Sorry but this has to be said


Veteran Expediter
Look I understand that this will seem insensitive but I am wondering why a private matter is being brought to the public like this.

Ok you may wonder what I am talking about and why I am bringing it up, but after reading and watching everything I can about the issue, I think this is a disgusting way to get into the media spotlight and raise money.

What am I talking about is Edwards and his wife’s cancer. I know that this is bad for her and I hope she will get well but I also have some doubt that she is really having a recurrence of the cancer to tell you the truth.


Timing and the speed this has taken to the press. It was odd that here is an announcement earlier in the week and then seeing a 60 minutes interview. Odd?

Today it is Edwards talking about his son who died.

What’s next?

Who knows?

I think the 'Green' Edwards needs to tell us why he has such a big house too.

So this really bugged me.

After digging deep into the press releases, I find that an old Michigan politician is his Campaign manager, David Bonior and I know that he has used something here that he has used in his campaigns, sympathy.

It is not surprising that Edwards now is getting more money before the initial fundraising deadline. Bonior was clear that we must donate quickly because of this issue.

Could this entire thing be a spin to keep the money flowing?

I would not put that pass any lawyer like Edwards.

Oh for those who think I am completely insensitive, I really hope that she will get well.


Veteran Expediter
You doubt that she is really having a recurrence? If you have been paying attention, how did you miss the announcement, when Mrs. Edwards was accompanied by her oncologist? Or do you think the doctor is in on a faked ploy for sympathy? Which, incidentally, could backfire, if that's what it is: quite a few people feel Mr Edwards' place is NOT on the campaign trail, at a time like this. What I read between the lines, is that this mother of two young children has basically been given a death sentence - barring a miracle, she will not live to see her children grow up.
There is precious little privacy afforded to anyone in politics - if the Edwardses had kept it secret, the press would be all over that, wanting to know why he's hiding an issue that is clearly going to be taking his time and attention.
If it helps to focus attention on the need for health care in America, then possibly something will have been accomplished by turning the spotlight on the tragedy of Mrs. Edwards' illness. Using a personal tragedy to promote necessary changes in law and society is about the best one can do, IMO. It's how many things, such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Amber Alerts, Megan's Law, etc, began. I truly hope you never experience the loss and grief that impels some people to find the silver lining, but if you do, perhaps you'll understand the impulse to find some good in something so bad.


Veteran Expediter
Now see Cheri, I don't want to seem insensitive but I do question the timing which caused my post.

If questioning the timing of all of this and how the press has jumped on it shows that I am not concerned for her health, well what can I say - I don't want anyone to get cancer and if I could control this, I would rgardless who the person is.

But because Edwards is a lawyer and has had done lawyer type things in the past in the politcal areana, just like Fieger has here in Michigan, I do question the timing. What further reinforces my point is he needed to move his campiagn fundraising quickly ahead due to lagging donations (as said by his campaign manager) and the deadline that is coming quickly that will cut him off.

I think that they depend on the emotional reaction of the subject to accomplish the fundraising goals and I think that they knew about the cancer for a while and was keeping it private and gaurded but used it to solve the financial problem.

"If it helps to focus attention on the need for health care in America, then possibly something will have been accomplished by turning the spotlight on the tragedy of Mrs. Edwards' illness."

I don't think this raises any awareness outside of the cancer issue, which is a good thing. I mean that here is a rather rich person who has no need to be concern with health care as you or I have to be and being that he was a senator and had the power, he never used it to improve anything.


Veteran Expediter
You may be right. But it's a double edged sword: a LOT of people feel that Mr Edwards should drop the campaign, and spend what will most likely be the last few years of his wife's life his family, instead of letting them further his ambition.


Veteran Expediter

"a LOT of people feel that Mr Edwards should drop the campaign, and spend what will most likely be the last few years of his wife's life his family, instead of letting them further his ambition."

That is why I am concerned with the timing.

What do you think I would do if my wife told me that she had less than a few years to live? I would do everything in my power to spend every moment with her.

Awareness is one thing, family is another.


Veteran Expediter
Just listened to Andrew Wilkow talking about this. Apparently, when he made this announcement, he said not to send money on account of his wife's illness. Well, since the announcement his contributions went up 50%. If he was serious about not wanting that extra money, I don't see him sending it back. Wilkow is totally right on this account... Edwards' wife's illness is the best thing that's happened to his campaign.

Personally, I think someone should drop out if this happened to their wife/husband, as this takes a great toll on their ability to be president. Another reason it could be a ploy... unless he doesn't really care about her. I just see it as being all about John, not his wife.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Being from North Carolina, and seeing all of the terrific things Jon has done for us.

I will say no more, except offer sympathy for his family.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I feel badly for her and her condition. I feel badly for her children most of all. For a split second I felt badly for her in being married to such a scumbag who uses her for political advantage and then I remembered she picked him. He's a typical lawyer, that being one who cares nothing about the law and about what's right and only about how the law can be used to achieve his personal desires. There are some good lawyers out there. Unfortunately they are outnumbered by Edwards type.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Your comments are insensitive. It is getting alittle old, when all you can find to do is throw stones at the dems.

People are getting killed in Iraq. Our schools and medical systems is terrible, and you are talking about this.

Shame on you.

Road Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
Road Hooligan

Why do you think we have problems?

Could it be because the media is part of the problem and they are very pro-democrat?

Would it be that our schools and medical system should be front page news all the time?

They are not. Edwards and his family are not affected by either of these issues.


When the press starts telling the truth about the situation over there, than I would say it should be talked about properly. Until then it is going to be a democrat against the truth.

Why do you think that the media seems to have a focus on issues that are not important to us?

Is it because this is a Democrat candidate?

I didn’t make the decision to cover a possible candidate wife’s cancer instead of ignoring a government official’s cancer, they did.

Do you know who I am talking about and why his problems should be talked about?

Her having cancer is sad, is really not a good thing for her family but it is a private matter and does not have a thing to do with anything that you mentioned or anything else for that matter. If this raises awareness, great I support her 100% but when the events unfold like they have without her involvement, comments made by his campaign manager that there is such an increase with donations and so on…. it points to cashing in on a tragedy as lawyers do all too often.

The press jumped on this with both feet and made it a point to put it in our face so we feel sorry for her husband, not her. The 60 minutes thing is really disturbing alone, how quick do they normally put together a piece?

I feel sorry for her on many levels but at the same time she is used to provide a clear vehicle for her husband to be pushed into the spotlight for personal gains.

Who is really insensitive, me and my comments or John Edwards who used his wife?

No, shame on him.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You must be on the same drugs Rush is on.
Just trying to keep attention off the real issues.

Road Hooligan

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One segment of the population is all about feelings. It's all about political correctness and sensitivity to feelings above and beyond and to the exclusion of common sense and factuality. Feelings win out over all else. Greg provides a very clear and non-biased argument that makes sense if one doesn't have the media bias infecting too much of the nation. This is a situation that should have Edwards dropping out of the race to see to the unity of his family and to maximize what time they have together. Instead it turns into a fund raiser. That's not insensitivity, that's acknowledging the facts.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Tcall says AMEN, you know the solutions are right at our own finger tips. But NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ones such as this Tcall feel that the Government has the solution for EVERYTHING.

OK let me point it out and how I solved the Governments screw up as stated to road who? Ecuation (let me give all the credit to my duaghter and not myself) She had it with the Government schools and said HOME SCHOOL. Now she is getting straight As on everything except Algebra, raised her grade point average ONE ENTIRE POINT from what the so called professionals were teaching her to doing it on her own.

We need people like you encrougaging to yank needless $ out of all taxpayers to pay for what (DUMBING DOWN). Just one example by the way.

I did not want her to drop out or quit, to many great things I saw she was gona give up. Amazing she has tought me a thing or two.


Veteran Expediter
Hey Road... who brought it up in the first place? I'll give you a clue. His initials are JE.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
You know after reading that Edwards was slipping in his fund raising attempts by $7 or $8 million, I brought up the point this is all a ploy but as of today is now just below his goal of $15 million at $14 million and some change.

It is really interesting that here is someone who is falling behind for the first two months all of a sudden is second in a fundraising record for a canidate.


Seasoned Expediter
Broompilot,I would like to know what you think John Edwards did that was any more than Ambulance chasing in North Carolina.He sued every Doctor he could find that delievered babys.That makes him an Honerable Man,I think not.


Veteran Expediter

I wonder how different this would be if it was Laura Bush?I doubt the press would of handle it any differently.I bet that the politians and the people would be looking at it differently.


Veteran Expediter
>I wonder how different this would be if it was Laura Bush?I
>doubt the press would of handle it any differently.I bet
>that the politians and the people would be looking at it


I can tell you they would run a story or two and that is it. If you look at the coverage that Hillary got when she was there and the coverage Laura bush has been getting, there is such a big difference and rather one sided towards hillary.