My advice as a fellow newb. Don't get too comfortable with how you have your bunk area wont get to use it, and inevitably, you'll be using it for a 3rd pallet. -- broker says its 2 pallets, expect 3...if they say "it only weighs 2800#" its 3500#
All your stuff in the cab will fall, get knocked over, roll under your seat...etc until you figure it all out...took me 2 weeks to find a place for all my things to not become airborne at random.
Make sure you never pay for a shower -- guilt the Pilot/J clerk into a free one, and a pro driver rewards card so you can get more free showers @ Pilot/Flying J when you fuel there. Never Fuel @ Pilot/Flying J -- too spencive. lol...
Don't over purchase fuel -- wait till you have a load, or are unable to pass up the price -- sux if the last thing on your settlement is a buncha fuel you gotta wait a week to get paid for.
Also, you will pee on yourself a little -- work on your bladder strength