Well I don't know about others but I don't mind putting numbers up on the board here. This is a tractor with Panther it run about half this year as a team the rest has been solo:
Loaded Miles: 97,809
Empty Miles: 32,663
Total Miles: 130,472
Mileage Pay: $117,027
Fuel Surcharge: $24,879
Flat Rate Pay: $22,956
Extras Pay: $35,041
Total Pay: $199,903
Actual Pay per hub Mile: $1.53 average
Fuel Cost: $59,726
Driver Cost: $75,258
All Truck Expences: $42,981
Total Cost To Opperate Year to Date: $167,965
Profit Year to Date: $21,938
Not the best year but not really to bad for as slow as things have been this year.