. The 1/2 hour dose not reduce driving hours it goes against your 14 hour clock and it forces your employer to give you an oppertunity to park the truck eat lunch, drink a coffee, and use the restroom..
in too many cases TRUCKERS are pushed against their 14 more often they they are against their 11.
the 1/2 hour break WILL reduced drive time. daily.
the new restart rule WILL reduce drive time. greatly.
this rule will do nothing for safety. a 2007 study done by the DOT, {NITZA}, showed that ONLY 1.4% of all truck accident are 'fatigue related', a lunch break will NOT improved safety, it will do nothing to improved drivers lifestyle, or comfort zone.
it will create the opportunity for more accident to accrue, as most truck accident happen in or around truck parking area's.
it WILL increase congestion in area's where trucks go in or out. it WILL increase the time it takes Expediters to get in/out of a fuel stop.
we are away from our homes for weeks at a time trying to make an honest living providing an essential service to our country. this rule will make us work less, and save MUCH less while away from home. as a direct result, from now on, Expediters will be home less.
most of us do not work for an Employer. this is the MAIN problem with this 'one size fits all' rule making process. it meant to regulate the ATA while infact it regulate the small business owners.
this is the result of not joining an association that represent truckers.
or you can ***** around, what ever float your truck.