Ron Paul Newsletter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Most everyone else will see that currently he's either lying about being ignorant of the contents of those publications, or his level of incompetence is so great as to disqualify him for any position requiring minimal responsibility and managerial skills.
You're likely right about that, most everyone else will see one of those two options, despite one being unprovable and the other being a logical fallacy.

First of all, lying about being ignorant of the contents can, and likely will be proven if the other candidates and/or somebody in the media starts to take him seriously and wants to do the spade work. We already know he was active with the Ron Paul Survival Report.

Secondly - and this point has been made ad nauseum both in this forum and in the media - there's no way a politician and public figure could have allowed himself to be in the dark about the content of those newsletters without being either negligent or grossly incompetent. Only one or two were printed each month, and if ghostwritten they can be easily proofread no matter what kind of schedule is imposed on one's time. No politician or public figure of any standing is going to risk his reputation and his position in office by blindly allowing strangers the opportunity to misrepresent who he is and what he stands for. To do so would not only be irresponsible, it would be ILLOGICAL.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Which is probably why he put a stop to it when he found out about it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just for starters, try this one on for size: According to Eric Dondero, Rudy Giuliani is a Libertarian ... :eek:

Many strange and interesting things lurk in the Dondero Bizzaro World™

Once again trying to discredit a messenger. Hmmm. a common theme. :D


Veteran Expediter
Once again trying to discredit a messenger. Hmmm. a common theme.
Questioning the veracity and possible bias of the messenger, through examination of a variety of things, such as the past conduct, motives, actions, and speech of the individual is not necessarily out of bounds.

Personal veracity and honesty is, afterall, largely what this thread seems to be about, is it not ? :rolleyes:

From ad hominem circumstantial:

"Where the source seeks to convince an audience of the truth of a premise by a claim of authority or by personal observation, observation of their circumstances may reduce the evidentiary weight of the claims, sometimes to zero .....

Conflict of Interest: Where a source seeks to convince by a claim of authority or by personal observation, identification of conflicts of interest are not ad hominem – it is generally well accepted that an "authority" needs to be objective and impartial, and that an audience can only evaluate information from a source if they know about conflicts of interest that may affect the objectivity of the source. Identification of a conflict of interest is appropriate, and concealment of a conflict of interest is a problem.

Doug Walton has argued that ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, and that in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue, as when it directly involves hypocrisy, or actions contradicting the subject's words."

Ad hominem
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Veteran Expediter
If you'd like to get a little insight into Eric Dondero (or Rittberg) have a long drink over here, from some folks that know him personally, and have formerly worked with him:

Eric Dondero is a Leftist and Leftist Lover

For anyone familiar with psychopathic individuals, and their tendency to accuse others of the very thing they themselves are in fact doing, the following (partial) quote from Jake Witmer in the comments section, could be quite informative:

"I strongly suspect that Dondero was the racist element of Paul's "newsletter days" office, and that he slipped some of his sabotage into the newsletters (or at least encouraged it). Lew Rockwell was the editor then, and perhaps less aware than Eric of the damage it would later do to Paul. (So, Eric, as a backstabbing saboteur, may have been fairly effective. I can easily see him thinking "Lew's the editor, he'll take the blame for this, if I can just convince him it increases fundraising, or sneak it past him when he's overworked!")."

I haven't checked it, but it would be very interesting indeed to see if Mr. Dondero's employment with Congressman Paul corresponds precisely with the time the newsletters with offensive content were produced.

BTW .... if no one has read it the slanted coverage y'all are reading, apparently Eric Dondero had the dubious distinction of being the first staff member Dr. Paul ever had to dismiss and fire.

The above isn't the only thing out there on Dondero .... or Rittberg .... or whatever pseudonym he's using today by far .... you can find stuff going back some years ... none of it particularly flattering (unless he wrote it himself ... then it might flattering, but it will also likely be bat**** insane)

Dondero had a habit of trying to attach himself to people in power and ride their coattails for his own personal benefit ..... Dr. Paul was one ...... Harry Browne was another one ....

Extremely ethical individuals tend to attract their own personal Judas' ..... but no surprise there - that's been goin' on for a long, long time ......
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Veteran Expediter
Back in '08 a commenter (Mona) on another blog posted the following questions:

"Never have I endorsed Paul, tho my approval for so many of his contemporary positions and the fits he gives the GOP make many surmise that I have. But I have carefully NOT endorsed him.

What I wonder is this: what did Eric Dondero think about those newsletter items before he abandoned Paul over “Islamofascism” and Total War on Muslims?"

Receiving no response, "Mona" probes further:

"Eric Dondero, do you feel ashamed of your 12-year association with Ron Paul? Were you a “racist” then, too?

Then "Leonard" repeats the question:

Eric: did you know what was in those newsletters at the time? Specifically, did you ever read any of the racially incendiary language that has since popped up? Did you confront Ron Paul with it, and if so, what did he say?"

I think in his response, Mr. Dondero, doth protest just a wee bit too loudly:

"I am ashamed that I mistakenly posted on this Blog. Will never come back here again. You all are obviously a bunch of liberal slime, who paint anyone who doesn’t agree with your Socialist garbage a “racist.”"

To which "Mona" responds:

"Dondero writes irrational nonsense and this:


So, now that you oppose him — for failing to “oppose Islamofascim” — and you speculate Ron Paul had some responsibility for what is contained in his old newsletters, you simultaneously have have ZERO interest in discussing what said newsletters say about you as his aide of some 12 years during that period, if Paul might be racist. Got it."

It's interesting to note the "speculate" in the post (which probably relates to Dondero's comments in another thread which I have not yet read) ..... would seemingly fly in the face of his current assertions that Ron Paul "read every line" (?) .....

Perhaps we have: BUSTED

It's just never a good idea to lie ....
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Veteran Expediter
And if one wishes to really understand the oozing, slimy milieu that Kirchick, who resurrected this controversy, rose out of, have a little a quick read of this article:

Reason's Libertarians, in Pursuit of Happiness

As Aristotle once rightly noted there is such a thing as a libertine ..... however that's not necessarily what a libertarian is. These folks however, apparently are - just preceding the closing line of the article:

"But Reason's goal in Washington is not to agree with everyone, says Welch, but rather this: "We want to add a new bacteria to the culture."

Yes indeed .... :rolleyes:

(You'll have to read the article if you want the punch line :cool:)


Veteran Expediter
More of the infinite wisdom of Eric Dondero (the man who once deigned to tell Dr. Ron Paul, that he should just listen to infinite wisdom incarnate - Dondero - and just become a neocon) directly from his own mouth, in discussing Rudy Ghouliani:

"But Brad, 60/60 or some arbitrary number means that Rudy is in fact the most libertarian of all candidates. Don’t you understand? The number says so. He’s a real man [one that likes to get dressed up in drag apparently :rolleyes:], who believes in libertarianism, but also knows that we need a father figure to tell us what is right and wrong, and make sure we are tucked in at night, and safe from the evil in the closet. And besides, my candidate can kick your candidates butt."

Eric Dondero
blah, blah, blah
check out my true libertarian website
blah, blah, blah
worked for Ron Paul

I'll spare everyone (for the moment) of the remainder of Dondero's highly vulgar, cursing rants in the remainder of the thread ... which highly resembles a pre-adolescent temper-tantrum ......

What a frickin' moronic putz this 'tard is .... :cool:
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Wow, five back-to-back posts questioning the veracity and possible bias of the messenger. While ad hominem attacks are not always fallacious and are sometimes quite appropriate, concocting a hypocritical situation or pushing the definition of hypocrisy for the express purpose of an ad hominem attack is a logical fallacy in and of itself. So is detraction and guilt by association (toe sucker, oozing, slimy milieu, psychopathic individuals, dressed up in drag - none of which fit the hypocrisy criteria for an acceptable ad hominem attack). The above is a cornucopia of logical fallacies, but overall seems to be a logical fallacy of desperate argumentum verbosum. And, what I like to call Pantheridium Modem Sere (Panther Crisis Mode, where something needs to be fixed, desperately, despite it not being broken).

Me thinks somebody is dothing too much, and they need to calm down and take a pill, because I'm starting to get concerned about the mental health of somebody. Maybe see a psychiatrist or something. Maybe get a script for Fanaticalodol.

This message brought to you by your friendly neighborhood grounding rod. I'm just sayin'. :D


Veteran Expediter
Turtle wrote:

Wow, five back-to-back posts questioning the veracity and possible bias of the messenger. While ad hominem attacks are not always fallacious and are sometimes quite appropriate, concocting a hypocritical situation or pushing the definition of hypocrisy for the express purpose of an ad hominem attack is a logical fallacy in and of itself. So is detraction and guilt by association (toe sucker, oozing, slimy milieu, psychopathic individuals, dressed up in drag - none of which fit the hypocrisy criteria for an acceptable ad hominem attack). The above is a cornucopia of logical fallacies, but overall seems to be a logical fallacy of desperate argumentum verbosum. And, what I like to call Pantheridium Modem Sere (Panther Crisis Mode, where something needs to be fixed, desperately, despite it not being broken).

Me thinks somebody is dothing too much, and they need to calm down and take a pill, because I'm starting to get concerned about the mental health of somebody. Maybe see a psychiatrist or something. Maybe get a script for Fanaticalodol.

This message brought to you by your friendly neighborhood grounding rod. I'm just sayin'.

LOL, come on now...if nothing fits the "agenda"....:D

Oh wait, only i do that kind of thing...LOL...:D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe he had a file already completed in advanced tucked away waiting for the precise moment to release. Hehehe. :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter

One month before the Iowa Caucus
You people need to listen to me!


Two weeks before the Iowa Caucus
What's wrong with these people?


One week before the Iowa Caucus
OmiGod whatamigonnado thesepeople arecrazy!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Good illustration of the actions of the MSM and the Republicrat establishment ... ;)

Nope, more like................ HEHEHEHE LOL!! I run into people like that on the street from time to time. Kinda "fanatic". :p People need to be quiet and more reserved, like me! :D


Veteran Expediter
Nope, more like................ HEHEHEHE LOL!! I run into people like that on the street from time to time. Kinda "fanatic". People need to be quiet and more reserved, like me!
Anyone who knows your past history on here, and some of your past statements, will certainly appreciate the irony of the statement above :rolleyes: