Rudy Giuliani


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Retired Expediter
Guiliani Disbarred in DC

After being disbarred in New York, Rudy has now also been permanently disbarred in DC.
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Retired Expediter
Further confirmation that Trump associates with and hires people who are liars devoid of integrity, willing to abuse rather than respect the justice system. Further confirmation that Giuliani himself is a liar devoid of integrity, willing to abuse rather than respect the justice system.


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Retired Expediter
Giuliani Ordered to Appear

Moss and Freeman have notified the court that Giuliani has failed to turn over his assets to the receivers as ordered. The telephone status conference has been canceled. Instead, the judge ordered Giuliani to appear in person. He must appear 11/7/24 12PM.

This could be very bad news for Giuliani. The Court may have reached its limit with his contemptuous behavior.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

Poor Rudy, but does he realize that that the lawyers will now file an emergency motion to seize the money that he collected from the gofundme account?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Justice is best served cold" is entirely appropriate for this resolution of the ridiculous Giuliani defamation case. The two low-level Democrat party shills have agreed to an undisclosed settlement and Rudy get to keep all his property, belongings and probably most of his money without having to admit wrongdoing. Looking back at some of the insipid hate-filled posts, one can't help but laugh at the way things turned out.

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