See the best Detroit has to offer.
Tours start at $25 an hour.
Not the run of the mill this is Downtown, here are the casinos but see real drug deals going on in front of the police stations, arsonists practicing their trades, Crack wh*res working and maybe even a shooting or two.
See the thousands of acres of open spaces where once stood thriving communities, where people used to take pride in their homes and people worked and live without fear of being killed sitting in their living room.
If a night tour is you desire, we can visit Detroit receiving hospital, the best emergency room for gun shot wounds in the world.
See the new headquarters for the Obama Motor Company, formerly the Renaissance center. See the burn out building of Ford Motor company's birth place, the shame of Packard Motor Car Company's plants, where the Jeep was built before it went to India.
We can arrange your attending one of the police sponsored dog fights, or tour the Michigan Avenue Train Station, once the gem of Detroit but like the rest of the gems, long forgotten - you may even meet one of the residence of the train station. See the spots where the city is trying to tear down history and build in the image of Coleman A Young, the Mayor.
For your protection, we use the very best equipped tour vehicle in the area, an armor plated urban assault vehicle that was used in Baghdad and survived a number of IED and small arms attacks.
Take a tour of the United States most dangerous city while it still stands.