PC Miler 430 GPS


Staff member
Wow Pelicn you are so right and we just ran into that. Drive here drive there and back up to that dock and they give you no details at how many different things you are going to see! I think the worst is usually going to a base as many of those guys I swear never go past the gate. The GPS is not any good at a base as often our directions are to the front gate and not to the commercial gate. Our GPS usually does not recognize that a base has fences so the GPS also gives us terrible directions.


Veteran Expediter
Linda, we've started calling the base that we are delivering to and asking for the address of the commercial gate. That way we can put it in the mapping program and find it.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Earthmate is DeLorme's GPS receiver hardware (the little brick, like an XM satellite receiver, or the one from Microsoft). Plugs into the laptop same as the Microsoft GPS thingy. Works the same as Microsoft's does, and exactly the same as a Garmin's or any other GPS receiver. The GPS receiver simply tells you where you are. It's DeLorme's Street Atlas mapping and routing software that's telling him here the base roads are.

You can use Microsoft's GPS receiver with DeLorme Street Atlas, same as you can use the Earthmate receiver with Streets and Trips. It's the mapping and routing software that matters most. The GPS receiver merely feeds your GPS coordinates to the mapping software.


Veteran Expediter
nothing more entertaining then pulling up to the wrong gate 30 min before the first formation,you can really make allot of friends when that happens.


Staff member
or when you have explosives placards on and you are following your directions on the QC. I had one kept saying you cannot come in here you are to near the houses and I kept saying what gate then???? He finally heard me and said oh we had to open a new gate the commercial gate is closed and this gate was down a dirt road and no signs.

What bugs me is what do they expect you to do when they put up no signs? He was frustrated I was frustrated and I Bob was trying to hide!


Seasoned Expediter

This Dash GPS has just been introduced and is all ready impossible to find in the truck stops. The cost is around $350.00

Finally a truck friendly GPS where you put in your dimensions and what you are hauling and then the GPS routes you. After listening to the interview last night between Kevin Rutherford and the vice president of marketing we could not wait to check one out. Well they are all ready sold out in the TA's due to the talk show.

This GPS has all of the classes of HazMat routing and even over size routing. Has the scale locations, rest areas, and cat scales. Even has the Wal-Marts and all of the POI. Is touch screen and a 4.3 inch screen. Great company and I bet a great product.

If anyone has found one can you let the rest of us know what you think? We are on the hunt for one.


Unit is awful, here are the reasons:
1. I am using it for 7 days and already found 2 addresses one in El Paso TX, other in Denver CO it couldn’t recognize (Garmin nuvi 220 did not have problems finding them),
2. I was driving on i-70 near Effingham IL, window popped up saying that I am driving on road that is restricted for semis – huge BS,
3. Tried to find some hotels in Niagara Falls NY – No way,
4. I have tried to connect it to my laptop do download some music – no way.
5. Tried to get some support from web site - nada
For $125.00 Garmin is doing great job comparing to this …

I will try to return my unit to Loves, where I bout it and get something else for that money.


Staff member
Just get it returned quick as the company will only exchange it for another one. We have found everything you mention above except for the music to be true of the problems this unit has.

I keep hearing they have updated the newer units and they are better but you could not prove it by me.

We finally took it out of the truck and will use it with our home vehicle.