So we're to believe that the Iranians have been pure as the wind-driven snow, and all this trouble is because the evil imperialist yankees "meddled" in Iran's affairs??
Nope not saying that they are innocent, but rather that we are being told a bunch of bs because we are too ignorant and emotional about something that actually was our own making.
No matter how one wants to look at it, the media has played a roll in vilifying Iran for a need that seems to be beyond what is reasonable. Instead of focusing on the real issues, we are inidated with any action, comments or news about that country.
That's just pure, unadulterated (expletive deleted) that comes straight off the Lew Rockwell website.
Who's lew rockwell?
Seriously, I have not read much from his site so I don't know what he says.
You seem to conveniently ignore the fact that Iran has been a state sponsor of terrorism since the 1970s, arming, aiding and abetting organizations like Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi insurgents, and most recently the Syrian regime that's slaughtering it's citizens in the streets by the thousands - talk about MEDDLING in the affairs of other countries?!
With our own money we have also given Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi insurgents through unfettered aid, just the lost money from Iraq seems to have funded a lot of terrorists and their activities. I recall that we were also quick to give money to those who attacked Israel a few years back, I didn't hear much about the objection of humanitrian aid going to Lebenon and that went into the control of Hezbollah.
And speaking of meddling, how about Iran's repeated vow to wipe Israel off the map and their denial of Israel's right to even exist? Sounds like that might qualify also, especially in light of their involvement with terrorist groups inside Lebanon and the PLO.
What's with the Glenn beck defense of Israel comments?
They can defend themselves
and said they do not need our help.
When will people get the idea that our involvement has a price and if we are going to attempt to contain a country while complaining about the president who is doing nothing, we can't afford the cost of this unless those countries pay for our involvement.
The submitted budget has $677B for defense and another $677B for dhs - without addressing direct threats to our country, NK and Iran are not those threats.
So if you are for the intervention of Iran, then you must side with Obama and his budget and policies because he is president - right?
If you don't want to continuely be part of a debter's nation, then stand with those how don't want to see more and more money leave the country with absolutly no return.
More Ron Paul nonsense.

I'll bet the French thought the same thing about Nazi Germany in the spring of 1936, right before Hitler crossed into the Rhineland. We all know how their policy of non-intervention and appeasement worked out
The funny thing is that they could not stop Hitler, simply because they were not able to. The French caused their own problems, going back to the mid-19th century. With the man power drain of the firstr war, it was amazing that Germany didn't rise up during the 20's to punish the French for the harsh treatment they gave the Germans. The French seeded the German people to create a Hitler, or a nationalist of some sorts.
For us it was simple, we were weak, as we are today. People seem to think that we did amazing things before and during a war where we were attacked by a country - not a group - but seem to forget we almost lost the war. It took almost 2 and a half years to make some real gains to defeat Germany. The problem with this line of thinking is the person who says is seems to be too far removed from reality.