There is a third option. Lose weight and be no more one of those "fat guys" who are increasingly under the gun.
More than most people, AMonger, you complain loudly and often about the loss of freedom, and in many cases I agree with you. In fact, the increasing regulatory burden contributed to Diane's and my
decision to exit the trucking industry. We felt the regulatory leash become a noose which tightened and tightened and tightened to the point where we said, enough! Once free as truckers, we felt free no more and decided to quit while we were still ahead. So, when it comes to freedom, AMonger, Diane and I are right there with you, and we vote, not only on election day, but with our feet.
Now, let me ask you to consider this question. It comes not from a critic but from a sympathetic soul who is as concerned about freedom as you are.
How serious are you about freedom really?
It's one thing to complain loud and proud about the freedoms the government -- those people with badges and guns -- are taking away from you. But when you saturate yourself inside and out with fat, such that your body functions are degraded and you lose the ability to easily do things that you once did without hinderance, how serious are you about freedom really?
You are absolutely correct when you say the people with regulatory power, and with badges and guns, are taking truck driver freedoms away. But closer to home, in your home, in in your body, who is the greater opressor? How much freedom do you take away from yourself by neglecting your health to the point where you can't even breathe without effort and you give those people with badges and guns yet another excuse to place their boot on your neck?
For many overweight drivers, it took a lifetime of bad habits to grow into one of the fat guys. So becoming a fat guy no more will not be easy or instant. But it can be easy and it can be instant to take the first step in that direction.
Get yourself onto a treadmill and literally take that easy, instant and first step, and then take another. With each step, vote with your feet for freedom. Don't push yourself. Celebrate the fact that you are on a treadmill at all. Rejoice that you are on this new path to freedom, not because the people with badges and guns made you do it, but because you are choosing to free yourself to live a healthier life.
Then do it again in a day or two, and again a day or two after that. As you repeat the behavior, your body and mind will respond. The old habits that turned you into a fat guy will begin to lose their grip. New thoughts and habits will take their place.
The path to fitness is not straight. There will be setbacks as the old habits fight to survive. But as long as you remain committed each day to taking that first, easy step -- be it on a treadmill or at the table -- you will be on the freedom path and the benefits of good health will come to be yours.