Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll For 2nd Year in Row


Veteran Expediter
How ya been? Ain't seen you for a day or so.

Don't ask me how I've been unless you actually mean it. Your fake concern and sarcasm is not welcomed. You continually whine and moan about "personal insults" and being "snotty" towards one another but you, a moderator I might add, are guilty of doing just that. Practice what you preach.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Don't ask me how I've been unless you actually mean it. Your fake concern and sarcasm is not welcomed. You continually whine and moan about "personal insults" and being "snotty" towards one another but you, a moderator I might add, are guilty of doing just that. Practice what you preach.

Thanks for waking up, and by the way, I DID mean it or I would not have said it. Amazing, do you have anything else to do but sit there and wait for me to say something that you can jump on?


Veteran Expediter
"GoProud's advocacy of homosexuality stands in direct conflict with traditional conservative principles."

I think it is an illustration of the problem, there is no openness within the party to change, the religious groups which dragged the party down are the ones who keep screaming about traditional conservative principles. BUT I keep hearing this term a lot while no one seems to get that there really isn't any traditional conservative principles because of the lack of uniformity within the conservative movement. The funny thing is many of those who call themselves conservative are actually libertarians.
Many who call themselves libertarians are actually libertines and have no business disrupting the conservative movement. I, along with other social conservatives, am beginning to see "libertarians" for the menace they represent.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are those that would attempt to promote the idea that the Libertarians are the true conservatives - this is hardly the case. There are a lot of Libertarian positions that are easy to agree with, but their platform as a whole is just not acceptable in today's world. On one hand, Ron Paul should just go ahead and bolt to the Libertarian party and be done with it; on the other, if he does he could probably bleed off just enough votes to damage the GOP just like Ross Perot did against HW Bush. Anyone who is attracted to the Libertarians should first do a little homework and see what this movement is really all about. It doesn't take much research to discover why the "neocon" label came to be such a perjorative term directed mostly toward Jews like Irving Kristol who found the Libertarians to be out of step with modern conservativism.
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Veteran Expediter
Many who call themselves libertarians are actually libertines and have no business disrupting the conservative movement. I, along with other social conservatives, am beginning to see "libertarians" for the menace they represent.

What menace?



Veteran Expediter
What menace?

By menace I meant libertarians are a threat to the larger conservative movement. Libertarians, generally speaking, do not share traditional conservative viewpoints on social issues such as abortion, homosexual marriage, etc. If the GOP is prepared to concede important social and cultural issues to the Liberals and libertarians, then we might as well close shop. Sometimes, I wonder if libertarians just might be infiltrators from the Left dedicated to the destruction of traditional family structure and values. Since the Libertarian Party can't get any attention, perhaps their game is to co-opt one of the two dominant parties. I think the libertines would feel right at home with Bill Clinton & Co. Please make them go away. *L*


Veteran Expediter
Ron Paul is able to get a lot of support going early but is not mainstream enough to win in the long run. I think if people paid attention to the issues instead of the party we would see support for more people outside of the norm.


Veteran Expediter
What menace?

Oh yes indeed .... for some, freedom (particularly when it involves others) is absolutely a very menacing proposition indeed .....

They just absolutely know that Bill or Bob or Sue ..... over there .... can't be trusted ..... and would somehow be a threat to themselves, or others.

Thus comes about all the "I-or-the-state-need-to-be-all-up-in-your-business" and other general busybody-ness that there is ....

Of course, freedom - for themselves - is a perfectly fine thing.

....... heheheheh ...... yeah, freedom's a menace for these jokers alright ....... ya just gotta love it, dontcha ? :D


Veteran Expediter
For those that seem to be unaware of (or perhaps just unwilling to acknowledge) the difference:

Libertarian Does Not Equal Libertine
By Chuck George

"Exercising my God-given right to squander my meager wealth as I choose, I went to buy the Kid one of those camera-equipped cell phones. Capitalists effectively advertise these things and the teen set feel they are deprived if they don’t have one. They understand prestige. The buyer must function within very narrow specifications.

The clean-cut, well-dressed young man with whom I had dealt before is personable and very knowledgeable about his job, the equipment and the contracts. Hah! The contracts! Another capitalist gimmick; the price of the unit isn’t dirt cheap, although surprisingly inexpensive for all you get and for the quality of the image, the quality of the sound, the saturation of signal in this area. The hook is in the requirement to sign a two-year contract for service with this company…; they can’t fool me; that’s where the profit is. I signed and I paid.

The clean-cut, well-dressed, personable young man and I had chatted throughout the dealing and the equipment preparation; the sim card had been installed, the number checked (no change), the check signed, the rebate instructions explained (another capitalist gimmick: how many people lose the proof-of-purchase, wait until too late, forget or just don’t get around to sending in that rebate offer application?). It was time for me to take my leave.

But, has recently run three articles I wrote and I’m eager to get the word out to clean-cut, well-dressed, personable and intelligent young men…, or young ladies as the circumstances dictate, about my thoughts thusly recorded and about the site. I leaned over his desk/work station and asked, "Do you have any, uh…, Libertarian, uh…, leanings?"

I really haven’t perfected that opener – and I wasn’t particularly clean-cut or well dressed at the moment.

The flash of disbelief, tinged with an instant of terror, that passed over his face and settled into a deeply suspicious, even contemptuous visage told me I needed to work on that opener. With a quick explanation that libertarianism is a socio-politico-economic school of philosophy that espouses freedom I lamely ended with a protest that it was not the same as libertinism, nor was I a libertine.

He seemed to accept that and seemed to relax a bit. I hurriedly explained my mission, beyond buying the new, slim, camera-phone, and signing the two-year contract, wrote down the links for him and beat my retreat. I wasn’t optimistic about having made a convert but he did say he’d check out the links.

It was obvious to me that this young fellow had heard the word "libertarian." It was quite apparent that he had a considerably different, probably incomplete, understanding of the meaning of that word than I do. He will receive a copy of this article whether or not it is ever published.

From the panicky, contemptuous expression I deduced that his understanding was in the sense of "libertine." That, I think, is a common miss-sense of much of the public, who pay any attention at all, regarding the logical, workable, even noble ideas of libertarianism. It’s a concern I’ve felt for a long time; I even had some notes jotted down that I dug out to put these thoughts together ......"

Article continues at:

Libertarian Does Not Equal Libertine
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Veteran Expediter
The following article was written back in 2006, by former neoconservative, Francis Fukuyama, a rather significant contributor to the rise of the neoconservatism of late. It is a fairly lengthy piece (6 pages), and examines the practical consequences for the United States of hewing to, and practicing such an ideology.

Having witnessed and observed the rotten fruits that that tree bore, he now disavows the ideology as it has come be (identifying it with Leninism) and considers the question:

.... what now ?

After Neoconservatism
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Veteran Expediter

Libertine vs Libertarian
by Liberty Dog

"One of the most common things that I run across when either directly discussing political philosophy or reading others discussion of it is the conflation of libertine with libertarian, especially, but not only, among conservatives. However, they are by no means the same and should not be treated as such by anyone that considers themselves to be informed.

When I hear the term libertine, it is not great libertarian thinkers such as Bastiat, Rand and Mises that come to mind. Rather I think of people such as the Marquis de Sade, Ami Perrin or John Wilmot. I think of rejection of imposed religious morals and sexual freedom exercised to the utmost extremes.

When I hear the term libertarian, on the other hand, I think of personal freedom from government coercion and laissez-faire capitalism. I also think of personal responsibility. To be sure, I see how it could be easy for those opposed to ideas such as the legalization of drugs and prostitution to confuse libertarian advocacy for the legality of such things for libertine philosophy, but only if they were not being intellectually honest with themselves.

The fact that a libertarian may call for legalization of such things does not mean that he is rejecting social standards, it means that he is rejecting the forced implementation of those standards via government coercion.

To be sure, there may well be libertine libertarians, but the two are distinct philosophies and should be treated as such."

Original Blog Post:

Libertine vs Libertarian


Veteran Expediter
By menace I meant libertarians are a threat to the larger conservative movement.

So I am trying to identify this larger movement because it isn't anywhere I can find. I see people speak of it, you have people like Hannity and rush making claims to it, Newt and others claiming something else but overall I see the same thing in the conservative camp as I see in the liberal camp - a mix of people with different ideas defining the movement as they see the need to.

Libertarians, generally speaking, do not share traditional conservative viewpoints on social issues such as abortion, homosexual marriage, etc.

Actually this is a great thing for a lot of reasons, one big reason is that the conservative groups have hijacked a number of Libertarian things, claiming that Libertarians took it from them at the same time. What we are seeing as many voters swing back to the idea that liberty and freedom matters more than social and ideology agendas.

BUT with that said, the key issue that seems to be the basis of the foundation of any conservative group, social, fiscal or just plain vanilla, is smaller less intrusive government. The problem is that conservatism has a serious flaw when they speak of small, less intrusive government and that flaw is that you can't speak or desire it while at the same time demanding that some issues (abortion, homosexual marraige, etc. ... ) are to be 'solved' by the government. In other words the position for any small less intrusive government is hypocritical if you want to address those issues through the government.

The point of view for most libertarians are simple, freedom trumps all. The same goes for in general the classic liberal who thinks that the need to address social issues are done through society, not through the government.

If the GOP is prepared to concede important social and cultural issues to the Liberals and libertarians, then we might as well close shop.

Well you should have closed the shop a while ago. the GOP has, even if they don't want to admit to is concede to very important social and cultural issues - Social Security maybe ring a bell?

Sometimes, I wonder if libertarians just might be infiltrators from the Left dedicated to the destruction of traditional family structure and values.

So it is the libertarians who infiltrated from the left that did this?

Think again.

Outside of the legalize drug crowd, there seems to be a group of people who want the government out of their lives, which means supporting the constitution to allowing people to do what they want with their property.

The destruction of the family unit comes from the present parties in power, and includes a lot of what people consider conservatives. They are the ones who put together a punitive tax system, supported a form of slavery (welfare and social security) and brought us a national health care system. From my point of view (classic liberal) I am against all of that and more but my parting with libertarians has little to do with social/cultural issues but rather economic issues.

Here are two simple points;

Abortion was not about abortion but privacy rights. My take when I look at conservatives screaming about this issue is simple - they can't demand the government to stay out of their medical privacy while interfering with other's. To a libertarian (and classical liberal) the right to privacy matters more and this is a social issue that needs to be address through different avenues but not the government.

Homosexual marriage is not a big deal to me any more. I came to this conclusion when a freind was dying and his "partner" didn't have access to anything while he was in the hospital. They were not gay, but they were friends - they served together in WW2 and saved each other's life. I felt that the restriction on the individual are too much, the one guy should have been able to say "my care is in his control" or "he is family and has permission to ..." but the hospital and the probate court didn't think so. SO to me, a union of sorts is a right of everyone, not just limited to a traditional marriage. Which this goes right back to the rights of the individual trump the rights of the state/feds to define things like this.

Since the Libertarian Party can't get any attention, perhaps their game is to co-opt one of the two dominant parties. I think the libertines would feel right at home with Bill Clinton & Co. Please make them go away. *L*

AND that is what needs to be done. As mention, the conservatives have been hijacking libertarian positions for ages so why not push for a hard takeover of the predominate party of thieves?

I think if you look at the solutions that a libertarian (classic liberal) have for serious issues, it is more than what is spoken about.