Sorry but this has to be said


Seasoned Expediter
I don't wish any Ill will towards Mrs. Edwards,I hope she stays strong and gets through all of the treatments she will have to endure and stays in remission for many wonderful years.The thing that bothers me is that John Edwards is no different than all the other Dems that are running for Prez.He wants higher Taxes,Goverment funded Health Care,bigger Goverment,and beleives in Global Warming,and doesn't like the Military.He has sued every Doctor in N.C. for Malpractice so he doesn't need the Money,what would make a man not want to spend Quality time with his sick wife.He already said publicly that when he voted for the War,that looking back on it he would have voted differently;and the reason was his wife was sick at the time and that it clouded his judgement.The President has to make important decisions and can't be distracted by his personel Life.The times we Live in require it!