"I'm trying to keep people from wasting so much of their time in ways that are worthless."
I dont believe this is your responsibility.
What is trite and trivial to you may be near and dear to me. My call not yours.
This quote actually says a lot.
Some of you act like there is some journalistic code of ethics that need to be followed on what is posted. You better have credible sources or else – that is the picture I get. Hey this is a forum, not a newspaper.
Another picture I get is that some of you are so well connected to the company you are contracted at that they will tell you the truth all the time (one exception to this). Think again, you are contractors.
It amazes me about this entire thread.
First we are talking about a legitimate issue, group thinking and the BS that goes along with it and then it goes to rumors. In the case of one ‘rumor’ that was mentioned, no one bothered to PM and ask privately who the person was that gave that info, so when an open question goes unanswered amazingly it gets labeled a rumor like the person who labeled it was so well connected that they can make that call.
Sorry guys, you can’t stop the rumors, it is really human nature and competitive in nature. Many people of all walks of life talk big or embellish things to make them feel better or to impress. Others won’t say who said it because for the most part it is part of their networking scheme and even more importantly people sometimes does not want to have their names mentioned.
I really like what dabluzman1 said, the comment hits the issue right square on the head.
If you want to be the BS police, well then have at it. It is a big waste of time and actually damages things.
If you want to stop rumors, good luck on that, even the best of forums (this is one of them) it never happened right.
But if you want to warn people about group think and group speak (this is what I call it) then great that it legitimate warning and should be talked about.
The very first day I was expediting, I learned a very important lesson – never believe a thing others say to you directly. I met a fellow contractor the very first evening I worked and he said to me I was going to fail in three months or less. Ok so I was going to fail but why did he say it?
Now I am very quiet in groups and we sat with about four others from the company and had our coffee and cheese sticks. I sat and listen whiles others just rambled on and on, see I don’t talk much in a group but I listen. Some think it is rude but I can learn a lot from shutting up and sitting there. At the end of the little gathering, I learned exactly why he I was going to fail, can you figure it out?
Now a while ago I used to tell people go to a truck stop and talk to individuals (or teams) one on one, why?
Because you get more information from that conversation than if you did with three or four (the exception of that rule is if they are close friends or family you are sitting with). I stopped using that suggestion because no one listened to the caveat; many people will inflate their earnings because they can be embarrassed over what little they actually make.
Well I got to get some sleep, drove all night long and now I am very tired.