Too frickin' funny ..... you don't even seem to be able to recognize it when you do it - either that, or you actually do (recognize it) ... and are simply just disingenuous in being unwilling to admit it.
I'd prefer to believe it's the former, but ..... well, this isn't the first post of yours that I've read .... and since they are almost invariably entirely spin of one form or another .... well ...
Maybe the rapid circular rotation is just so disorienting that you simply can't focus .....
FWIW, here's the spin:
A post asks:
"what is the common thread running through most failed states ?"
any answer to be
valid for
that question, and it's premise of there actually being a (single)
common thread that does run through
most failed states, it would have to address the matter from the point of looking at
all failed states ...... and then determining the
common thread that exists in
most of them.
Otherwise, one is addressing a
different question and premise.
Factually, there are many "common threads" that exist in all failed states - stuff like: most people there drink water and sleep at night, they wear some form of clothes, they breathe, etc., etc. .....
ad infinitum ....
So it was a somewhat simplistic and silly question to begin with (probably why the author avoided answering it himself and instead decided to go with the "wink, wink, nudge, nudge") .... but I really do understand:
there is an agenda to be propagated at any cost, and religious fervor knows no bounds ....
FWIW, the mere existence of something (like a religion) does not necessarily automatically rise to the level of
relevance, and commonality certainly
does not equal
causation .....
So what do you do ?
You proceed to give us
Pilgrim's Top Ten Failed States .... based on just 10 .... out of
35 total countries, which are in the "Alert" status - the most dire, in terms of being a failed state (this doesn't include an additional 99 countries which fall under the lesser ranking of "Warning").... doing some really weird mental gymnastics apparently, that attempts to somehow "validate" the original premise posed by your Greek friend, by using your own "data filtering" to select out only the data that appear to support it, tossing the rest - and totally ignoring the fact that it can't possibly validate it, or even address it - since it
ignores over 2/3rds of the data set that would be required to do so.
What a crack up !
Noooooo ..... that's not spin ......
Now, let's just examine all of this a little further:
So - to further impugn any claim you might have to be an "honest broker", you use outdated data (2010 vs. 2011) ...... now I really have to wonder
why that was ..... since the 2011 rankings were available on the website that you chose to cite - as well as a number of other places. In fact, I linked them in an earlier post.
Could it be that there is an agenda which needs certain "facts" to support it ?
Perhaps if we use the rankings from the 2011 Failed States Index, we can see why you are as motivated as you are to use the 2010 rankings. Using that data and applying it as you did (but corrected for accuracy), this is what we get (leaving aside the "most significant" aspect and whatever the **** means for the moment

"Just an observation: five out of the world's top ten failed states have over 50% muslim population. Since fifty percent usually DOES NOT qualify as most, the Islamic factor would NOT qualify as A common thread in the most significant failed states."
And moving along in a similar vein, a further observation could be made as follows:
"Four out of the world's top ten failed states have over 50% Christian population. Since forty percent usually DOES NOT qualify as most, the Christian factor would NOT qualify as A common thread in the most significant failed states."
IOW, we have rough parity, vis-a-vis Muslim as compared to Christian.
Thus, from the above, it would appear that you are, in fact, a man with an "answer", who is simply in search of the "correct" question - and selectively culls and uses the data that best fits the "question" you wish to construct.
Yeah ....
there's no spin there ......