New DOT physical qualifications start May 21st


Veteran Expediter
Do these new laws affect non Cdl drivers of under 26k trucks since the liscence folks have no real clue?


Active Expediter
Gee, I just seen my primary care DR at the VA just last month. Wanted to send me for a sleep study. I explained I was having trouble FALLING asleep, not STAYING asleep. That ended that. We are working on OTHER avenues. BUT, anytime I want a sleep study, all I have to do is ask.

Hey, I thought you had to be in the military for 20 years or be a disabled veteran in order to go to VA for medical care. One of my buddies just chewed me out because I said that anyone who serves in the military is entitled to free healthcare. Any how, I'm glad your getting medical treatment.


Active Expediter
This post is fort urtle. I didn't mean to sound like an a-hole in my previous post about the new regs regarding getting your DOT physicals. I had my DOT done two years ago and I had extremely high blood pressure. This prompted me to seek out help from a primary care physician. I had some routine blood tests done and as it turns out I also have high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. I would have never know this if it were not for the DOT physical. I also have what is called fatty liver disease due to elevated liver enzymes. This is all due to my old BMI. I have lost a lot of weight since then and some of my medical issues are beginning to resolve themselves. Like I said in my original post, you aren't going to have a BMI of 40 like I did and not have any adverse health issues. Hence why I said that some of these tests can end up saving your life. Do you know that sleep apnea can cause Pulmonary Hypertension, heart problems, and a whole host of other problems. It puts a tremendous strain on your system! I think that companies are going to have to start paying for sleep apnea studies and stress tests for their drivers if they want to hang on to them. If now then I don't know what can be done other than to quid driving truck or to demand higher pay in order to compensate for the added DOT Physical examination costs. I don't think the bigger companies are going to just drop the requirement for cargo van drivers to get DOT Physicals, simply because it covers their rear in the event of an accident, or lawsuit that arises from said accident. I hope this clarifies my views on this issue!
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Active Expediter
That last post was for "Turtle!" Sorry but my computer is acting up and I couldn't edit anything on the last post!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey, I thought you had to be in the military for 20 years or be a disabled veteran in order to go to VA for medical care. One of my buddies just chewed me out because I said that anyone who serves in the military is entitled to free healthcare. Any how, I'm glad your getting medical treatment.

It is "complicated". Few are entitled to "free" health care. In fact, nothing is "Free" . We signed a contract, that included access to the VA system, sometimes with co-pays. Those with "service connected problems get "free" health care, or with co-pays. After 1980 that contract changed.

I get SOME treatment and pay co-pays on the rest. I am 30% disabled, thanks to army experimentation, and my "MOS". That is another story, but it is NOT free, it was EARNED! Thank you very much! (don't take that personal, it is a "bone" of contention from time to time with some LiBeRaLs who don't believe that "EARNED" means anything.)


Active Expediter
Oh cool. I know it was earned. My stepdad goes to the VA sometimes because he was in Vietnam. He was not disabled, and gets treatment from the VA. When I said this one of my buddies called me a liar and said that only those who are disabled in the war are entitled to go to the VA. Thanks for straightening me out on that one. I think all vets should get their medical at no cost.


Veteran Expediter
This post is fort urtle. I didn't mean to sound like an a-hole in my previous post about the new regs regarding getting your DOT physicals. I had my DOT done two years ago and I had extremely high blood pressure. This prompted me to seek out help from a primary care physician. I had some routine blood tests done and as it turns out I also have high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. I would have never know this if it were not for the DOT physical.
Yes, I'm sure there are some personal benefits to an exam you're forced to get, one that's becoming more costly, more burdensome, more exacting in the face of evidence that the underlying bases are inaccurate, etc.

Likewise, there would also be similar benefits if the government required us to come out on our front lawns every morning for 30 minutes of compulsory calisthenics, monitored our sodium intake, or any other liberty-destroying thing actually for the benefit of a group with effective lobbyists whose clients benefit from the regs.

That we might realize a benefit doesn't justify the intrusion.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Oh cool. I know it was earned. My stepdad goes to the VA sometimes because he was in Vietnam. He was not disabled, and gets treatment from the VA. When I said this one of my buddies called me a liar and said that only those who are disabled in the war are entitled to go to the VA. Thanks for straightening me out on that one. I think all vets should get their medical at no cost.

I am sorry, not meaning to cause a problem.

Health care at the VA is NOT as easy as it is in the civilian world. You HAVE to go there, AT LEAST, every 6 months, to see your primary. THEY decide what meds you can, or cannot have, based on what contracts they have with pharma companies.

You see a LOT of "student" DR's, which I kinda like, BUT, the make more mistakes, which often means ADDITIONAL visits or proceedures.


I am glad I served.


Veteran Expediter
This post is fort urtle. I didn't mean to sound like an a-hole in my previous post about the new regs regarding getting your DOT physicals. I had my DOT done two years ago and I had extremely high blood pressure. This prompted me to seek out help from a primary care physician. I had some routine blood tests done and as it turns out I also have high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. I would have never know this if it were not for the DOT physical. I also have what is called fatty liver disease due to elevated liver enzymes. This is all due to my old BMI. I have lost a lot of weight since then and some of my medical issues are beginning to resolve themselves. Like I said in my original post, you aren't going to have a BMI of 40 like I did and not have any adverse health issues. Hence why I said that some of these tests can end up saving your life. Do you know that sleep apnea can cause Pulmonary Hypertension, heart problems, and a whole host of other problems. It puts a tremendous strain on your system! I think that companies are going to have to start paying for sleep apnea studies and stress tests for their drivers if they want to hang on to them. If now then I don't know what can be done other than to quid driving truck or to demand higher pay in order to compensate for the added DOT Physical examination costs. I don't think the bigger companies are going to just drop the requirement for cargo van drivers to get DOT Physicals, simply because it covers their rear in the event of an accident, or lawsuit that arises from said accident. I hope this clarifies my views on this issue!

It's good that you learned of the potential risks of obesity, but it shouldn't require a mandatory physical with tests to clue you in - the information has been out there for quite awhile. Whether it went unaddressed by you because of the cost, or some other reason, forcing additional tests and expense on everyone is not the best way to address the issue.
Particularly when those who make the diagnosis [sleep apnea] may also stand to benefit financially from the treatment.


Veteran Expediter
Gee, I just seen my primary care DR at the VA just last month. Wanted to send me for a sleep study. I explained I was having trouble FALLING asleep, not STAYING asleep. That ended that. We are working on OTHER avenues. BUT, anytime I want a sleep study, all I have to do is ask.

Do you know if any of the VA doctors are going for the new training?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Do you know if any of the VA doctors are going for the new training?

The VA, at least the VA in Ann Arbor, MI, does not provide DOT services. They will not be sending anyone for the training. I have always gone to a "clinic" for my DOT.


Veteran Expediter
Funny pic but can you outrun lead?

I doubt he could shoot. Right before he was fired, he was given a proficiency test, part of which was to see if he could keep the muzzle pointed downrange at the target while moving, going over obstacles, etc. He couldn't.

Dr Phil

Rookie Expediter
It is not a rule but a suggested guidline for doctors to follow. .

Sent from my SPH-L900 using EO Forums mobile app


Veteran Expediter
It is not a rule but a suggested guidline for doctors to follow. .

Sent from my SPH-L900 using EO Forums mobile app

Are you/ were you a Dr at some point ?

Or just someone named Phil that is in a DR ? ( if so, clever.)

If so, have you ever posted here under a different name ? :)