Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll For 2nd Year in Row


Veteran Expediter
just being reported as a "scoop" on Faux News (apparently the results have not yet been officially announced) with 30% of the vote.

Mitt Romney was second with 23% of the vote.
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Veteran Expediter
just being reported as a "scoop" on Faux News (apparently the results have not yet been officially announced) with 30% of the vote.

Mitt Romney was second with 23% of the vote.
Hannity will claim it never happened.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Who cares? First off, straw don't vote. Second, they are both retread LOSERS!! What ever happened to new and refreshing? Not from the ReBumLiCans, or Dumb-O-Crats for that matter. :( We cannot expect any kind of REAL different outcome if we keep doing the same old thing every election.


Veteran Expediter
Who cares? First off, straw don't vote. Second, they are both retread LOSERS!!
So you base your support of a candidate on who wins ..... rather than on your own philosophical and political positions ?

Sounds sorta lemming-like to me ..... :rolleyes:

Not from the ReBumLiCans, or Dumb-O-Crats for that matter.
So what are you thinking there Layout ..... Green Party ?

Reform Party ?

Mebbe you're considering going SPUSA (socialist) on us ?

Who do ya like ?

What ever happened to new and refreshing? ...... We cannot expect any kind of REAL different outcome if we keep doing the same old thing every election.
The above statements, when said in the context of Ron Paul, is perhaps the single most imbecilic thing I have read in ... oh, I dunno .... maybe the last ten years ?

Honestly ..... do you actually even bother to think before you open the flycatcher .... or is it all just sort of on automatic ?

Please now explain for us all how anything that Ron Paul advocates, in terms of his policy positions and philosophy is "the same old thing" ....

Go ahead ... impress us all with your deep philosophical insights, high intelligence, and your broad familiarity with Paul's positions.

I, as well as everyone else here I'm sure, am ready to be dazzled blind ..... :rolleyes:

As to your comments above, my thoughts are:

Who cares ?

As per usual, you add nothing new to the conversation, and certainly nothing in your comments could be considered, in any way whatsoever, intelligent .... even in the most remotest sense.

Actually, they are, quite the opposite.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You do such a FINE job of keeping personal insults out of conversations. There is no need for that sort of thing. If you don't like what I say, fine, no need to be snotty.

I don't HAVE to like Ron Paul or ANYONE for that matter. I don't HAVE to like ANY of the two criminal organizations we call political parties either. I also don't have to like who you do or think I should. It is called FREEDOM.

I like little about Paul, or ANY of the candidates, including Obama, Palin or any of the other "rat pack" that is out there. Just more political bull hockey. NOTHING NEW!! I am TIRED of politicians of ANY flavor.

Whether or not you think that I do add or don't to this conversation is of no matter to me. I don't really care what you think. You are just another of the 6 billion out there who have NO real impact on my life. You DO, however, contribute some good ideas in other forums that I value.


Veteran Expediter
Then you have this:

YAF national board expels Ron Paul from advisory board

The Washington Times
Kerry Picket
Published on February 12, 2011
YAF national board expels Ron Paul from advisory board - Washington Times

Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) , a conservative libertarian group founded in 1960 at the estate of William F. Buckley, expelled Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Republican, from their advisory board on Saturday. The organization released the following statement on Saturday afternoon:

The National Board of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)—America's oldest conservative-libertarian activist group—has, per curium, voted to purge Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) from YAF’s National Advisory Board.

YAF’s concern with Rep. Paul stems from his delusional and disturbing alliance with the fringe Anti-War movement.

“It is a sad day in American history when a one-time conservative-libertarian stalwart has fallen more out of touch with America’s needs for national security than the current feeble and appeasing administration,” said YAF’s Senior National Director Jordan Marks.

“Who would have ever thought that we would see the day when YAF was more aligned with the Obama administration than a formerly conservative Republican congressman? Rep. Paul's refusal to support our nation’s military and national security interests border on treason, aside from his failure to uphold his oath to the United States Constitution and defend our country and citizens against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” Marks continued.

“Rep. Paul has strayed to the left of Obama and allied himself with the radical anti-war left by laying the blame on America for the unprovoked attacks of Sept. 11th. Additionally, Rep. Paul has not condemned the 9/11 "Truther" conspiracy theorists that support him, and he has repeatedly insisted, that the United States not bring justice to those who have murdered thousands of our civilians and soldiers at home and abroad. This is simply unacceptable. Clearly Rep. Paul cares more about a doomed presidential run than he does our country,” Marks added.

YAF National Chairman Michael Jones issued the following statement on this issue:

"The United States is in a time of economic crisis, but this is no excuse to abandon the principles that have built this great country and spread its ideals to the darkest recesses of the planet. The United States is the world's leader--a beacon of light for the wretched and the oppressed. God has blessed the United States with liberty and the strength and heart to spread that liberty to all of his children. Rep. Paul has abandoned this mission, abandoned the United States' citizens, and abandoned the citizens of the world in their quest for their God-given natural rights."

YAF's founding document, The Sharon Statement, clearly states: “American foreign policy must be judged by this criterion: does it serve the just interests of the United States?”

"History has shown that periods of freedom are rare, and can exist only when free citizens concertedly defend their rights against all enemies."

“Freedom and prosperity cannot peacefully exist alongside radical Islam. It is unfortunate that Ron Paul--a member of the U.S. Congress-- does not understand this. Surely, our enemies do.”

On Saturday, Congressman Paul won the CPAC-Washington Times straw poll, where he was voted as the top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nomination


Veteran Expediter

That statement is a complete crackup - and indicates complete takeover and subsumption of the YAF by forces which could only be described as neo-con - who, not surprisingly (to some, at any rate) admit they are more aligned with Obama, than with Ron Paul's more common sense approach to foreign policy - which mirrors the traditional Old Right Republican approach.

So much for actually practicing conservatism ..... :rolleyes:

The alignment with Obama and others on the left should come as no surprise - since the initial emergence of the ideology came from those who were (once, supposedly ... although one wonders if it isn't still) socialist or liberal (former Trotskyists and Shachtmanites)

Never underestimate the ability to sucker the masses by wrapping anything up in national defense, the flag, and patriotism - and then calling it something that fools will buy into.

If you're expecting to get the fiscal house in order any time soon, don't look for it to happen with the neocons at the helm .... we've already seen how that panned out, and indeed, their philosophical writings on the matter (as opposed to rhetoric designed for public consumption) leave little doubt as to where we are headed. Prepare to be spent to death.


Veteran Expediter
You do such a FINE job of keeping personal insults out of conversations.
I believe that I commented on the ideas contained in your statement.

And then invited you to back up what you said with actual specifics and facts ..... using your not inconsiderable personal abilities and knowledge.

There is no need for that sort of thing. If you don't like what I say, fine, no need to be snotty.
Your time and effort would probably be better spent with laying out the factual foundation for your statements ..... rather than just whining about the rhetorical devices I use to attack your ideas.

And if you would really prefer that I act in some other manner than what you (mis)characterize as "snotty", see if you can do a little intellectual heavy lifting and attack the guy on policy positions or the issues - as opposed to just attacking him in some vague generalized manner.

That would be at least somewhat more intellectually honest - and would be the basis for a debate.

I don't HAVE to like Ron Paul or ANYONE for that matter. I don't HAVE to like ANY of the two criminal organizations we call political parties either. I also don't have to like who you do or think I should. It is called FREEDOM.
Yup - absolutely true.

One does however have to be willing to back up what they say .... at least if they prefer to not look like an idiot.

I like little about Paul, or ANY of the candidates, including Obama, Palin or any of the other "rat pack" that is out there. Just more political bull hockey. NOTHING NEW!! I am TIRED of politicians of ANY flavor.
Might I suggest that your continued commentary, and repeatedly and continuously engaging conversations about them, would seem to indicate otherwise, at least to the point that you apparently aren't so tired as to avoid talking about them.

Whether or not you think that I do add or don't to this conversation is of no matter to me. I don't really care what you think. You are just another of the 6 billion out there who have NO real impact on my life.
Well, I do think that - you don't really add anything to this conversation - not because you couldn't .... but simply because you choose not to .....

Make a different choice if you so desire ... it's within your power.

You DO, however, contribute some good ideas in other forums that I value.
Just as I value your good ideas and observations in here, or anywhere else on EO. It's certainly not like you don't have any - you do.
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Veteran Expediter
"conservative libertarian group"

Isn't this somewhat of an oxymoron with the present conservative definition?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The ONLY thing that REALLY matters is that I VOTE!! No one in here is ever going to change anyones mind. A good rant is healthy, lowers the blood pressure. I just wish I had a say in the primaries, not in Michigan though, they are FIXED. I vote for, or against, whom ever I choose to do based on my personal beliefs and life experiences. Nothing else matters.


Veteran Expediter
Well ron had to Subtract his deal with the YAF while at he can ADD this:

Defender of the Constitution

Tom Woods
Feb. 13, 2011

Donald Rumsfeld was awarded the “Defender of the Constitution” award at CPAC 2011 — by Dick Cheney, no less. At Campaign for Liberty’s Liberty Forum at CPAC, I had the privilege of presenting an award to the real defender of the Constitution.

Defender of the Constitution | Tom Woods - New York Times Bestselling Author


Veteran Expediter
Not a doubt in my mind that my new grandson will be paying for this debt when he hits the workforce....:(
I have no grandchildren at this point, nor any on the immediate horizon that I'm aware of :rolleyes: ....... but I'm fairly sure that that both of my children will be paying for it as long as they live :( .... if they remain here in the US that is .....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have no grandchildren at this point, nor any on the immediate horizon that I'm aware of :rolleyes: ....... but I'm fairly sure that that both of my children will be paying for it as long as they live :( .... if they remain here in the US that is .....

I DO have a granddaughter and I shudder to think what those bums in Washington have done to her. As to moving else where, there are few places where they are NOT in this mess. Far too much socialism around the world. All end up broke. Peter is broke and Paul keeps trying to rob him. :mad:


Veteran Expediter
Layout wrote:

Not me, I would rather go down fighting. Put in far too much time here.

I totally understand and in the passed i also felt the same way, but its not just the polictics now...we are on a fast track to the ecomonic staus of a a 3rd world nation...our country is bankrupt and only being sustained by the chinese and japan...without them lending to us, we are done....and i do believe that is how china will control us....though the use of ecomonic pressures....yea china is a mess economically also, but the government there can control their product and markets and they are working to bring more foreign manufacturing there while we are working to tax our businesses out of the country....

We are still the #1 manufacturing country in the world, we out produce china by 40%..but china just surpassed japan in manufacturing and they are closing the gap on us by bring in those foreign companies that we are pushing won't be that long before we are nothing more that a "user nation" because of our economic policies...

I won't even start to go into the blowout of the dollar to levels that will make it totally worthless, but its on the way...look at the IMF this week saying they need a new reserve currency because the dollar is close to worthless and not stable...

No its no longer about just politics, the economy is becoming the leader in alot of peoples view....and when the welfare entitlement groups and the poor and the growing poor no longer get what the gov has been giving them, what is happening all over the middle east will look like childs play here....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, it does look bleak, but I just don't care. I spent 20 years defending our Constitution, old habits die hard.


Veteran Expediter
I totally understand and admirer your position. No matter what anyone may say or think of you Joe, no one can question your loyality to your beliefs and convictions...and that is a most impressive admirable trait...