I've been thinking of a Ford E-350 spartan 12 ft body,srw, 5.4 gasser.See them as low as $28,000,fully equipped.Roll-up door,etc.Just as wide and high as a sprinter, but not as long.Stand-up from the seats and walk in to the cargo area.A nice alternative from a regular c/v.I've run the numbers,and there is not much difference cost wise between a gas and a diesel, when you take into consideration the less fuel mileage of a gasser, along with the lower cost of gas, vs the higher cost of diesel,and the higher mpg.Then the repairs, oil changes, etc, lighter weight, a gasser is making more sense, especially with so many people getting the same longevity and dependibility of a diesel out of a gasser.I see Ryder has alot of 06 sprinters on the market right now, mileage from the mid 50's, for 20-$25,000.