Restroom Rage


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I saw my first ever case of "restroom rage" at the Pilot in Rotterdam, NY when we were there last week.

There was one of those nasty types that did not wash his hands after doing his "business". Another person (not I) told him that he should was his hands.

The "nasty one" blew up, called the well meaning one every name in the book and it almost came to blows.

Keeping this in mind and just how many "nut cases" there are out there, would you "suggest" to one of those "nasty types" that he or she wash their hands?


Veteran Expediter
I do not think I would tell someone to wash their hands in a case like that. Some people strike out when they are embarrassed but I bet that guy washes his hands more often.

That being said I was at the Dallas J a couple weeks ago. Some idiot reaches up to the soap dispenser takes the lid off and dunks his hand in it. I just reacted without out even thinking and told him that was gross! He just didn't get it and *****ed about it not dispensing enough soap. Told him the next guy using that could be washing their face or something and it just wasn't a good idea. You can't fix stupid!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I tend to think along those lines as well. There is too much chance of a "nut" going over the line these days. That risk seems to outweigh the risk of that "nasty" spreading something around, but maybe not. Tough call.

On the "soap" issue. The soap dispensers did not work so they just put full bottles of that "pink goo" on the counters which everyone had to just pick up to use. Hopefully they washed prior
to washing.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are just so many nut cases out there now that the slight reward from this type of constructive criticism is just not worth the risk. For the rare individual that might respond positively to a "wash your hands" comment there are way too many others that will ignore it or go postal. Perhaps the more prudent thing to do at these public places is take care of business and get out, and make sure not to partake of salad bars, buffet lines and other crucibles of disease transmission.


Expert Expediter
I always use paper towel for turning things on and off,opening doors etc... Some people are just effin gross about hygine! I'm thinking about using disposable gloves LOL


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
For the past three years I have tried to make my life as Truck Stop free as possible. Meals and bath room needs are in the truck.

Since doing this, No colds or flu. Previously colds and flu were an annual thing. One other thing entered my life at about the same time. CELL PHONE. Prior to that, it was picking up those nasty pay phones and breathing who knows what every day.


Veteran Expediter
To me this story says more about the person who ordered the unclean to wash his hands. Live and let live, and if you can't live with what someone else is doing, change what YOU are doing so that you are not affected. Like don't go there or any number of other options.

I can't figure out why people think they have the power and control to interfere in other people's lives and business by telling them what to do. This isn't even a law the guy is breaking. We're not talking about an adult/child relationship, or an employer/employee relationship, or a wife/husband relationship, we're talking about 2 independent adults who happen to be using the same public bathroom!

The thing that is most confusing is that it seems it's usually the same posters who rant about their freedom, who want to jump on others who aren't doing what they expect them to do, even though they're free to do it.

We already know we can't expect everyone to do the right thing, we can only control ourselves, right? So don't eat from anywhere where the potential unclean might have direct access to your food, because you absolutely don't know where anyone else's hands have been and whether they were washed afterwards.

There are laws and regs in place to protect your food from the venue's food handlers, so order off the menu! If everyone did this the venue would soon discover that if they want to serve a buffet, they'd better invest in a server and not allow any customers to have direct access to everyone else's food.

These people that you might have occasion to see at the buffet scratching their arses, picking their noses, or not washing their hands after visiting the restroom are only the ones you might happen to 'see'. There are many more that you haven't seen, doing all kinds of stuff, who have also had the opportunity to touch your buffet food. They might not have been doing whatever they were doing while they were at the buffet, and they might have even looked 'normal' and clean!


Expert Expediter
So nobody minds grabing a door handle after someone who just took a leak ,but didn't wash his hands?


Veteran Expediter
So nobody minds grabing a door handle after someone who just took a leak ,but didn't wash his hands?

I don't think it's that nobody minds, but if you worry about this stuff, you need to worry far and deep because it's everywhere and just because you may not see it with your eyes at the time, doesn't mean someone really dirty didn't touch something you're just about to touch, just before you got there. You really can't control the world, so buy hand sanitizer, latex gloves, or become a recluse.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I would hope they didn't pee on their hands and had washed their body in a shower recently in which case it's not a lot different than if they held their sore neck or rubbed their sore elbow or whatever you might see them do in a crowd. One's skin should be similarly clean or unclean all over and unless one has incredibly poor aim and gets their hands in the way the act of going to the bathroom shouldn't be all that unsanitary. It only becomes unsanitary when you touch anything else in the room.
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Veteran Expediter
Sorry but I can't make this pleasant at all Tonight I had to say something to the manager of a pilot in Virginia. A guy used the handicapped stall and kind of painted the walls, floor and recolored the toilet with his refuse. He was dressed rather well, which makes me wonder. He didn't wash his hands but instead just wiped them with paper towel, and yes the dispenser was colored with nice browns. He left tainted paper towels on the counter and walked out. When I got the manager, we spotted the guy selecting his bratwurst from the Johnsonville dispenser while trying to hold his coffee. The manager had to close the bathroom, the food area and called the cops. I wasn't the only one to complain because there were people at the counter really complaining.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sounds like a definite mental defect. I feel sorry for the police that had to transport the guy.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
I dont eat in trkstops where everyone touches those scoops to get hog food at the buffet. Also, to many really over weight truckers can really spoil ur meal when they have 3 plates of chicken, 3 of potatoes, and so on brought to them by a waitress, saw that at I 80 stop, gross.:(


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Another point to keep in mind is that urine is sterile unless you are sick with a bacterial infection.


Veteran Expediter
That being said I was at the Dallas J a couple weeks ago. Some idiot reaches up to the soap dispenser takes the lid off and dunks his hand in it. I just reacted without out even thinking and told him that was gross! He just didn't get it and *****ed about it not dispensing enough soap. Told him the next guy using that could be washing their face or something and it just wasn't a good idea. You can't fix stupid!

I don't think that's an issue, really. As Jerry Seinfeld pointed out, soap is pretty much self-cleaning, you know, being soap. Even if it's not anti-microbial or anti-bacterial, the soap prevents microbes that aren't you from adhering to you. I doubt anyone using the soap after him was in any jeopardy.

But could you re-route your rage toward the (multiple expletives deleted) who pee on the toilet seats and floor or don't flush? I don't understand the guys who have to hide in a stall to leave a whiz in the first place, but when they don't lift the lid, watch where their flow goes, and don't flush, that really pi$$3$ me off. I think the penalty for assault should be limited to a $1 fine if it was preceded by the assault victim having exposed others to his body fluids in this manner.

So you don't want to touch the dirty toilet even to lift the seat or flush it? That's what we have SOAP AND WATER FOR, NIMROD!!!!

I once worked with a guy who apparently had some sort of phobia about that, and he would pee all over the toilet rather than touch it. People put two and two together and figured out that it was always this way after he had just been in the men's room, and he left abruptly a short time later, so maybe he got canned, no pun intended.


Veteran Expediter
They call it "personal" hygene for a is personal..

Unless it is going to clash in your have no business in the other partys business...

Well, it's SUPPOSED to be personal, and that's based on the assumption that people are adults and don't expose others to their filth. Once they do, it properly becomes public. It's the old right-to-swing-your-fist argument. One's right to be a pig stops when he's in public and exposing others to his irresponsibility. It's why we have sanitation laws.


Veteran Expediter
I would hope they didn't pee on their hands... It only becomes unsanitary when you touch anything else in the room.

And it only becomes anybody else's business if you touch anything else in the room. Like smoking, it's only my business if the smoker chooses to exhale.

Anybody follow baseball? Moises Alou followed the example of his father when he began intentionally peeing on his hands before a game.

copyranter: Moises Alou pees on his hands before games.


Veteran Expediter
sanitation laws only apply to the employees of said establishment....There is no law for you and I..only common sense and decency...

We have sanitation laws in general. If you don't contract with someone to take your trash from your home or otherwise take it to the dump, you're going to get a visit from the local constabulary because your actions are threatening others' health. There are laws in some places against exposing others to your body fluids--a response to AIDS. Society learned a lot from the Black Plague and similar occurrences.


Veteran Expediter
We are talking hand washing...remember...

as far as smoking goes....there is nothing that a non smoker has a right to the air around them, other then a declared there is nothing illegal about exhaling...
Yes, hand washing, but I'm not proposing a law here, just saying it can be the public's business when someone conducts themselves in a manner that spreads their germs around.

Exhaling shouldn't be illegal, no, unless, of course, they're exhaling a toxic smoke that displaces oxygen in my bloodstream.