"Something of Historic Proportion is Happening" by Pam Geller


Veteran Expediter
Bin laden is still alive unless something happened to him in the last week. He released a tape a couple weeks ago commenting on some current going's on in Africa (if I am not mistaken).


Veteran Expediter
Pjjjjj... thanx for finding that. I was ready to search once I got to the bottom of the thread. Two reasons for why I didn't buy it... it looked like an amateurish rant, and not one of a "student of history"; and it had the punctuation errors of a grade school student, not a college professor.

Anyone who has a clue knew this wasn't just two years in the making. It's been going on for a loooooong time.


Veteran Expediter
Something ppl fail to realize when talking about what goes on today. Democrats would have us believe this is about rich vs poor. We have to remember it's about the makers vs the takers.

Not all rich are makers, nor are all makers rich. Nor are all poor takers, nor are all takers poor.

Beware of those telling the takers to take from the makers, as they also tell the makers to take only enough to keep on making. These takers we elect have, very likely, made nothing their whole life.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Pjjjjj... thanx for finding that. I was ready to search once I got to the bottom of the thread. Two reasons for why I didn't buy it... it looked like an amateurish rant, and not one of a "student of history"; and it had the punctuation errors of a grade school student, not a college professor.

Anyone who has a clue knew this wasn't just two years in the making. It's been going on for a loooooong time.

Rant? Ok here's a Rant...

YouTube - We The People Stimulus Package

Snope it.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Bin laden is still alive unless something happened to him in the last week. He released a tape a couple weeks ago commenting on some current going's on in Africa (if I am not mistaken).

Yet another audiotape in which he, or his impersonator, discusses current events. I'll say again, this guy was a real ham when it came to promoting himself and his jihadist cause in front of the cameras. For no logical reason, during the last several years he only releases audio recordings. Theory #1 - his carcass is decomposing under some rubble in a cave in Tora Bora; Theory #2 - he died from complications of his kidney ailments or other natural causes that couldn't be treated in his primitive environment in the mountains of Pakistan or Afghanistan. At any rate, he's now irrelevant.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
bin Laden is a live and well and working at a 7-11 in Dearborn. He sold me a Big Gulp just yesterday.


Something ppl fail to realize when talking about what goes on today. Democrats would have us believe this is about rich vs poor. We have to remember it's about the makers vs the takers.

Make no mistake. It is ALWAYS about the rich vs. the poor. It just depends which side of it you happen to be on. If it weren't, there would be very little arguing going on...Who are the makers and who are the takers is kind of a gray area.


Veteran Expediter
Yet another audiotape in which he, or his impersonator, discusses current events. I'll say again, this guy was a real ham when it came to promoting himself and his jihadist cause in front of the cameras. For no logical reason, during the last several years he only releases audio recordings. Theory #1 - his carcass is decomposing under some rubble in a cave in Tora Bora; Theory #2 - he died from complications of his kidney ailments or other natural causes that couldn't be treated in his primitive environment in the mountains of Pakistan or Afghanistan. At any rate, he's now irrelevant.

On the contrary, Bin Laden is not irrelevant. Symbolic as it may be, if he was to be caught, a whole lot of those "liberals" you folks constantly berate here would, IMHO, likely become far less cynical and more co-operative.


Veteran Expediter
bin Laden is a live and well and working at a 7-11 in Dearborn. He sold me a Big Gulp just yesterday.

Hey Turtle, I think there's still a $25 million reward on bin Laden's head. Let's go get him!

Ya know, with that kind of money, you could have a whole fleet of gussied up Sprinters. Then, write a book about his capture. And then, there are movie rights and royalties to be considered. That kind of wealth is a heavy burden, perhaps you wouldn't want the ensuing hassle. Send me a PM with his coordinates.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Yes, a heavy burden, but not for long. Obama would take all of the money and give it to AIG.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Killing Osama, if he is alive, will have little effect. There are plenty more in the wings to take his place. WE have to take out the main causes, Iran, Russia and China. Mark my word, they are the problem. They want to rule, by force, the world. These countries leaders are the ones pulling the strings of the Osama puppets. These countries have a long and glorious history of oppression, murder, mass exterminations and total dis-respect for life it self. They will do anything to anybody any time to further thier goal of world domination and enslavement. Rich vs. Poor my "Patute Cheeks". Try reading a history of the so-called "Cold War:, if you can still find a true one, and then tell me about the wonderful utopia that Russia created for the Prolotariat in Eastern Europe. If it was sooo good, why did sooo many millions have to die to create and and un-told number risk thier life and limb to escape it? OH, I know, they were mal-contents and the WEST blew all that stuff out of perpotion. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Killing him would actually boast moral a lot, their PR people would spin this into a great story and help recruiting for their cause. If we capture him, keep him under raps and let him rot, then there is less of a story but a story nonetheless. If we capture him and put him on trial then the world would see him and it may backfire on us showing how soft we are.

But again let's wait to see what may happen when the gitmo crowd hit our shores.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree with the moral boost thing. IF we boast it loud and clear. From a strickly stratigic standpoint it will have little effect. It might, in fact, encouarge new and even more radical extremists to take his place. I am sure that Iran has several in training. It is a very interesting problem. We have the "Need" for revenenge. We see Osama at the "Devil" (he might be related) We, as a people, seem to be unwilling to recognize the true triple threat (was not the Axis powers a triple threat too?) of Russia, China and Iran. ( the 3 thing must be an omen, like the Tri-Lateral commission :rolleyes: ) Until we grow up, read history, and see what is really going on little else will make any real difference and the "STUFF" will continue to happen. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Well Layout you may already know this but because our present administration wants to release all this classified info and shut down things like off shore secret prisons, there is not much we can do with him if we do find him. The present administration screwed the American people on real justice, just the torture issue alone has put us in a bad position that if there is another WTC, our hands are tied and our present leadership will not revert back to a hard line position simply because they don't know how. continuing programs like torture is easier than rebuilding them. I honestly don't care who gets tortured (not innocent people of course) if it saves one American life.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am well aware of this Administrations in-ability to deal with real world military and intellegence challenges. I ranted and raved about Obama's lack of real world experience all during the election. Many seemed to think that experience means nothing. Well, it is starting to show and big time, that it means a lot. We are is serious trouble. It Obama does not wake up soon and pull his head out of his "donkey" we are going to see things that will make your head spin. Then we will be forced to play catch up, AGAIN, which is very difficult and way more expensive both in lost lives and money, than dealing with it now. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Make no mistake. It is ALWAYS about the rich vs. the poor. It just depends which side of it you happen to be on. If it weren't, there would be very little arguing going on...Who are the makers and who are the takers is kind of a gray area.

They want you to believe it's rich vs poor. There are many producers (makers) who aren't rich, yet their very existence is at stake due to this "spread the wealth" mentality. Those ppl GROSS $250,000. That's several o/os with two or three trucks.

As I've said before, the poor are poor for a reason. Some choose to be poor; others have no knowledge or ambition not to be poor. If you've seen the pictures from Katrina, whole neighborhoods of welfare recipients stood around waiting for someone from the government to help them, because that's all they knew their whole life.

Yes... makers and takers are a gray area. You can't necessarily determine who they are by looking at them. That's why it's easier to pit rich vs poor. Democrats don't want it to be makers vs takers, as several of their schemes would be brought to light. Rich vs poor comes across as the greedy vs the helpless. And that's NOT what's going on right now, yet it moves voter emotions towards the Democrats.


Veteran Expediter
ToMAYto TaMAHto....it is rich vs. Poor..the reason why each has attained their position isn't really the issue. Money talks. If you have it, you have some control. How much control you have is directly proportionate to how much money you have. If you have no money, you have no power. Left or right, Conservative or Democrat, Prolatariat or Bourgeoise, Capitalist or Socialist. The song remains the same.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is correct, the only question is which system allows me to keep the most of what I do earn and therefor allows me to retain as much power as I can. Having lived in a socialist country I can assure you that socialism does NOT. I live in what is susposed to be a capitalist country, where IF I do as I should I have the ablility to grow and retain wealth. It is not easy, but nothing ever is. There are no garrenties, but there never are in life. All I want is the shot. The crushing "Progressive" taxes that socialist systems always impose, by design, keep you in your place. I much prefere the uncertainty of capitalism. I know I can fail, if I do, I want that failure to be due do my mistakes. I don't want to have failure dictated to me. layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Our present day class warfare has it roots from the European class revolution of the 19th century. Since before Teddy, we have had politicians telling us how the poor are poor and they need help from the politicians. Without the people behind the politician, money does not matter because money does not vote. It goes for Wilson and FDR, look at what FDR said during his campaign in '32 to see what I am talking about. Read Wilson's position on a lot of social issues of the time, a time when we had real poor people not the 'rich' poor we have today.

AND beside I never worked for a poor person.