Ron Paul Exposed


Veteran Expediter
Well hey .... anything that drives Sean Hannity nuts can't be all bad can it .... ?


Expert Expediter
Sounds like somebody needs to take a deep breath or get on the McCain bandwagon. Atleast support somebody who has a chance of winning.

Vinnie T

Seasoned Expediter
What's the problem? The weed thing?

So flippin you have any idea how much tax money is spent on incarserating marajuana users? It's a waste of money to mess with pot heads!

Illegal immagrants
National ID card
small government
stop uncontrolled spending
Eliminate the Fed
Work to get back to the gold standard

sounds like his policies make sense

Much more then any sheep from the Republicons or Democraps!


Veteran Expediter
What's the problem? The weed thing?

So flippin you have any idea how much tax money is spent on incarserating marajuana users? It's a waste of money to mess with pot heads!

Illegal immagrants
National ID card
small government
stop uncontrolled spending
Eliminate the Fed
Work to get back to the gold standard

sounds like his policies make sense

Much more then any sheep from the Republicons or Democraps!

Way to go Vinnie!!!! Congress does not want someone in there telling them they are the problem. The dollar value and the Fed. Reserve is a problem they helped create. The rich don't have to worry but the working man will lose his bum.


Veteran Expediter
Jumping on the bandwagon sounds like sheep policy. Doesn't it? I won't vote for anyone that won't take his/her oath to protect the Constitution. If you think that your rights have been violated by the Bush administration just watch what happens with the next president.

Way to go!


Veteran Expediter
Bob Barr.

I would like to see Ron Paul not to be in this race, I don't want Obama being the president and I think that we will see a repeat of 1912/1992 all over again. I think his time will come if he does not cause a split in the vote.

Speaking of Obama, you know there is a list of things you can't criticize him over - starting with his wife to his affiliation with Aires and other crooked people. This is something that was done in Germany in 1933.