Psalm 2010


Veteran Expediter
And No I'm Not Angry at All, You see, when I Get a Response Like the One Condeming what I Submit (Usually when I'm Not Praising Obumma), Then I Know it is a Personal Thing Between Him and I, Not That he would ever admit to it But I Know it is!! But That's Ok, I Just Laugh at all The Drivel!

Wow, did you use your detective training to figure that out?


Veteran Expediter
Actually, I don't think it was God's word that he was mocking ..... :rolleyes:

Beyond that little sticking point, I think it fairly safe to say that God probably does have a sense of humor .....

God does have a sense of humor, Just look at US!!!:D


Expert Expediter
Wow, did you use your detective training to figure that out?

It doesn't take a Detective to Figure you Out!
I've Dealt with People Like You my Whole Career, I figure that you Must be One of those Police Academy Rejects that Couldn't Make the Cut , Or Just One of them Police Groupies, The Wannabe's But Couldn't Group, Which is it Rocket? Because You Seem So Obcessed with My Former Occupation You Try and Trash me And my Former Occupation, Please Don't Go Away, I Look Forward to your Drivel, It Makes me Laugh so Keep It Up! :D
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Veteran Expediter
It doesn't take a Detective to Figure you Out!
I've Dealt with People Like You my Whole Career, I figure that you Must be One of those Police Academy Rejects that Couldn't Make the Cut , Or Just One of them Police Groupies, The Wannabe's But Couldn't Group, Which is it Rocket? Because You Seem So Obcessed with My Former Occupation You Try and Trash me And my Former Occupation, Please Don't Go Away, I Look Forward to your Drivel, It Makes me Laugh so Keep It Up! :D

It doesn't take a Detective to Figure you Out!
Seriously, how old are you poorboy? So you've narrowed it down to letzrock as a police academy reject or a police groupie....hmmmmm, may I ask what a police groupie is anyway? If you were a detective I would say from that comment you were not a very good one. Just sayin'.


Expert Expediter
Seriously, how old are you poorboy? So you've narrowed it down to letzrock as a police academy reject or a police groupie....hmmmmm, may I ask what a police groupie is anyway? If you were a detective I would say from that comment you were not a very good one. Just sayin'.

You can have Any Opinion You Want to And Say what You Want To But all I Can say is that I Have a Wall Full Of Awards for Doing my Job From the F.B.I. DEA, AT&F, My Dept. and another Dept.! I Can't say that I was The Best One, Because I Wasn't, But Like I said, I Have a Wall Full of Awards to Prove that I Wasn't That Bad! Not Bragging, But You Asked! :D

A Police Groupie is a Person who Really Wants to be Police Officer but for some reason Can't be, and Likes to Hang around the Station Especially Between Shift Changes Doing Little Errands! :) Hope I Answered Your Question(s) :D
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Veteran Expediter
It doesn't take a Detective to Figure you Out!
I've Dealt with People Like You my Whole Career, I figure that you Must be One of those Police Academy Rejects that Couldn't Make the Cut , Or Just One of them Police Groupies, The Wannabe's But Couldn't Group, Which is it Rocket? Because You Seem So Obcessed with My Former Occupation You Try and Trash me And my Former Occupation, Please Don't Go Away, I Look Forward to your Drivel, It Makes me Laugh so Keep It Up! :D

No sir, I am neither an academy reject nor a cop wannabe (though I think I might enjoy tooling around in an old black and white Crown Vic with a whip antenna on the back along with a spotlight just outside the driver's window.) I am not obsessed either. I in fact have the utmost respect for your former career. My Grandfather was a career Police Officer, Detective, and shooting instructor at BCI. I was taught from a very early age that "You will respect the uniform", regardless of who is wearing it.
I find your posts horribly mundane and almost clichet', not to mention lacking substance. My retorts are inspired solely by them.
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Veteran Expediter
I find your posts horribly mundane and almost clichet', not to mention lacking substance. My retorts are inspired solely by them.

Exactly!! Hence my comment of not being a very good detective. Although I wouldn't say, "almost cliche" I don't know how more cliche you can get when it comes to his posts.

But enough said about what we already know. I have to say as a Christian I hate it when I see people using the Bible, Jesus or God to make jokes at the expense of another. I have read the posts on this saying, "Jesus, God(same thing) has a sense of humor, yes you are probably right but I refuse to believe God would use his own words or a variation of his own words to get a laugh. When I read, "I don't believe Jesus never played a practical joke" I couldn't agree with that comment more but I refuse to think that Jesus would use his power to strike someone dead and turn around and say, "just kidding" and raise that same person from the dead. That is the point of people taking exception to this kind of humor.


Expert Expediter
No sir, I am neither an academy reject nor a cop wannabe (though I think I might enjoy tooling around in an old black and white Crown Vic with a whip antenna on the back along with a spotlight just outside the driver's window.) I am not obsessed either. I in fact have the utmost respect for your former career. My Grandfather was a career Police Officer, Detective, and shooting instructor at BCI. I was taught from a very early age that "You will respect the uniform", regardless of who is wearing it.
I find your posts horribly mundane and almost clichet', not to mention lacking substance. My retorts are inspired solely by them.

Yes it was Fun tooling around in a Crown Vic with all the Goodies! And it's good that you do Respect Some things!
If you Find My Posts horribly mundane and all that Other Crap you said then I Have to Ask: Why do you Even Bother Reading them?? Just Curious, because there are ways on this site to Ignore Some Posts! Seems that would be the Way to go if it Bothers you That Much! :D


Expert Expediter
How is that done, the ignore thing you are talking about?

I'm Not Sure How It's Done, But Some time ago 2 People were arguing over a Post (I'm Thinkin One of them was Doug Travels and I Can't Remember the other)Not Really Sure who, But One of them suggested to go to the Tools Section and Use the Ignore Button if he didn't like His Posts! However, I Couldn't find that Section when I Looked! Maybe One of the Mods or Administrators Could Help You Out! :D

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
I'm Not Sure How It's Done, But Some time ago 2 People were arguing over a Post (I'm Thinkin One of them was Doug Travels and I Can't Remember the other)Not Really Sure who, But One of them suggested to go to the Tools Section and Use the Ignore Button if he didn't like His Posts! However, I Couldn't find that Section when I Looked! Maybe One of the Mods or Administrators Could Help You Out! :D

I love that's in User cp. Just add the users name and block...wonderful tool.


Veteran Expediter
Sweet Jesus, I figured it out........*poof* gone, disappeared, vanished!!! I had no idea that option was available or I would've done it long ago.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Sweet Jesus, I figured it out........*poof* gone, disappeared, vanished!!! I had no idea that option was available or I would've done it long ago.

Very useful....I'm only down to one now since all the rest got bannd....oh, hope you can read this...hark a hark


Veteran Expediter
Very useful....I'm only down to one now since all the rest got bannd....oh, hope you can read this...hark a hark

Yes I can read your posts, other than your avatar you seem to be an alright guy, not that you are looking for affimation from me, just sayin'.


Expert Expediter
Ok, The Verdict is In! I took this Thread (Entire thing) to My Minister and asked him to Read it and To Find Fault in the Psalm 2010 Post! He and His Parishioners all read it and Not One Found that It was Making Fun of Gods Word!! Not bad 1-Minister, 9 Parishioners (10) In All! All thought that It was Funny and Laughed Out Loud! :) I again asked them to Re-Read it and Double Check if ANY of the Content was making Fun of Gods Word, And Guess What? 10 out of 10 Said It Was NOT! I also Pointed Out the Posts from the Infamous Two Some (You know who you are) I was Told By All 10 that It Appeared to them that the (2) Two Didn't Have a Clue as to what making fun of Gods word Was, They Laughed at the Two (Sorry to Pop Your Bubble) :) and said that This Thread was Definatley NOT Making Fun of Gods Word at All as it was Intended as a Joke and NOTHING ELSE! :D I Gotta Go get to Buchanan Michigan--Bye :D