Then you agree that you interject race in your previous posts? That is what the irony comment was about.
I interjected race? How so?
Regarding this topic. There probably would be an outcry if a brief resident of Obama's was going to be bulldozed.
You seriously think anyone in the Soapbox would even mention a parallel story such as this one? If someone
was stupid enough to post a story such as this one, I would be leading the charge in calling that moron out as well.
My guess is the MSNBC crowd and other race baiters would make a racial issue of it. They make a race issue about everything else.
Maybe, maybe not but we're not talking about the
"MSNBC crowd" or your so called
"race baiters" now are we? The topic at hand is a non-story that the OP linked to at
Newsmax in which the usual suspects
FoxNews, Fox and Friends and Fox Nation and any other conservative media outlet picked up on the ridiculous story and ran with it. Its a manufactured controversy based on no reality at all and you and others here in the Soapbox are defending it.