it out in any form. You'll appear smarter and more professional that way since you aren't spreading gossip. Groups are great for conversation, as long as it's on a subject that doesn't matter at all. If it's anything of substance, research it yourself or find someone for an intelligent one to one discussion rather than the gossip group.

Also, DO NOT DISCUSS BUSINESS MATTERS IN A GROUP, again for the same reason. You don't know who is giving you advice so you have no clue how relevant or irrelevant it is. If you can talk one to one with someone, you can have a worthwhile discussion and talk enough to determine their credibility.

Finally, DO NOT DISCUSS YOUR OR THEIR COMPANY other than one to one. If someone wants an informative discussion of a particular carrier they should have it one to one. A direct dialogue, answering specific questions directly and completely, is the least you, they and your company deserve. That's the professional way to handle it.
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Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Leo: I couldn't agree more. It has always been said that "my company is better than your company because I grossed XXX dollars last week, month or year." We all tend to be a little careless with the truth when discussing "our company" with an outsider. Human nature I guess. When talking with fellow drivers we always tend to get to the crux of the truth after the second coffee refill.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Interesting posts, Leo and Terry. How do you square your words with advice frequently given to newbies here to read the forums and listen to the advice of experienced drivers?

Frankly, I am surprised to see you two talking like this, and on the eve of the truck show no less, where drivers go and gather specifically to get industry information from fellow drivers and others at the show.

I have long maintained that when newbies seek out experienced drivers for industry information, it is not the amount of experience a driver has but the quality of it. Leo's advice to not associate with drivers at all seems a bit extreme, does it not?

I mean, carried to it's logical conclusion, if Leo's drivers took Leo's advice to heart, they ought not associate with Leo.

Tell me, please, this is an overstatement for effect, and not something to be taken literally.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I think it should be taken literally and it is excellent advice. In addition to the normal puffed up views by individuals whose lifestyle is completely different from your own and view the world through rose colored glasses, you also have the doom and gloom individuals.


Veteran Expediter
Excellent Post Leo!

We've met some wonderful people out here, and answered many questions as best we can about our industry. But, unfortunately, we tend to shy away from other drivers from our own company for the simple reason of lessons learned. So many times, when we are approached it's usually just to gripe about the company. We don't need that.


Veteran Expediter
i agree with the 1st post....
I love meeting other drivers in the experditing field ... and it doesnt matter who they drive for...... i never get into disgusting what we r making or such....... think the only thing is if its slow out there or not...... heh......
i have a growing list of drivers on my cell...... some are drivers for panther. fed ex... and some are drivers for swift.. landstar..transport ameria and north carolina frieght..... we are all friends.... some closer friends then others.... what we like to do is..... once in a while text each other and see where we all are at..... and if we will cross paths .. and sometimes some of us do..... im a solo driver and HATE eating alone..... so most the time i eat in my truck and read stuff on my lap top... watch tv.. a movie etc...
as far as talking about how I am doing out here...... on being successful.... no one really taught me..... i went thru a lot of trial and errors.. in this buiz. and stil learning... i hear less negitve stuff from drivers about how they r doing out here .. i tend to blow off there views on it...... cause I know what I am making and doing out here....... and for a solo driver..... im doing ok..... some weeks r slower then others...... but its ok..... i tried teaming 2x..... and well didnt work out to well.... and i agree and know it always seems to work best when ur a couple .. as in married.... partners... sharing the same household.
ok this is my 2cents...... ha...... gotta go outside and fire up the smoker and put the ham out there...... HAPPY EASTER.. drivers.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
This is one of the funniest post I've read here.

"Do not associate with other drivers"

oh man you slay me. hahahahhahahaha... good one!!


The beauty of this statement is so subtle it will be lost on most.
I.m literally peeing my pants as I read THIS one.

"If there is more than one person present you can be assured some, if not all, are talking out of the part of their anatomy that is for expelling things other than conversation."

Now I've heard that guy and dammmn man are you right he thinks his dont stink.
Just stay upwind if you can....hahahahhahaaa.. nother good one.

"Groups are great for conversation, as long as it's on a subject that doesn't matter at all."

Oh God, somebody stop him my ribs are bursting......owowowowowowowwww


Oh I wish I'd thought of this in orientation, sweet really sweet.

"Finally, DO NOT DISCUSS YOUR OR THEIR COMPANY other than one to one. If someone wants an informative discussion of a particular carrier they should have it one to one. A direct dialogue, answering specific questions directly and completely, is the least you, they and your company deserve. That's the professional way to handle it."

Oh man how do you come up with all these great zingers

And then to get all mods to , hahahahaha ..."back you" (wink wink)

Coming off like scared old people, afraid to walk in the neighborhood anymore.

Oh what a riot.

Funny funny post.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If it's anything of substance, research it yourself or find someone for an intelligent one to one discussion rather than the gossip group.

If you can talk one to one with someone, you can have a worthwhile discussion and talk enough to determine their credibility.

If someone wants an informative discussion of a particular carrier they should have it one to one.

Phil, I believe the above segments of my post address your concerns. I'm all for worthwhile and profitable discussions. I just know they don't come nearly as often from a group, unless it's a NASCAR discussion. As far as these forums, virtually no one posting here has anything to prove or anyone to impress, unlike that group standing/sitting around the t/s that by definition of a group of adolescent males (a huge percentage of drivers regardless of physical age) is nothing more than a group attempting to top the last guy and impress the group.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
checks and balances.

a prime component of any organization ( yes even solo operators are an organization).
if your one on one gives a dose of BS in spades and you buy into it hook line and sinker... well, see ya, maybe someone will throw a life preserver.
Meaningful conversation take place wherever you are. Are you interested in hearing whats being said? Are you able to take in what is relevant to your needs and toss the rest?
One on one doesnt equate to quality anymore than a group discussion equates to garbage.
Its a complicated walk to the truth in a group, but the truth is usually straight ahead, we sidestep the path in hopes of hearing what we want and not particulary what is needed and
sometimes the truth can be beating over the head and you cant feel it at all.

One on one is good if the conversation is valid, the same holds true for group discussions.

Ya cant always get what ya want, but sometimes ya get what you need........
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Staff member
We have had both experiences of sitting with a large group in a restaurant that we had fun with and also learned a lot from and we have had the other experience where we had to go feed the dog. It does not matter to us if we are having coffee with one person or ten people we always try to throw out the "super trucker stories" from the valuable information and apply what is best to our situation. With out these peoples help we would be lost I believe.

We have learned so much by sitting down with another couple or solo and sharing a meal with them. We have also met people this way that have become a permanent number in our phones. Bob has a friend he met one time three years ago and they talk almost daily and neither one of them can remember what the other looks like! For us, this is why we enjoy our extended expedite family.
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Seasoned Expediter
Advice is a different issue than "I am doing this much" and this company sucks or you would do better here. Talking about differences in how companies operate is not may have a company that fits or does not fit what you do. Rather than not associating, I guess I hold the belief that adults can filter garbage, and if someone is not happy where they are, rather than the perpetual "biting the hand that feeds you" syndrome we see in expediting, they need to move on. Having a conversation vs a bs session is a good thing...learning to differentiate the two is even better.

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Seasoned Expediter
There's a saying that comes to my mind while reading this...."Opinions are like bum exits (clean version), everyone has one and most of them stink". I tend to agree with LDB. Reading what everyone has to say on here can be good. If you can weed through what is poo and what isn't. Most of my inspiration comes from hearing about falling out of trucks, bumping your head, fuel prices, bad restaurants, family stories, etc. It's good to know that we are all out here basically fighting the same battles. And bottom line is you do the best you can to keep your head up and try to be successful.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The primary point of this exercise is to get folks to stop listening to rumors and stop spreading rumors. Close that direct pipeline from your ears to your mouth. Force everything entering an ear to take the long circuitous route through the brain to be analyzed and disected. Yes, good information can come from anywhere. Yes, bad information can come from anywhere. The advantage of one to one is the other individual doesn't have to impress a bunch of people and maybe with only you they can be a little more genuine and less full of gas.


Expert Expediter
Perhaps your version of sucess is not anothers. I enjoy listening to STORIES, I think most of us have a bs meter. Kinda like fishing stories, mine's bigger. Leo, I still think you wear your Jockeys a little tight, do your ever just drink a beer and hang with the guys.
Nice sign off on John O, there were some really nice things posted by his family and some of the groups he assoicated with.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I stick with Dr. Pepper and wear correctly sized clothes. I do like a good discussion of various topics though. I just don't like when guys degenerate from intelligent/worthwhile/useful discussion to worthless and possibly destructive gossip. It's bad for them and if they repeat it then it's potentially bad for others.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
"... mine's bigger. Leo, I still think you wear your Jockeys a little tight, do your ever just drink a beer and hang with the guys."

There's a mental picture I could have lived without.


Veteran Expediter
Even knowing a little about 'mob psychology' & 'group dynamics', I still think that individuals who are straightforward & honest will be so whether in a group, or one on one. We just need to decide what we believe, and what is just self-aggrandizement, or excuses for failure to launch, or whatever.
I've learned so much from other drivers, and hope to keep doing so.


Veteran Expediter
Even knowing a little about 'mob psychology' & 'group dynamics', I still think that individuals who are straightforward & honest will be so whether in a group, or one on one. We just need to decide what we believe, and what is just self-aggrandizement, or excuses for failure to launch, or whatever.
I've learned so much from other drivers, and hope to keep doing so.
Usually if there is a group,the honest and straight forward are the quiet ones,only speak if its necessary,but never to out do another.
I enjoy listening to road stories,as long as they are stories,not complaining about one company or another.My feelings,if you have a complaint that you cant satisfy,then get out and find someplace else to work.
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Expert Expediter
Hi Leo and all,
As a newbie to expediting but not trucking, I am doing my homework by reading all the posts. I jumped on this one eager to learn a "Successful Expediting Secret", WHOOPS.
I was hoping this was more of an opinion than a "secret"

I was surprised to see "Do not associate with other drivers" under the heading of a success secret.

I read further and realized that the advice was really not to get caught up in the group gossip dynamic. That I can understand.

So let me clarify this for my own understanding:

*Any question regarding companies or business presented to this forum is fair game.
*If I see you alone at a truck stop and ask about companies or business, that is fair game.
*If we are among a group of Drivers at a truck stop and I bring up companies or business, you will excuse yourself?

My comments here are presented tongue in cheek, but I do have some concern that some drivers will take you literally.

My wife and I have run across our share of arrogant and aloof drivers who were less than enthusiastic to associate with other drivers in the HHGs arena.
The Expediters on this forum are the most professional, knowledgable and helpful members of the trucking industry that I have had the pleasure to encounter.
Please don't change.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you see me and wish to have a discussion I'll be glad to participate. If I see you sitting in the front of your truck I may come up and say hello, as well as if I see you in line inside or elsewhere conducive to visiting. You'll rarely find me sitting around with a group as I've found the vast majority of such times turn into the gossip/:censoredsign: fests that are wholely unproductive. I've also found that when apart from the group, many of the individuals become noticeably different and talk a different tale altogether.
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