2 people called the Mark Levin Show last night, 1 a retired oili rig engineer and the other a guy that wa on the rig when it exploded....the engineer cover the tech side and possible terrorism, the guy from the rig stated straight up it wasn't terrorism and they know what happen exactly. I won't go into it because i can't give ot the jutice it needs, but basisly they were closing down the well to move the platform, a "gas bubble" formed in the drill pipe, that built up presue and blew the cap 240 ft into the air. The gas escaped and then formon on the floor of the rig and was ignited.....he said there is a very delicate balance to keep the gas pressure within the limits and something happened to throw that balance off....that is what they are working to figure out.
Shutting off the leak is a problem because the wreckage of the platform is laying rght there on top of it, and also that same gas and oil is still there.....
The rig has been awarded the highest safety award for 2 yrs running and was inline to get it again.
The factors that they feel caused this and the explorsion he sais could be a once in a life time thing or it could happen to a lesser or worse case tomorrow, its something that mother nature has control of more then people.
Here are the links to the Mark Levin Show and the caller, who they called "James" , listen to them it is very informative.
Mark Levin
Oh and while he understands the news side and the importance of this, his big concern and what should be everyone elses, including barry and his bs group he is sending down there, are the 11 men that died.....any one heard much about them? do we even know who they are?