Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina


Veteran Expediter
The reigning Prince of Niceness, Newt Gingrich, has scored a righteous victory in South Carolina's primary election. It is this observer's opinion that Newt would do well with southern conservatives. The upcoming Florida contest might be an aberration since so many Florida voters are transplants from northern climes.

Having been outspent 3:1 by the Romney machine, Newt's win in South Carolina could spell real trouble for Romney's prospects. Somewhere upward in Heaven, one can imagine the smiling faces and knowing nods of Lee Atwater, Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond.


Veteran Expediter
The reigning Prince of Niceness, Newt Gingrich, has scored a righteous victory in South Carolina's primary election. It is this observer's opinion that Newt would do well with southern conservatives. The upcoming Florida contest might be an aberration since so many Florida voters are transplants from northern climes.

Having been outspent 3:1 by the Romney machine, Newt's win in South Carolina could spell real trouble for Romney's prospects. Somewhere upward in Heaven, one can imagine the smiling faces and knowing nods of Lee Atwater, Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond.

...and the grief and outrage of our founding fathers.


You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.
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Veteran Expediter
Headline from South Carolina:

Evangelical Voters: Newt may be an adulterer, but he's OUR adulterer!


Veteran Expediter
Headline from South Carolina:

Ron Paul More Than Triples His Support Over 2008; Shows Increasing Support For The Message Of Freedom And Liberty From A Slowly Awakening Populace .....
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Veteran Expediter
And From Below The Fold:

Those That Claim Morality Show Their True Colors And Elect Serial Adulterer Gingrich As Their Leader


Veteran Expediter
In their religion there is repentance and forgiveness. :D

So there are just two random thoughts ...

Their religion?

Does that mean they follow something like scientology?

where is that forgiveness and repentance stuff in regards of defining marriage and other social issues where they are trying to tell everyone what they can and can't do.


Veteran Expediter
In their religion there is repentance and forgiveness.
Evangelical Christians hold no exclusiveness on that by any stretch of the imagination .... many other faiths do similar.

However, it's certainly true that while one can forgive someone for their grievous moral failings and sins if one perceives that there is honest and sincere repentance (if indeed, one assumes that it is their place to do so), it doesn't necessarily mean that doesn't mean that one then should elevate such a person to a position of leadership ....
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Veteran Expediter
Headline from South Carolina:

Ron Paul More Than Triples His Support Over 2008; Shows Increasing Support For The Message Of Freedom And Liberty From A Slowly Awakening Populace .....

Ron Paul triples his previous support and still finishes last.


Veteran Expediter
Doesn't surprise me. In a state in which they boo the man advocating using the Golden Rule in our foreign policy, where they boo the man who advocates heeding the words of the Prince of Peace, where their apparent feeling is, "Well, we've got those troops for a reason, y'all" the man advocating some restraint in foreign policy was bound to finish last.

If we stopped killing little brown people overseas, what would happen to their economy? They send lots of able-bodied young men into the Marine Corps. If they were all brought back, both unemployment and ddomestic violence would skyrocket. So they vote for the guys that advocate killing the most little brown people.


You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If we stopped killing little brown people overseas, what would happen to their economy? They send lots of able-bodied young men into the Marine Corps. If they were all brought back, both unemployment and ddomestic violence would skyrocket. So they vote for the guys that advocate killing the most little brown people.



Veteran Expediter
So South Carolina just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt....they are IDIOTS and have been played by the ultimate politician! Way to go SC...we can now look forward to Obama 2 :mad:

Ron Paul 2012!!!


Veteran Expediter
Ron Paul triples his previous support and still finishes last.
Actually, you do understand that this is incorrect - he finished ahead of 4 other candidates (Cain, Perry, Huntsman, and Bachman)

With 88.1% of precincts reporting, those 4 candidates below him had garnered a total of 8889 votes ..... which may serve to explain the results in the race .... probably something in the water down there .... :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
And From Page 2:

Former Southern Regional Director Of The Nelson Rockefeller Presidential Campaign Wins 2012 South Carolina Republican Primary


Veteran Expediter
Regional differences matter. With the possible exception of Florida, Mitt Romney is unlikely to win a single contest south of the Ohio River. Without broad support in the South, no GOP nominee can go on to win a general election. If Newt eeks out a win in Florida, he will be hard to stop. At this point, it's Newt or Romney.


Veteran Expediter
Regional differences matter. With the possible exception of Florida, Mitt Romney is unlikely to win a single contest south of the Ohio River.
Oh I dunno if I'd go that far .... Mittens will certainly have a though time .... but that's due to more to his own issues than to Gingrich being more appealing ....

Without broad support in the South, no GOP nominee can go on to win a general election.
Indeed .... there's probably a few things that one could say any GOP nominee, if lacking, would be hard-pressed to win the nomination ..... :rolleyes:

If Newt eeks out a win in Florida, he will be hard to stop.
If that turned out to be the case it would only be until he gets to the general ..... and then it would be like he ran into a brick wall ....

But no need to really be concerned about that - he'll self-destruct long before that ....

At this point, it's Newt or Romney.
...... FOUR MORE YEARS ..... :D


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Regional differences matter. With the possible exception of Florida, Mitt Romney is unlikely to win a single contest south of the Ohio River. Without broad support in the South, no GOP nominee can go on to win a general election. If Newt eeks out a win in Florida, he will be hard to stop. At this point, it's Newt or Romney.
This begins the process that involves the voters that are registered with the GOP instead of being tainted by the crossovers and so-called "independents". Now it comes down to two candidates - the establishment's moderate Romney with the money or Gingrich the conservative with the substance. Santorum is now running for VP and Ron Paul scores an insignificant victory over those who are no longer in the race, but then every feature presentation needs a cartoon. However, the main point to take away from this primary is how far off the mark the polls were. Newt's support may be quite a bit deeper than we think.


Veteran Expediter
Newt Gingrich is an intellectual and a street brawler. Newt will take the fight to Barack Obama. This is what conservatives want. Soft-spoken effeminates aren't going to get the job done. Newt brings brains and fangs to the table. The Democrats greatly underestimate Newt.