Killing Osama, if he is alive, will have little effect. There are plenty more in the wings to take his place. WE have to take out the main causes, Iran, Russia and China. Mark my word, they are the problem. They want to rule, by force, the world. These countries leaders are the ones pulling the strings of the Osama puppets. These countries have a long and glorious history of oppression, murder, mass exterminations and total dis-respect for life it self. They will do anything to anybody any time to further thier goal of world domination and enslavement. Rich vs. Poor my "Patute Cheeks". Try reading a history of the so-called "Cold War:, if you can still find a true one, and then tell me about the wonderful utopia that Russia created for the Prolotariat in Eastern Europe. If it was sooo good, why did sooo many millions have to die to create and and un-told number risk thier life and limb to escape it? OH, I know, they were mal-contents and the WEST blew all that stuff out of perpotion. Layoutshooter