So you have a gun in your truck?


Expert Expediter
The state of Ohio, in the rust belt, is actually an open carry state. You may carry a handgun, if you wish, as long as it is not concealed.

Once you conceal it, a permit is required.


Veteran Expediter
We not only need a federal carry law we also need to have no tolerance for crime Castle Doctrines across the US. There are lots of people that say your money, vehicle, freight, etc. aren't worth your life but, I think it is worth more than the criminals life. I am perfectly fine with putting my life on the line to stop a crime and would do so if it was to stop a crime against another person should the situation make sense. We need the ability to police ourselves and the people willing to do it, when criminals are able to act with the expectation that a victim will just think his wallet is not worth a life they will take it. If I shoot the criminal the world is a better place, if I am killed instead the crime will get more attention from police and increase the chances the criminal will be taken off of the streets. When we stop acting weak and scared we become stronger as people and as a nation.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
Could you not just keep a shotgun instead of a handgun?

Personally, I'd rather be robbed than risk getting shot in an attempted robbery, I like living more than I like strangers freight and my laptop.

It's good to have that choice, that no one tries to make it for you. But that apparently works only one way. Anti-gun people want to decide for people who don't feel the same as you.

As for the reasoning behind it, keep in mind that if an armed man wants your freight or your rig, or whatever else, even if you step aside for him/them and let them have it, he or they then have a choice to make: do we take what we want and drive away, or do we shoot this McAvoy guy to eliminate the witness, or for fun, our whatever reason is theirs. That's not a decision I'm comfortable leaving in the hands of felons.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's good to have that choice, that no one tries to make it for you. But that apparently works only one way. Anti-gun people want to decide for people who don't feel the same as you.

As for the reasoning behind it, keep in mind that if an armed man wants your freight or your rig, or whatever else, even if you step aside for him/them and let them have it, he or they then have a choice to make: do we take what we want and drive away, or do we shoot this McAvoy guy to eliminate the witness, or for fun, our whatever reason is theirs. That's not a decision I'm comfortable leaving in the hands of felons.

Why would one EVER CHOOSE to be a victim? Seems like many do. From crime victims who did not fight back to those rounded up by Stalin and Hitler. ONLY the scale is different. Far better to go down fighting and have a chance than to just lay down for them.


Seasoned Expediter
heck with concealed carry just need to make it legal 2 carry a gun period.nobody gonna rob u when 100 other people around and u can see they all got guns 2. cops got guns so what the problem they can defend themselves so we should 2.


Veteran Expediter
Here we go.

I am a contractor with C/Vans. We run as a broker for just about anybody. I carry a 1911 colt 45. I have a concealed weapons permit from S.Carolina and a permit from N.H. N.H has nationwide resprosity. (Bad spelling). Never had a issue carried it for years, of course I have not been stopped and asked that question, but I will not give up my rights to own and have a weapon. As far as shotguns or rifles go, if its hunting season and you have a rifle or shotgun in your possession and don't have a hunting license for that area, you are considered a hunter. Then guess what happens. They not only can they take your weapon they can take your truck and everything else you have in it. I know someone that happened to, lost a p/up and 4 wheeler.

I got to ad a story here. In the early 70's something or other I was sleeping behind the old 301 truck stop in Fayatville NC. ( I'm sure somebody remembers that place) The lot lizards were terrible, pounding on the truck, kept yelling at them to leave me alone, they wouldn't. I reached in and got my Colt, rolled the drivers window down, leaned out the window with about 6 lizards standing around and shot three time in the air. Nobody bothered me the rest of the night. I don't think I would do that now but at the time it was funny.
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Expert Expediter
I've said this before on this forum, I'm a retired
Deputy Sheriff, and I can carry a weapon anywhere in the nation concealed or otherwise, so long as I have my Retired card with me and my most recent yearly qualification card. Do I carry when I'm driving? No I don't. Reason being is if they want the van or the load they can have it, that's what insurance is for. However, I'm very seldom stop anywhere when I'm driving, and when I do, its someplace that my situational awareness gives me a green light. If it looks to be a "Bad" area I just keep moving. If someone approaches when I'm at a traffic light, I would run it in a heartbeat to get away, not get into a gun battle. Macho attitudes can get yourself killed.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"if its hunting season and you have a rifle or shotgun in your possession and don't have a hunting license for that area, you are considered a hunter. Then guess what happens. They not only can they take your weapon they can take your truck and everything else you have in it. I know someone that happened to, lost a p/up and 4 wheeler."

What state did this happen? I think your friend could have fought this and won. There are MANY legal reasons to have a gun in the car during hunting season that do not involve hunting. There is NO such law in any state that I have lived in up till now.

States I have lived in: MA, MD, MI, PA, SC, MO. I owned guns, carried guns and hunted in all of those but MO. As long as they are carried legally and unloaded they cannot take them, or your car, in any of those states no matter what season it is.


Seasoned Expediter
WOW is all I can say. You being seperated from law enforcement know that murders only happen in "bad" areas. Come on guy. I think the whole point behind what most have said here is their opinion and belief. I am seperated from law enforcement as well as military and I will tell you when I go to sleep my ability to use my situational awareness does as well.If you feel comfortable without your sidearm hey more power to you, I for one know how and was trained very well to defend myself.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Not a Member
Being told you can't carry in you truck as a contractor is akin to an employment handbook policy, IMHO. As an independent contractor, that call should be yours to make just like it is with respect to all other matters with respect to your truck.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Nothing to do with macho, just a desire to have the right tool at the right time. Insurance can and will replace anything... except me. It's a worst case scenario I want to be prepared for.
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Veteran Expediter
Carrying a weapon in you vehicle is legal in most states, but the weapon has to UN loaded and the ammo CANNOT be anywhere near the weapon.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Carrying a weapon in you vehicle is legal in most states, but the weapon has to UN loaded and the ammo CANNOT be anywhere near the weapon.

Both the firearm and ammo can be in the trunk at the same time. The firearm in it's case and the ammo in a different one. I don't believe the ammo even as to be in a case. I keep a box of steel duck loads in my pickup truck all the time just in case I leave home and forget my shells.


Veteran Expediter
I believe the law says "separate from the ammunition." Don't remember if it's defined further than that.


Veteran Expediter
I've said this before on this forum, I'm a retired
Deputy Sheriff, and I can carry a weapon anywhere in the nation concealed or otherwise, so long as I have my Retired card with me and my most recent yearly qualification card.

I just love these multi-tiered societies in which some people have more rights than others. Makes it even more galling when the same rights are guaranteed to all.


Veteran Expediter
I'm not saying this because of Paul, but I don't see any difference between a retired cop or a citizen. There should never be a difference - period.

BUT with that said, I don't care if people think it is a right or not, it takes one of these idiot cowboy truckers who think they own the road to get p*ssed off and use the weapon to kill someone - opps ... didn't that happen already??