But they ARE doing it and getting away with it and DOT says it is ok. ZIEG HEIL!!!! Layoutshooter
If anyone is interested this 'survey' is a violation of your 5th amendment rights (self incrimination, their in essence interrogating you with the intent of citing you with a criminal violation or detaining you with a investigatory stop. See Terry vs Ohio) Also, to threaten a dot inspection if a driver refuses to participate in the 'survey' is coercion it is illegal.
If your asked to take a survey your answer should be "No, I do not wish to participate in a survey. Thank you."
I'll just be saying "No thank you" to their survey, politely of course. It they want to inspect the truck, I'll say "sure". I'm not afraid of an inspection. We haven't failed one yet.
They are doing it, and they are getting away with it, so far. So far, no one has challenged it in court, which is surprising, since it's been going on in Minnesota for quite some time. This is something that OOIDA should have filed suit on a long time ago, but they haven't. The checklist wouldn't stand a chance in federal court. It's being used by people who are untrained to make a medical determination, and amounts to an interrogation without Miranda Rights.But they ARE doing it and getting away with it and DOT says it is ok. ZIEG HEIL!!!! Layoutshooter
I used too but it hurts my shoulder now. Layoutshooter
YEP!! Layoutshooter
Sooner or later it will be the standard, just as those illegal backround checks to buy a gun. We have no Constitution left. The Bill of Rights is a shambles. Layoutshooter