Regardless of the results of an election, it is the duty of elected officials to objectively look at the merits of an individual with regards to their competancy, qualifications, and temperment for the job. Each new job requires a new evaluation.
Indeed ... and it is primarily the Executive's prerogative and it within his sole power to nominate ...
The Senate only has the power to advise and consent ...
as a body ...
A Senator can certainly place a "hold" on a nomination to stop it ... these holds were never intended to be used to "block" something (nomination, bill) permanently however ... but only to allow a senator time to study the matter. To the extent they are used for any other purpose it's
That "hold" can be removed by a motion invoking cloture, which presently requires 3/5ths majority (60) vote.
In the coming Congress, the Democrats will hold 53 seats, plus the two independents, who will caucus with them ... that means that they only need to peel off 5 Republicans to invoke cloture ... and move the nomination to the floor for a vote - which only requires a
simple majority for confirmation.
But more importantly, the above (holds, cloture) is based on the
current rules of the Senate ... and the Senate can vote (by simple majority) to change it's rules on the first day of a session (nuclear option) ...
And it's looking more and more like that this coming year that the filibuster, in it's present incarnation, may well get that very treatment and be removed as an easy tool to
obstruct ... IOW, if you wanna filibuster, get out the phone book and take the lecturn ... ain't gonna be no mo' filibustering from the comfort of your Senate office:
Reluctant Democrats should step up on filibuster reform
Of course Republicans will filibuster Obama's Cabinet nominees
Beyond the above, I think Harry Reid has demonstrated his ability to influence what goes on in the upper body ... and if McPrick or the Toe-Tapper want to
obstruct the process - which ultimately is supposed to be an up or down majority vote - I'm sure ol' Harry can make life difficult in a variety of ways ... to the point that the minority leadership will pressure them to let it go ...
Again your giddiness in wanting to see a particular optics situation appears to rival a Chris Mathews "thrill" moment.
Well, thank Gawd it's only a Matthews "thrill" moment ... and not an O'Really or Shammity vein-busting, projectile drool rant moment ...
Matthews I can live with ... the other two imbeciles not so much ...
I could actually care less about the optics of the confirmation process (although I'm sure it could be quite entertaining in and of itself) ... what I'm really interested in is reform of the GOP as a party.
The GOP is like a bad little puppy who pooped in the middle of the living room ... it needs it's nose rubbed in it ... possibly repeatedly ...
So there is not really a straw argument from what I can tell.
Heheheh ... based on the construction of yet another straw man ...
Too funny ...
Your comments that they want to politicize a Rice nomination appears to based on nothing but partisan thinkdom.
I didn't say that at all - that's merely your perception of it - nor are my comments based on it.
You consider that the President putting forward a nominee of his choosing, based on who he feels is best to do the job, and then fighting for that nominee, to be "politicization" ?
From my perspective, it's the opposition of that nominee that is far more likely to be politicized.
Reality is some people probably ain't gonna like whoever it is ... but ya can't please all of the people all of the time ...
My advice: Tough ... suck it up and move on ... because the likelihood is the GOP probably isn't going to be able to do much about it if he chooses to nominate Rice ...
Other than have the two retards get up and bloviate of course ... which will no doubt be highly entertaining ...
There's a definite reason why some in the GOP leadership are sounding off with "make nice" noises ... why don't you see if you can figure out why that is ?
If you choose to cling to a flawed position, how do you explain Susan Rice's unaminous confirmation four years ago ?
Geezus man ... are you really serious ?
Tell ya what - why don't you lemme know how that "Booyah" seems ...
right after the GOP takes the high hard one up the posterior on the first day of the next session of the Senate ...