Panther Fuel Surcharges


Expert Expediter
Keep an eye on your settlements, I just went over my last one and on a 671 mile load the Qc said .21/mile and on the settlement it was.1005. So i lost 73.49 , Called contractor relations and they more or less said to bad,thats all the customer would pay. Dont you think we should get paid what was agreed to over the Qc.........

MixLovers cam
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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I agree if you accept a load on the QC that gives the amount that will go to the truck, and this includes a fuel surcharge.
You should be payed that amount.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Sorry guys but you loose this argument.

WHY!!! Because a fuel surcharge isn't mandatory. If it were the company would then be responsible to honor the QC quote. The rate the QC showed was what the company asks for. When invoiced the shipper only paid what he wanted. This is a very common thing these days. Thank our legislators for this.

I do have a question to all those complaining about the companies you all drive for, and are partners with, though. Not just about this thread, but all threads.

If your always ragging on your partner (the company you drive for) what are you still doing working as a partner?

This forum was designed for drivers to help one another, not rag the companies we partner with. I’ve noticed a whole lot of members bashing old Panther lately. It seems like there’s a conspiracy going on. Don’t take this the wrong way, cause I’ll be the first to rag anyone or anything, if they have it coming. I just don’t see the fuel surcharge issue as an error on a company’s part when there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

Ya! You all say, if they won’t pay don’t take the load, but you are the first to cry when there are no loads to run. Seams the companies are cot between a rock and a hard place.
Just in case any of you are thinking I forgot where I came from, you’re wrong. I have this forum and all you drivers who remind me daily! LOL

When you signed the partnership agreement weren't you told if and when a fuel surcharge was added it would go to the driver?

Would it not have been more professional if the post read: I received a QC offering $0.21 for a fuel surcharge, but only received $0.11 in my settlement, does anyone know why?

One catches more bees with honey than vinegar. Trust me all the companies including Panther read these boards. Think Smart, Work Start! Read between the lines. LOL!!!!!!!!


Expert Expediter
So you mean a shipper can say they will pay .30cpm FSC and then when the QC tells you this the shipper can refuse to pay this?? Then in turn the compnay doesnt pay you? This doesnt seem legit and how do you know what the company really paid? That would be like owning a subcontracting drywall business and being contracted by the builder to do all the drywall ina house and then the builder saying sorry im only giving you half of what we agreed to because the owner didnt pay me. I dont care what you say this is just not factual.
This is breech of contract plan and simple written or verbal. I would wait for the end of the year and build quite a large amount of money owed ,then it would be worth getting a lawyer and taking them to court.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>So you mean a shipper can say they will pay .30cpm FSC No! the company can say they are going to charge the shipper .30 and
>then when the QC tells you this the shipper can refuse to
>pay this??It isn't mandatory for a shipper to pay no FS if they don't want to Then in turn the company doesn’t pay you? This
>doesn’t seem legit and how do you know what the company
>really paid? That would be like owning a subcontracting
>drywall business and being contracted by the builder to do
>all the drywall in a house and then the builder saying sorry
>I’m only giving you half of what we agreed to because the
>owner didn’t pay me. No! You’re wrong the agreement is on what the contract is. In shipping it is the per mile charge. The fs is an add-on to help all of us with the fuel cost. Using you example, what if when you bid the job the dry wall cost $5 per sheet, and when you did it, the DW was $8 per sheet, so you added the extra cost to the invoice and the General contractor said no the contract was only for $5 per sheet I don’t care what you say this is just
>not factual.
>This is breech of contract FS isn't in the contract the per mile rate is plan and simple written or
>verbal. I would wait for the end of the year and build quite
>a large amount of money owed , then it would be worth getting
>a lawyer and taking them to will still loose, Only the lawyer wins!


Expert Expediter
>>then when the QC tells you this the shipper can refuse to
>>pay this??It isn't mandatory for a shipper to pay no FS if they don't want to Then in turn the company doesn’t pay you? This
>>doesn’t seem legit and how do you know what the company
>>really paid? That would be like owning a subcontracting
>>drywall business and being contracted by the builder to do
>>all the drywall in a house and then the builder saying sorry
>>I’m only giving you half of what we agreed to because the
>>owner didn’t pay me. No! You’re wrong the agreement is on what the contract is. In shipping it is the per mile charge. The fs is an add-on to help all of us with the fuel cost. Using you example, what if when you bid the job the dry wall cost $5 per sheet, and when you did it, the DW was $8 per sheet, so you added the extra cost to the invoice and the General contractor said no the contract was only for $5 per sheet I don’t care what you say this is just
>>not factual.
>>This is breech of contract FS isn't in the contract the per mile rate is plan and simple written or
>>verbal. I would wait for the end of the year and build quite
>>a large amount of money owed , then it would be worth getting
>>a lawyer and taking them to will still loose, Only the lawyer wins!

With all due respect you are wrong, FSC is not mandatory, but once it is agreed to be paid it is like anything else in a contract, payment for fuel agreed to by both parties.

If the compnay agreed to pay it then it must have been on the paperwork.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In about 100 runs I've had 2 runs pay less fsc than the QC said but only by less than 1cpm difference. I've had about 3 or 4 pay exactly the QC amount and the rest paid more than the QC amount but again by less than 1cpm difference.

On my PRO sheet just above the shipper info I put the QC info as xx/xxx, U, xx with that being dh/paid, unit type (usually D), and fsc. An example run might be 47/422, D, .23 so that 47 miles from where I am to the pickup for a 422 mile paid run as a D unit with 23cpm fsc.

I've been putting that on since the second week or so and haven't had a problem with correct pay amount.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Sadly, since the fuel surcharge legislation failed to pass, any surcharge is not mandatory as mentioned. Rules governing interstate commerce are not the same as other business transactions.
What is quoted to the customer and what they pay can be different.
Since it is not mandatory, they can pay what they want.
Of course if a company fails or refuses to ever pay, companies just simply won't haul their freight. It is that supply and demand factor again.
Legally, there is no recourse. It has been challenged many times without any success. That is why the bill was introduced in the first place. Every single company has this issue.
As with anyone, I as well would like to see whatever is quoted, paid.

With regards to Panther, I would say our situation mirrors Leo's. Most pay more than what originally was quoted short of a few.
Always look at the WHOLE picture, not a singular run.
You may not like what you wish for.

21 years

On time

Expert Expediter
It would be nice if companies would play the game fair they always hold the winning cards................


Expert Expediter
The companies do "play fair" if they didn't then the OOIDA or BBB would be bearing down on them.

Just because you don't like some aspects of your partner, it doesn't mean they are "cheating"

And as stated before, if you don't like the business, there is nobody making you do it.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

does this mean that if the qc says del time 06:00 but i dont arrive till 0600 3 days late they still have to pay me the rate per mile in
my contract?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
If there is no time frame covered within the contract you all signed (which I doubt) then I would have to say yes. If you accept a delivery and they don't specify a time frame as long as when you do show up the load is still there and you pick it up and deliver it why wouldn't they not have to pay you?

Only you and the company you partner with know what is in the contract. You may want to read it over to check on the time frame question you are asking about.


Expert Expediter
I was just going to let this one go without comment. But curious I did some research and what I found forced me to post something. I called the driver and spoke with him about it. But since he didn't post a retraction I had to write this. Panther did in fact offer this driver .10 cpm fsc on this load. I printed a copy of the QC msg and mailed it to his home. I don't know why he wrote down .21 cpm, but it was wrong. I also pointed out that on the load he did prior to this one he was offered .18 cpm fsc but got paid .24 cpm fsc. Funny, he didn't post that on some forum. Sure, company people read these forums all the time. Usually without comment, free exchange of information and all that. But when the free information is just plain wrong I felt compelled to speak up. And in the future I will limit my postings to just that, correction of less than accurate information.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
When a customer calls customer service for a pick up are they not quoted a price for this delivery including the fuel surcharge.
When the customer agrees to the price and tells customer service to send a truck, are they not aware that they will be billed the quoted price.
How can they then say we will only pay part of the fuel surcharge after the delivery is done.
Then in all fairness how can the expediting company go back to a driver and say we told you one thing, but our customer only payed us this amount. So we are sorry but that is the way it is.
If this is true then could not the expediting company say to a driver that the customer has not paid there bill and we can not collect on it, so we need to deduct that amount of that delivery from future settlements.
I do not think any O/O signs a partnership agreement with an expediting company. They sign and I/C agreement and a lease agreement.
Why do companies expose themselves to hard feelings when they can be up front with the drivers?

Edit comments.

This proves there are two sides to a story once again.
Thank you Bigguy 1001 for clearing this up.


Expert Expediter
Its nice to see Panther stand up and speak out! Good job! I guess this guys real beef goes a little deeper. We need more companies and thier reps responde so the real truth is out, when you sit back and say nothing you let people decide on one side of the story and that is never good.


Expert Expediter
> When a customer calls customer service for a pick up are
>they not quoted a price for this delivery including the fuel
> When the customer agrees to the price and tells customer
>service to send a truck, are they not aware that they will
>be billed the quoted price.
> How can they then say we will only pay part of the fuel
>surcharge after the delivery is done.
> Then in all fairness how can the expediting company go back
>to a driver and say we told you one thing, but our customer
>only payed us this amount. So we are sorry but that is the
>way it is.
> If this is true then could not the expediting company say
>to a driver that the customer has not paid there bill and we
>can not collect on it, so we need to deduct that amount of
>that delivery from future settlements.
> I do not think any O/O signs a partnership agreement with
>an expediting company. They sign and I/C agreement and a
>lease agreement.
> Why do companies expose themselves to hard feelings when
>they can be up front with the drivers?

I have to agree with ACE!


Retired Expediter
Funny ain't it!
Last settlement I was deducted for some detention time a customer didn't pay, he only paid quoted price. BUT on the same settlement I was upgraded to a 3 ton load (customer paid) and wasn't informed of this. Now how does one complain?


Expert Expediter
>Funny ain't it!
> Last settlement I was deducted for some detention time a
>customer didn't pay, he only paid quoted price. BUT on the
>same settlement I was upgraded to a 3 ton load (customer
>paid) and wasn't informed of this. Now how does one

You know I can see a detention time not being paid, but the FSC is discussed before hand and is part of the rate.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've never failed to be paid detention and never had any of it taken back later on. It's part of the contract that after 2 hours it's paid. I think if the shipper/consignee doesn't pay it the company does anyway because it's in the contract. I'm sure they get it later on in future business with that shipper or consignee.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
>The companies do "play fair" if they didn't then the OOIDA
>or BBB would be bearing down on them.

I don’t want to belittle anyone here and I apologize if I am harsh in my reply, but I am really wondering what you mean by bbb? The Better Business Bureau?

If so they have nothing to do with expediting unless they have been granted some magical powers by the congress.

The Better Business Bureau is an organization that set standards for their members and by agreement only holds those members accountable if they don’t meet those standards ether by audit or a complaint. A company elects to join and it is not mandatory for any business to join, but a lot of service companies do. The Better Business Bureau was created to give consumers confidence in products and services, much like consumer reports does for products. Part of the membership agreement is using arbitration though the Better Business Bureau to solve consumer problems. The thing is, the Better Business Bureau as nothing to do with Business to Business transactions and agreements, period.

How do I know this? I was a member 15 years ago. It did help my business with disputes, mostly with consumers trying to rip me off.

The same with OOIDA, they can’t go after a company because they are dishonest or not abide by agreements you make with a specific company. They however can go after a member company for not abiding by their agreement with them (if this is in place at the OOIDA) and they may provide a discounted legal advice but beyond that they are neither a regulatory or law enforcement agency.

I would highly recommend every join the OOIDA by the way.