Panther changed their boards again


Veteran Expediter
ok i got a load offerd......
but its only going 110 miles. north of pitts.....
ok i took it.. cause im tired of sitting..... i took it cause i might not get anything else.....
i took it cause if i dont then i will get my % knocked down.....
and i cant get it until morning..... which will most likely screw up my whole driving day tomorrow for another load....... and what r my chances of getting a load right after that??
im just umm upset to tears right now....... sorry.......


Seasoned Expediter
Hello Star, one of my team trucks must have been on the board with you. I moved him to Carlisle PA from Jersey just to try to get him home in Ohio. I lucked out because the guy that does the dedicated run between Carlisle and the airport in Pittsburgh broke down so I got two pro's in one and was able to cover the drivers ride home from Pittsburgh to Newark OH. I was worried that he was going to sit until Tuesday when he was on the home board for two week. He got stuck going to Shelter Island NY and I am certain we are never going on that Ferry again. The Ferry cost $60 dollars and we ran up $60 dollars in tolls in New York and NJ... Lucky for us Panther had to pay us back for everything.


Seasoned Expediter
Yeah Star you must have missed the load my driver got when you moved to Pittsburgh. My driver got the load in the Harrisburgh area at 2am.


Veteran Expediter
hey ya everyone..........
missing a load .. wellllllllllll that figures..... *sigh*...

well i got a short load.... just south of erie....
and now im sitting in buffalo NY...... 2nd out...... still in serivce at at my mom's...
ya know whats another funny about the new boards.... it took out Buffalo NY as a board and put warsaw NY ... instead...... do u know where that is????
i know cause .... i use live there for several yrs.... and a friend i grew up with . lived 15 min from there for ahhhhh 30 yrs....... its a huge diary farm area.... and attica prison is near by.
the boards i am reading on line. is saying that Toronto is 58 miles away...... lord......
its way more then that.....
and some towns listed on the boards .. i cant even find them on the map.
anyways.......... ty for the info..... lol