Ron Paul Exposed


Staff member
Retired Expediter
It's just another step in the censoring of speech under the guise of political correctness so as not to offend, but it goes even further than that. Political correctness suffocates free speech, but it goes as far as being utterly intolerant of thought that isn't in the ideal. The Free Speech Movement of the 60's college campuses has become just the opposite, especially on college campuses where free speech is not tolerated and has been replaced with Speech Codes and forbidden questions.

In a politically correct environment (and it's not just here in the US), the search for truth through free speech is subverted by the belief that what is truth, is what is ideologically acceptable, and if it isn't truth, it's not tolerated. It's insane. This ideological approach, which tries to attain truth through rules about what can and cannot be discussed, undermines the traditional cornerstone of American beliefs, namely free and open debate. And by becoming more ideological and less tolerant, a less civil form of discourse is encouraged by default. Yet political correctness is supposed to be all about tolerance.

Ironically, you cannot have tolerance without free speech. The whole free speech principle involves a very special act of carving out one area of social interaction for extraordinary self-restraint (I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it), the purpose of which is to develop and demonstrate a social capacity to control feelings evoked by a host of social encounters. Free speech in and of itself teaches you how to be tolerant of the speech of others, and thus, be tolerant of others in ways other than speech. In fact, the entire job of free speech is nothing short of shaping the intellectual character of an entire society!

Political correctness squashes all of that, utterly.


Veteran Expediter
Bob Barr.

I would like to see Ron Paul "not" to be in this race, I don't want Obama being the president and I think that we will see a repeat of 1912/1992 all over again. I think his time will come if he does not cause a split in the vote.

Speaking of Obama, you know there is a list of things you can't criticize him over - starting with his wife to his affiliation with Aires and other crooked people. This is something that was done in Germany in 1933.

What is with the Bob Barr? I don't think that is my name nor do I think Bob Barr is actually out here in forum land.

And what does he have to do with Ron Paul? He is a separate candidate. If he is still running. Have not heard much of him so I would not know. Although similar still different.


Veteran Expediter
What is with the Bob Barr? I don't think that is my name nor do I think Bob Barr is actually out here in forum land.

And what does he have to do with Ron Paul? He is a separate candidate. If he is still running. Have not heard much of him so I would not know. Although similar still different.

Bob Barr appears to be the libertarian candidate for president, that's all. He is sort of like Ron Paul shifting parties.

Well the point is that Ron Paul is one of many who say the same thing but the difference is that many of the Ron Paul supporters are down right scary and committed.


Veteran Expediter
Bob Barr appears to be the libertarian candidate for president, that's all. He is sort of like Ron Paul shifting parties.

Well the point is that Ron Paul is one of many who say the same thing but the difference is that many of the Ron Paul supporters are down right scary and committed.


Most of the Ron Paul supporters that I have met are educated. I would not say being committed is something that is suppose to put a scare in you. I am committed, however I am not scary.

We need more people to committ to a common cause. Sorry if that scares you.

I think those that like Ron Paul like what he stands for: Constitution. He does not tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. And this makes some very angry, but I think if they think really hard on why they are angry it is because there is truth in what he is saying. When the anger subsides the truth reveals itself.

Most of my family are supporting Ron Paul, and most are educated.

These post are written by an honor society member with no less than a 3.7 GPA. Why do I tell you this? Because you think most that support Ron Paul are scary. How are the policies that he wants to correct going to affect the trucking industry? As a self-employed individual I want someone in there that is going to be a benefit not to just my business but to the economy.

All of his policies make sense and are plausible.


Veteran Expediter
Ron Paul’s Brain

Nation’s Largest Taxpayers Group Honors Congressman Ron Paul
April 9th, 2008

WASHINGTON , DC – Congressman Ron Paul deserves applause for a pro-taxpayer voting record last year, according to the 362,000-member National Taxpayers Union (NTU). The nonpartisan citizen group announced that Congressman Paul was one of only a few dozen lawmakers in the House and Senate to win the 2007 “Taxpayers’ Friend Award.”

“While many Members of Congress talked about reducing the size of government last year, Congressman Ron Paul backed up those words with votes,” NTU President Duane Parde said. “This award proves that Congressman Paul is a staunch ally we can count on in our battle to restore fiscal responsibility to Washington .”

The award is presented to those Members who achieve an “A” grade in NTU’s annual Rating of Congress. The Rating, which is based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy, assigns a “Taxpayer Score” to each Member of Congress that indicates his or her support for reducing or controlling federal spending, taxes, debt, and regulation.

“If every Member of Congress had voted as responsibly as Congressman Paul did in 2007, Americans could have enjoyed much lower taxes and less waste in government,” Parde concluded. “Overburdened taxpayers in Texas and across the nation owe him a debt of gratitude for his hard work on their behalf. He has truly earned the title ‘Taxpayers’ Friend.’”

NTU is a nonpartisan, nonprofit citizen group founded in 1969 to work for lower taxes, smaller government, and economic freedom at all levels. Note: The 2007 Rating and a searchable Rating database from 1992 to 2006 is available at National Taxpayers Union & National Taxpayers Union Foundation. For questions about the Rating, its history, or methodology, please contact NTU Vice President for Policy and Communications Pete Sepp or NTU Communications Manager Natasha Altamirano at (703) 683-5700.


Veteran Expediter
Sounds like somebody needs to take a deep breath or get on the McCain bandwagon. Atleast support somebody who has a chance of winning.

Is that when you decided to become a Colts fan? ;)

I'm sorry. But I vote for my convictions. If a certain candidate happens to have those same convictions then HE/SHE gets my vote. Neither McCain nor Obama has EARNED my vote; so they will not get it. Plain and simple.

If more ppl thought that way, officials wouldn't be corrupt, as they would be held accountable.


Veteran Expediter
Is that when you decided to become a Colts fan? ;)

I'm sorry. But I vote for my convictions. If a certain candidate happens to have those same convictions then HE/SHE gets my vote. Neither McCain nor Obama has EARNED my vote; so they will not get it. Plain and simple.

If more ppl thought that way, officials wouldn't be corrupt, as they would be held accountable.

Jayman needs to stray from his own advice and think as an individual instead of a collective.

Individuals hide behind a group think because most are scared to stand on their own merits. They fear if they really say what they want it will go against the "group". It is their sense of losing their belongingness that they fear going against the grain.


Veteran Expediter
Is that when you decided to become a Colts fan? ;)

I'm sorry. But I vote for my convictions. If a certain candidate happens to have those same convictions then HE/SHE gets my vote. Neither McCain nor Obama has EARNED my vote; so they will not get it. Plain and simple.

If more ppl thought that way, officials wouldn't be corrupt, as they would be held accountable.

You know by my posts that I really like Ron Paul, however, I don't like everything he offers 100 percent. There is no way for one man to satisfy these differences that we have 100 percent, but I can say that I do like the majority of his policies and how he voted on the majority of the bills that went before Congress.

The health of the economy is a direct reflection of the leadership of this country. We need someone that will help correct the issues we have now. Law/Policy makers need the council of those in the industry. We need to change the political system to include a council of members from all the major industries.


Veteran Expediter

Most of the Ron Paul supporters that I have met are educated. I would not say being committed is something that is suppose to put a scare in you. I am committed, however I am not scary.

We need more people to committ to a common cause. Sorry if that scares you.

I think those that like Ron Paul like what he stands for: Constitution. He does not tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. And this makes some very angry, but I think if they think really hard on why they are angry it is because there is truth in what he is saying. When the anger subsides the truth reveals itself.

Most of my family are supporting Ron Paul, and most are educated.

These post are written by an honor society member with no less than a 3.7 GPA. Why do I tell you this? Because you think most that support Ron Paul are scary. How are the policies that he wants to correct going to affect the trucking industry? As a self-employed individual I want someone in there that is going to be a benefit not to just my business but to the economy.

All of his policies make sense and are plausible.

You know it is not the educated supporters I am talking about, it is the dim witted yelling and screaming type that concerns me. We don’t need them to be so vitriol on subjects like the IRS, people do not want to hear a bunch of IN YOUR FACE style rhetoric – that’s a fact.

The problem with Ron Paul is that he can’t garner the support of the main stream conservatives or liberals because of his message is not all that clear.

I don’t think ALL his policies are viable, most are with some adjustments but not all.

For example – he said in many interviews he is going to eliminate the IRS. He has said zero in a bunch of interviews what he is going to replace it with and even in a few (NPR for one) said he isn’t going to replace it with anything.

OK get rid of the IRS, that’s good but then what?

Live on Tariffs that can’t come close to 5% of our needed revenue to run 50% of the government?

The Fair Tax has been presented to him, he has asked questions about it but refused to support it, why?

We as a country can’t cut off revenue and then have a leader claim he is for a strong military and a limited government – there has to be something in between to get to the point that we have no income taxes.

Don’t get me wrong, he makes a lot of sense on issues like Eminent Domain and environmental policies that respect private property rights – a key foundation issue of all of our rights. He also makes sense with elimination of the department of education, limited government and so on but he falls short in a way to phase out social security, real border plans or how he is going to deal with a congress that will not pass a thing even if he got a majority of votes in the election, these are all issues we need to hear about before we give him our vote.

In all honesty we need more grounded Ron Pauls in our government, we need start at the local levels and work ourselves up by voting either libertarian or using the power of the recall.

But until the ‘intelligent’ people start real action in their every day lives and not every four years - it isn’t going to happen.


Veteran Expediter
You know it is not the educated supporters I am talking about, it is the dim witted yelling and screaming type that concerns me. We don’t need them to be so vitriol on subjects like the IRS, people do not want to hear a bunch of IN YOUR FACE style rhetoric – that’s a fact.

(((((There are dim wit supporters for the other candidates doing the same thing.))))

The problem with Ron Paul is that he can’t garner the support of the main stream conservatives or liberals because of his message is not all that clear.

((((I disagree. He cannot get the support necessary because of the MEDIA. How many times have the networks mentioned his name when speaking of the THREE candidates, not four but just McCain, Clinton, and Obama?) I do not know how much clearer his message needs to be: Cut Congressional Spending, Eliminate the IRS, Limiting the Federal Reserves Powers, Reviving the Constitution, Smaller Gov't, Immigration Control, Keeping our National Sovereignty, Earmark Reform, etc. His answers to all these questions were clear and to the point.))))

I don’t think ALL his policies are viable, most are with some adjustments but not all.

((((I never said all were viable. I said the policies make sense and are plausible.)))))

For example – he said in many interviews he is going to eliminate the IRS. He has said zero in a bunch of interviews what he is going to replace it with and even in a few (NPR for one) said he isn’t going to replace it with anything.

(((((Where are you getting your information? He answered all these questions. Oh, I am sorry the media only gives you bits and pieces. Ron Paul - Abolish the IRS!. Remember you do not cost your gov't, your gov't cost you money. Spending must be cut.)))))

OK get rid of the IRS, that’s good but then what?

Live on Tariffs that can’t come close to 5% of our needed revenue to run 50% of the government?

The Fair Tax has been presented to him, he has asked questions about it but refused to support it, why?

(((( The whole purpose is create a smaller gov't and how do you do this? The more they spend the more you pay. The income tax is a very small amount and the gov't does not rely solely on this tax. Who is not for giving the people what they work for? I am all for it. It makes perfectly good sense. And again you need to research further before making assertions that he never or half-answered his questions. Remember the media only covers what knowledge they want you to have. This is why these so-called dim wits are in your face. If the media was not biased we would not have to do their jobs. )))))

We as a country can’t cut off revenue and then have a leader claim he is for a strong military and a limited government – there has to be something in between to get to the point that we have no income taxes.

(((((Again, he is not cutting off revenues. It is about cutting back on SPENDING. The root of the problem. The less they spend the less money is in circulation which brings back the value of the dollar. With a strong dollar you don't need to collect as much REVENUE. Understand the principle?)))))

Don’t get me wrong, he makes a lot of sense on issues like Eminent Domain and environmental policies that respect private property rights – a key foundation issue of all of our rights. He also makes sense with elimination of the department of education, limited government and so on but he falls short in a way to phase out social security, real border plans or how he is going to deal with a congress that will not pass a thing even if he got a majority of votes in the election, these are all issues we need to hear about before we give him our vote.

((((What is wrong with this country is WELFARE!!!! The more we give to people the more they want which drives up spending. Social Security is a big issue that needs to be dealt with just like the oil issue. It can be revived if we keep the spending down, but the other issue is that we are a GRAYING America. What does that mean? It means that more people will be taking out of SS instead of putting into it. The answer to this problem is either reviving it or revising it so it can be sustained. Otherwise it won't be there for noone because we have too many congressional hands in the cookie jar.))))))

In all honesty we need more grounded Ron Pauls in our government, we need start at the local levels and work ourselves up by voting either libertarian or using the power of the recall.

((((We need to get rid of all the crooks by using the recall. You are absolutely correct. We agree on alot of issues.)))))

But until the ‘intelligent’ people start real action in their every day lives and not every four years - it isn’t going to happen.

Read from within.

You got that right!!!! Just think for a moment on these facts:

If we cut Congressional spending what that in itself will do to the value of the dollar. That means we can keep more of what we earn because our dollar is worth a dollar domestically. It gains value in the global market as well. What does that say when they have to borrow money? It means debt. And what does that debt do for you and I? We have to work harder for the same amount of money to contribute to the GOV'T spending. Which drives down the value of the buck and drives prices up at stores. Your dollar does not go far when you have gov't debt. Eliminate the wasteful spending and you have a valuable dollar. You can then pay for your military. It has to have VALUE.

Not to go too far into this but where do you think your gov't gets its money now? Federal Reserve is one place but where else besides the income tax.


Veteran Expediter

I am going to focus on one issue - taxes.

I saw three entire interviews with him and he said exactly what I said, he had no real solution and even with the link you posted, he was clear that he wants to 'examine' what we did before 1913 when we had corporate taxes and other tariffs and taxes that we can't have today. There is no plan and that scares me. If he would embrace the Fair Tax, I could see more people flocking to his campaign but than again if McCain got smart, he would also embrace it and he would get elected.

I agree with what he is saying about liberties and so on but this one issue is key to all of us and for someone who says just git ride of it, plays the same way that Obama and Hillary plays the emotional card with their "followers".

The idea came from the libertarian party to move things from the bottom up, so you start with local elections and move up. I for one am a Classic Liberal, so they are the closes to my ideals - but not with legalized drugs until we have a justice system that works for the victims and not the criminals.

As I said before, the president means nothing. If you and others want to see a Ron Paul president, you got to change the congress, not the media. Without changes in congress, there will be no changes in the country, he can try but he will never get anywhere. The media is one of the problems but the bigger one is getting people to think logically and to act in a manner that invokes others to act to vote the incumbents out, like Dingell (50 plus years as a representative?). The IN YOUR FACE protesting and activism lost out to the people who are much more mature and sophisticated and if you notice Obama is running his campaign targeting them.


Expert Expediter
Is that when you decided to become a Colts fan? ;)

I'm sorry. But I vote for my convictions. If a certain candidate happens to have those same convictions then HE/SHE gets my vote. Neither McCain nor Obama has EARNED my vote; so they will not get it. Plain and simple.

If more ppl thought that way, officials wouldn't be corrupt, as they would be held accountable.
LOL I became a fan before they won the big show. :)

I vote my convictions too. But, unfortunately (in my opinion) we have to make a choice between the viable candidates and usually that means taking the lesser of the evils. Otherwise, I dont see any significant level of participation by peeps like me.


Veteran Expediter
LOL I became a fan before they won the big show. :)

I vote my convictions too. But, unfortunately (in my opinion) we have to make a choice between the viable candidates and usually that means taking the lesser of the evils. Otherwise, I dont see any significant level of participation by peeps like me.

I should've noticed they're your hometown team. LOL

I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I refuse to vote for evil, period! We have the choice of the faster road to tyranny or the slower road to tyranny. I'll stick to the Constitution, thank you, and vote my conscience.

McCain has made it clear he neither wants or needs my vote. I'll do my best to oblige him.


Expert Expediter
I should've noticed they're your hometown team. LOL

I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I refuse to vote for evil, period! We have the choice of the faster road to tyranny or the slower road to tyranny. I'll stick to the Constitution, thank you, and vote my conscience.

McCain has made it clear he neither wants or needs my vote. I'll do my best to oblige him.
LOL Im a homer, guilty as charged. :)

I dont like voting for the lesser of 2 evils either. Im not sure what the answer is. Maybe do away with having political partys. Or, keep the partys and do away with the primarys and whoever gains the most votes in 1 single election wins.

But until then, the only way for me to effectively participate in elections is for me to only consider those who really have a chance of winning. If I am not happy with those 2 or maybe 3 candidates...I only have 2 options. Stay at home and not vote at all or vote for somebody who I really agree with who has no chance of winning. Either of those choices will only help elect one of the candidates I didnt approve of anyway. So, if I am going to end up electing somebody who I dont want anyway...I might just as well help the one who is the best of the worst. If that makes any sense. lol

Vinnie T

Seasoned Expediter
Problem for Paul is he falls victim to Propaganda from FOX and CNN and the American Sheeple take it all in.