The point is the story is manufactured to cause controversy where there isn't one, and you and obviously a few others here in the Soapbox are taking hook, line and sinker. The story isn't factual in the context that they are reporting it.
What you and others fail to realize, is that this story isn't coming from a rational place of reason or circumstance, therefore any rational person would disregard it for what it is, trash.
I interjected race? How so?
You seriously think anyone in the Soapbox would even mention a parallel story such as this one? If someone was stupid enough to post a story such as this one, I would be leading the charge in calling that moron out as well.
Maybe, maybe not but we're not talking about the "MSNBC crowd" or your so called "race baiters" now are we? The topic at hand is a non-story that the OP linked to at Newsmax in which the usual suspects FoxNews, Fox and Friends and Fox Nation and any other conservative media outlet picked up on the ridiculous story and ran with it. Its a manufactured controversy based on no reality at all and you and others here in the Soapbox are defending it.
Please elaborate.
Interjected race in other threads. Not this one. Just what I noticed in some previous threads of yours and pointed out the irony of your indignation of someone that you are accusing of doing the same thing as you.
Actually the OP was a story of one of Ronald Reagan's boyhood homes that is going to be demolished to make room for a parking lot for the library. The OP was AlSO about if the roles were reversed, would their be an outcry? My best guess would be there would be one. It would most likely be based on some type of racial insensitivity. It would be led by the likes of Al Sharpton and drumbeat-ed by MSNBC. They are the ones that say congressman Joe Wilson yelling Obama lied is racist or any criticism of Obama by republicans is based on race, so more than likely they would make this a racial issue as well if the roles were reversed.
By the way, other non conservative outlets like the Huffington Post have also reported on this story.
Reagan Chicago Home: Demolition Being Fought By Preservationists As U Of C Plans To 'Tear Down This Wall'
Nice try. I give you credit for trying though.
Hey everyone, why don't we all give Mutt here a bunch of likes on his post to make him feel good.
I couldn't believe you didn't get his sarcasm.
Although since you seem to have a problem with comprehension it really shouldn't have come as any surprise. My apologies.