would you know the miles on #1-4? maybe they were shorties...just saying.....she didn't say what the miles were....
Ok, why make our situation public? First because I am soooo stupid and need to be made to feel like the total idiot that I am and second so that others can learn from my mistakes.
If I am online and read about someone getting royally hosed and I am fixing to jump in with a new truck owner I am going to be thinking . . . .hmmmmm I better check into this
If I had been checking ES instead of spending all of my time playing FV and Mafia wars this would never have happened as I have since found other members of ES has posted about this truck owner. If I had been checking in regular like I should have been this never would have happened. See now my point?
lol course I would still be failing inspections heeheehee
CSA 2010 is real.
Full implementation may be delayed again, but the info from roadside inspections, accidents, tickets, etc. is on your record and can be checked by your carrier. Or any carrier or fleet owner you are applying to.
With the information Yesteryear supplied about failed DOT inspections I calculated 102 points. And there may have been more violations that she did not list.
I was told by a large carrier that if you have over 100 points they would not even consider hiring you.
Ok, let me clarify some things. First, what I took offense to from ATeam aka Phil was being referred to as a "Sir". If Phil cannot see that I am a woman then it is he that has some serious issues with his vison. My picture is pretty plain. I do not think I look anything like a man and feel it was uncalled for to insult my gender. I would never refer to Phil as a "Miss".
FYI also, sorry we don't take "cheap" freight. Never even been offered reduced rate with this carrier, ever. Alway pays the contracted rate. The amounts listed were the FSC only.
I'm assuming your running with FDCC...
I'm assuming your running with FDCC, most of there runs are being offered at $85 to $1 a mile up to 500 miles, regardless of unit size.
You need not be insulted. It was an honest mistake. I did not notice your avatar because I seldom look at any of them and yours is not of great quality. The photo is more clear in your profile. After viewing it and realizing my mistake, I went back and changed male pronouns to female. Assuming that "Yesteryear" was a male was a sexist assumption to make and for that I apologize.
Maybe some entrepreneur type could devise..a light monitoring device that can sense when a light goes out? I mean my sprinter knows when I put the wrong bulb in and the warning lights go on the might be worth looking into?
I've been around long enough to know what the diffrence between cheap freight & not cheap freight is. Since I make 99% of my expedite living doing runs that are 150 miles & less I can tell you with almost 100% certanity that those runs were cheap loads discounted by the carrier because they were customers that give repeat business, Dupont, GE, Time etc...
Don't even get me started on runs that are hazmat loads or require a Liftgate, those used to be PREMIUM loads. God forbid you have an inside del. or p/u & you call in looking for the increase in pay used to be no questions asked, ok do it. Now there is a deafing silence on the phone & you have to explain to dispatch that pay needs to be added, & even than there is an ueasyness & grumbling.
I'm assuming your running with FDCC, most of there runs are being offered at $85 to $1 a mile up to 500 miles, regardless of unit size.
So you might think your not running cheap freight, but you are. If your the only truck in the area & it's HOT HOT you can negioate. Used to be most units would turn down the loads & they would come around a 2nd time with a little more money, nowadays everyoneojumps on the first run they see to "keep there wheels moving" & it's not productive. That's why many new singles (& teams) fail within 6 months to a year.
Please don't be offended as that is not my intent.
That feature is already built into our truck (2006 Volvo VNL). If a required light goes out, we get a message on the dash telling us exactly which circuit is open. It says "open circuit" but almost always the problem is a bulb. Most of the bulbs are easily changed and we carry spares where we can get to them even if the box is sealed under load.
Not offended at all. The load was at the contracted rate for this truck. $1.12 per mile. The amount listed was not the load rate it was just the Fuel Surcharge. Ok, let me clareify this better:
The load rates were as follow
Load 1 - 794.08 fsc 205.61
Load 2 - 1126.72 fsc 291.74
Load 3 - 1009.12 fsc 261.29
Load 4 - 655.20 fsc 169.65
Okay now everyone understand this: PICK ON ME . . . GREAT IT IS ALL N FUN . . . PICK ON MY CARRIER . . . . I'LL WHOOP U BUTTER! cAUSE THEY DA BEEEESSST! ! !