Stolen van(GPS), part two (attn. owners)


Veteran Expediter
Sunday I put a driver in my van. She said that she is ready to drive for TS. My mistake was that I didn’t wait until Monday to verify her at TS. I gave her the van and she went 50 miles from my office in a truck stop waiting TS to put her in service. When I called TS Monday morning they told me that she is not qualified anymore with TS. Asking why, they told me because in the recent past she destroyed owner’s equipment. When I heard this I went in the truck stop where I found her in the van with her boyfriend and two dogs. I said I'm sorry but you cannot drive for TS, so I want my van back. She said OK but let me take my stuff in another truck stop 80 miles away. In my stupidity I said OK because I was sorry for her. Yesterday it was a big rain in GA and she drove with 85-90(!!) on the higway so I lost them.After two hours I found the van in another truck stop then she said she is going to. The van was ok but my GPS was stolen. I said it is OK it was my mistake to give her the van without verifying her. So I took the van and I went home.
The day before yesterday I sent a PM to the guy who post the stolen van post and I asked for the driver name. This morning I received the answer and I almost fell down. It was the same person!!! My luck was that I took the van from her quickly and she stole just my GPS and some DVD's.
I don’t want this thief to hurt any other owners, and since I cannot post her name, I hope I am allowed to say that she is FEMALE, WHITE, 39 YEARS OLD, KENTUCKY DRIVER LICENSE, claims her address is in MICHIGAN, drives with her “boyfriend” in an All State Express BOXED VAN.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The one from PA? I thought this individual's name and picture had already been posted here multiple times.


Seasoned Expediter
Mike, I suggest you file a police report if you haven't done so already. Just because your blaming yourself doesn't mean the authorities shouldn't know.

She's done this twice now in short order, which means this is most likely her game and it will happen again. If enough interest is garnered by the authorities, we might be able to prevent her from doing this again.


Veteran Expediter
A person can only have 1 CDL . They can have multiple driver's licenses . After the original post I ran this person's name in a free basic background check . It showed addresses in several states including KY . Then I ran a google with her name and "arrested" . It showed someone with her name and others arrested on marijuana charges in Google but the newspaper no longer had the article in their archives . Charges need to be pressed against this person before more people are victimized . She is probably on probation from other charges .


Expert Expediter
Contact me privately for her current address. The one she used in MI goes back to 1999. Her most current is in KY. Her boyfriend is her husband, and she used multiple ss #'s.

For fleet owners that need to run back grounds, contact me off list.



Veteran Expediter
Considering this woman's background and methods she probably wants vans to use to distribute stolen merchandise and drugs , If I owned a van she had used I would be very concerned if a drug sniffing dog got close to it .


Veteran Expediter
What is wrong with everyone with handing out vehicles. Doesn't anyone do background checks?

Just going to your local cop shop and having them do a quick background check helps, they don't have to give information to you just say good or bad.

How many of you have contracts, copy licenses and take SS card numbers? You should do all three.

It wasn't an instant thing putting someone in my property, I took my time and made sure I trusted the guy/gal.


Seasoned Expediter
How many of you have contracts, copy licenses and take SS card numbers? You should do all three.

It didn't help us a bit that we DID do a contract, that we DO have copies of her SSN and ID. I mean it will help if I want to put her in jail. But if she decided to trash my van, she could have done it with or without contract. And I assume she would have done it if she had the time.
We were very stupid and we know this. We were stupid to trust a human being, to care... She said she was close to Atlanta and she could come to pick up the van Sunday. We told her to stay in Atlanta as Monday morning she had to sign a paper for TS. The rest you know...

After having dealt with a bunch of good trustworthy drivers we forgot our own saying: "after being burt with soup, check even the yougurt". I guess we'll remember it now.

Probably she's having a lot of fun reading these posts. Cause that's how she gets her pray afterall.
But what she doesn't think about is that God sees all. And sooner or later cops too.


Seasoned Expediter
One more thing. They drive in a boxed van with All State Express signs on it. I bet it's not theirs. And I bet they were getting rid of it at the time they got in our van. Otherwise it didn't make any kind of sense to be both in our van and with both dogs. Unless they already fled from the boxed van.
If you hear of an owner who might have them as drivers please warn him.

Also, please tell us your opinion about pressing charges. It's not about the value of our lost goods, but about how much damage can these people do to others. My husband is against. He just wants to learn the lesson and forget the whole thing. What would you do?


Not a Member
"after being burt with soup, check even the yougurt".

I think in times like these, we should all live by this motto


Veteran Expediter
One more thing. They drive in a boxed van with All State Express signs on it. I bet it's not theirs. And I bet they were getting rid of it at the time they got in our van. Otherwise it didn't make any kind of sense to be both in our van and with both dogs. Unless they already fled from the boxed van.
If you hear of an owner who might have them as drivers please warn him.

Also, please tell us your opinion about pressing charges. It's not about the value of our lost goods, but about how much damage can these people do to others. My husband is against. He just wants to learn the lesson and forget the whole thing. What would you do?

Call GA State Police and ask them to do a background check on her . I'd bet anything there are warrants out on her . She is using these vans for distribution of something and it's not loads by expedite shippers . How will you feel if you remain silent then see a fleet owner's van end up as a DARE vehicle that was seized transporting drugs ? This woman's picture should be carried by all expediters . If you spot her in a van call the carrier ask about the unit number .


Expert Expediter
Maybe her picture should be put back in post? Tis awful the way some people treat others. If something is placed in a persons trust, they should do all they can to take care of it as if it were their own and return when asked! Tis awful and sad there are such bad apples in society! It is the few like this woman that taint all of us! :eek:


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks to a owner who had the balls to call me and let me know about this driver, I contacted the owner of the van who is leased to us (ALLSTATE) and he left work and flew to Nashville then drove an hour and it has been recovered. What I can't understand is that with all the carriers that I sent a request about this driver not one of them said anything bad about her even after what she had done. If she had of done that too us we would have let the other carriers know just out of respect. She drove for just about everyone one of the expedited carriers. Didn't even get a phone call from anyone at Expeditors online about this form that was going around. The fleet owner that called me told me about this form as well.

Thanks again Brad,




Seasoned Expediter
I am the owner of the box van from All-state. After I recovered the van, what a mess I might add, it was ruined. I check my fluids before heading home it was 3 quarts low out of a 5 quart capacity. On the way home I was unable to pull any hills over 50 mph. By the time I got home I could only do 50 mph on hills, straighth aways, and down hill. So as of now I don't know if she messed up the tranny, engine, or both. If she has ever driven for you or you know of someone she has, pm me and I think we all need to file a police report about this. I feel sorry for the other owners were she had the uppper hand. Even though she ruined my truck I gained the upper hand in another way that I can not post.

So please if any one knows someone she drove for please pm me. Her name she gave me was Doris Leffler.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks to a owner who had the balls to call me and let me know about this driver, I contacted the owner of the van who is leased to us (ALLSTATE) and he left work and flew to Nashville then drove an hour and it has been recovered. What I can't understand is that with all the carriers that I sent a request about this driver not one of them said anything bad about her even after what she had done. If she had of done that too us we would have let the other carriers know just out of respect. She drove for just about everyone one of the expedited carriers. Didn't even get a phone call from anyone at Expeditors online about this form that was going around. The fleet owner that called me told me about this form as well.

Thanks again Brad,



As a member of GPS, Allstate can contact Stuart Sutton to discuss sending an email to all member carriers about this situation, with perhaps a name and picture to go along with it. That would be a great way to reach a lot of carriers at once.

That was great to hear someone contacted you so you could help your van owner, was it a fleet owner from EO? If so, it sounds like EO is going a long way in getting the word out. As far as I understand from reading posts about this driver, it was her 'boyfriend' who was driving for AllState. It may have been more difficult to figure out his identity, other than calling you and saying, 'one of your van drivers has been reportedly connected with a lowlife, and you might want to get the owner to check into it'.

Anyway, glad to hear this has been resolved, and that somehow an upper hand was gained by at least someone. Personally, I think we should be giving a hand to EO in being here to help this matter get into the open and reach many.


Veteran Expediter
As a member of GPS, Allstate can contact Stuart Sutton to discuss sending an email to all member carriers about this situation, with perhaps a name and picture to go along with it. That would be a great way to reach a lot of carriers at once.

That was great to hear someone contacted you so you could help your van owner, was it a fleet owner from EO? If so, it sounds like EO is going a long way in getting the word out. As far as I understand from reading posts about this driver, it was her 'boyfriend' who was driving for AllState. It may have been more difficult to figure out his identity, other than calling you and saying, 'one of your van drivers has been reportedly connected with a lowlife, and you might want to get the owner to check into it'.

Anyway, glad to hear this has been resolved, and that somehow an upper hand was gained by at least someone. Personally, I think we should be giving a hand to EO in being here to help this matter get into the open and reach many.
It may be worthwhile to pay for complete info on Doris #5 . As for people not talking , I have had a thoughtful warning about the possible consequences of making insinuations about people on forums . To me I'd rather take the risk rather than allow this lowlife to continue victimizing people .
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