Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll For 2nd Year in Row


Veteran Expediter
"conservative libertarian group"

Isn't this somewhat of an oxymoron with the present conservative definition?
Indeed .... completely .... :D

(present "conservatism" being largely a faux conservatism ..... aka neoconservatism)

And it ties into my comments about how (at least some of) the tenets of socialism have been incorporated and rebranded into something else (neoconservatism) .....

It's an effort to co-opt, divide, and marginalize the true libertarian movement by introducing something else which has been rebranded and is being called libertarianism ..... (but actually isn't ....)

Anyone aware of the history and origins of the recent Tea Party movement will understand: the Tea Party movement was originally a phenomena that grew out of the Boston Tea Party (a current political party) and various grassroots support groups and fund-raising efforts (via the use of moneybombs) to get Ron Paul elected in 2008:

"During the fourth quarter of 2007, Paul was the most successful Republican fundraiser, bringing in approximately 20 million dollars. He also received the most money from the armed services of any candidate in the fourth quarter and, out of all the Republican candidates, he had the most support from African-Americans. Ron Paul's campaign set two fund raising records: the largest single day donation total among Republican candidates and twice receiving the most money received via the Internet in a single day by any presidential candidate in American history. Paul's run for president is also noted for its grassroots social networking, facilitated by the Internet."

When the above - the huge amount of money raised in several of these money bombs and the large grassroots support - was observed by others, specifically the mainstream Republican political estabilishment (mostly all neocon now), they got the bright idea that all this grassroots support and all that money was .... kinda nice .....

And why come up with, and do, your own thing, when there's already an existing symbolism and paradigm that's already working .... much better to steal and/or try and co-opt what is there and try to bring them into the fold.

For these yokels at YAF to claim any mantle of libertarianism at this point, after throwing Dr. Paul under the bus, is ..... but a cruel joke .... only being played on the unwitting ....
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Veteran Expediter
Well ron had to Subtract his deal with the YAF while at he can ADD this:
Since you brought up Tom Woods, I offer the following 2007 piece (where he is mentioned in reference to his introduction to Murray Rothbard's book "The Betrayal of The American Right") of the comparison of this nation's first Mr. Republican, with the second, and the true principles of a Republican foreign policy:

Ron Paul: Mr. Republican

Dunno know if you've read the article already - but I know you'll get it ;)

Robert Taft's words were prescient indeed .....
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Veteran Expediter
I only wish it meant more. I voted for Ron Paul the last time. IMO he's about the only GOOD choice out there. The rest are which evil is the least of the ills?

My guess is that 2012 will be an Obama vs Palin election. Talk about a lose/lose choice. Uggh.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It has been a lose/lose in every election that I have voted in for my entire voting life. Ron Paul is only marginally better than Palin/Obama/Romney/Clinton etc etc etc.


Veteran Expediter
LOL!! Good idea!!! Are Canadian politicians as stupid as ours are? Watching your news it seems that way from an outside observer.

Probably are but as a true Canadian I just go on with my business and tend not to worry about it. I'm just enjoying the parity of our dollar.


Veteran Expediter
Ron Paul is only marginally better than Palin/Obama/Romney/Clinton etc etc etc.

Actually if it wasn't for his radical idea that we can get along without federal funding, he is far above the Palin/obama/romney/clinton crowd.

I find this ironic in the article

People now associate the Republican Party with crazed war-mongering, massive military spending, and relentless conflict-seeking, to the point even of a messianic global crusade on behalf of American imperial control.
You can say this about the democrats too and it sounds right ...

People now associate the Democratic Party with crazed war-mongering, massive military spending, and relentless conflict-seeking, to the point even of a messianic global crusade on behalf of American imperial control.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
So Ron Paul wins the CPAC straw poll for the 2d time, so what? He'll end up with the same result at the end of the campaign as last year. He's almost a good candidate if it wasn't for the loony factor that continues to creep in. For what it's worth, here's another article about Neoconservatism that seems to offer a better understanding than the explanation on Wikipedia.

POLITICS: What Is a Neo-Conservative Anyway? - IPS


Veteran Expediter
But doesn't anyone find it rather odd that he even wins with all these "conservatives" floating around there?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
But doesn't anyone find it rather odd that he even wins with all these "conservatives" floating around there?

"Floating Conservatives" ? :confused: Who knows if they are REALLY conservatives? What "kind" of conservatives? Could those "floating conservatives" be Obama plants? LOL!! :p


Veteran Expediter
CPAC is in crisis mode right now. The spectacle of inviting GoProud has driven many reliable stalwarts away. GoProud will not be invited to future CPAC conferences. GoProud's advocacy of homosexuality stands in direct conflict with traditional conservative principles. New leadership is sorely needed at CPAC if the organization wishes to remain relevant. Moreover, CPAC is populated by snooty elites pretending to speak for rank and file conservatives. They don't.

CPAC's straw poll is meaningless, IMO.


Veteran Expediter
"GoProud's advocacy of homosexuality stands in direct conflict with traditional conservative principles."

I think it is an illustration of the problem, there is no openness within the party to change, the religious groups which dragged the party down are the ones who keep screaming about traditional conservative principles. BUT I keep hearing this term a lot while no one seems to get that there really isn't any traditional conservative principles because of the lack of uniformity within the conservative movement. The funny thing is many of those who call themselves conservative are actually libertarians.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A TRUE constitutional conservative/libertarian would welcome everyone into their fold. They would fight AGAINST federal involvement in things like marriage, abortion, health care, education and so on. MOST of what this congress and president are involved with are STATE issues. They have NO business sticking their collective noses in them .


Veteran Expediter
BUT Layout, the thing that many do not simply get is Obama is not the worst we have had nor is he going to be the last. SINCE Lincoln, the states have been a target. I would guess if we look at most of the presidents and congress's of the past, Jackson was the LAST president who understood what the constitution was about and how it worked.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Obama might not be the worst but he is working hard at it. This congress is no better. Obama shows an almost hatred for the Constitution. So does this congress. We should ALL be ashamed as we continue to vote these bums into office.


Veteran Expediter
He isn't the first that hated the constitution, Wilson wasn't all that fond of it and neither was TR. FDR and his administration did a lot of damage and thank God we had a court that stopped him.

For example the reason for such hatred toward Taft during his administration by TR was the fact that Taft wouldn't follow TR's path in trashing the constitution and Taft was right in reversing some of the TR policies. If TR would not have entered the 1912 election, then Wilson would not have won. Wilson came out and said he sees no need for the constitution and wanted the democratic form of government with a parliament and all that crap and used the same tactics that were later used by the Nazis and the Italian Fascists.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Never said he was the first, just the current in a LONG line of Anti-Americans in that office. Our current congress is NO better. Our government is only out for THEIR power and control over us.