Seasoned Expediter
Does anyone know of any companies that are actually no forced dispatch? I was told to leave by Load 1 ..which was supposed to be no forced dispatch in the past week for turning down loads. I was never late with a pick up or delivery nor did I have any cargo claims in the 9 months I was there. I also stayed inservice at least 90% of the time.Their ad to lure drivers and owner op's claim no forced dispatch...but if you turn down a load you are informed you'll be written up and then u're dropped to the bottom of the load board...I'm just an po ole unedumacated truck driver...but that seems like forced dispatch to me!
I know landstar is one...but I haven't found any others yet. I've been with Tri State when I first started expediting back in 2000 so I know about them.Anybody have any ideas?
I know landstar is one...but I haven't found any others yet. I've been with Tri State when I first started expediting back in 2000 so I know about them.Anybody have any ideas?