Sorry guys but you loose this argument.
WHY!!! Because a fuel surcharge isn't mandatory. If it were the company would then be responsible to honor the QC quote. The rate the QC showed was what the company asks for. When invoiced the shipper only paid what he wanted. This is a very common thing these days. Thank our legislators for this.
I do have a question to all those complaining about the companies you all drive for, and are partners with, though. Not just about this thread, but all threads.
If your always ragging on your partner (the company you drive for) what are you still doing working as a partner?
This forum was designed for drivers to help one another, not rag the companies we partner with. I’ve noticed a whole lot of members bashing old Panther lately. It seems like there’s a conspiracy going on. Don’t take this the wrong way, cause I’ll be the first to rag anyone or anything, if they have it coming. I just don’t see the fuel surcharge issue as an error on a company’s part when there isn’t anything that can be done about it.
Ya! You all say, if they won’t pay don’t take the load, but you are the first to cry when there are no loads to run. Seams the companies are cot between a rock and a hard place.
Just in case any of you are thinking I forgot where I came from, you’re wrong. I have this forum and all you drivers who remind me daily! LOL
When you signed the partnership agreement weren't you told if and when a fuel surcharge was added it would go to the driver?
Would it not have been more professional if the post read: I received a QC offering $0.21 for a fuel surcharge, but only received $0.11 in my settlement, does anyone know why?
One catches more bees with honey than vinegar. Trust me all the companies including Panther read these boards. Think Smart, Work Start! Read between the lines. LOL!!!!!!!!