I don't think it's the governments's business to pick winners and losers.
Straight from a Fox editorial - or was it Rush who said that? It is the government's business to encourage 'good' behavior and discourage 'bad', correct? That's why the tax structure rewards home ownership, charitable donations, business investments, etc.
I was speaking of GM. He didn't do anything with the unions and so GM will be asking for more billions.The managemant got wacked in the deal,along with the 20,000 non union members and bond holders. Do you think it's ok for the tax payers not to get back the billions of dollars they are owed and to foot the bill for more? I'm for govt. creating an environment for businesses to be successful so they can hire people so they can have a job and have money.
Business has been pretty **** succesful, for the most part: the top employers [who pay the lowest wages, BTW] have all seen profits rise the past few years. But they're not hiring people. The Bush tax cuts promised to encourage business investment and jobs, but they didn't hire people, they laid them off.
Now people are again insisting that business taxes should be cut to promote hiring, and you know, we just aren't buying it, this time.
Bipartisanship is good when country benefits. Bad when the the country suffers.