To me there is an issue of medical privacy rights, you don't relinquish them because you are a trucker, the DOT has not yet written guidelines on sleep disorders and the states have yet to address the issues within their policy making bodies. Until that time, this is a form of profiling and extortion.
If I am asked for my long form, I question whether or not the officer has the right to see it, let alone interpret it. The short form from all I am told is the only thing that they need to see. He is a law enforcement officer, not a medical doctor and can not make medical judgement calls on who needs X amount of hours of sleep and who doesn't.
The issue of safety is not the force pushing this, but it may come down to a cash cow for doctors who left GP and moved into a specialized field. The hard push form the "experts" who are putting together the guidelines for the DOT seems not to be obvious to many in this profession but if one is to dig deep into their connections, it may be just like the Pharma companies helping the government write Medicare part D.