McCain's VP


Not a Member
Beemer, the vast majority of names you listed and I apologize for deleting them, but the list was way too long, are company officers, not owners. These companies are publicly held and traded.

So why did you do that why were trying to deny or hide them?

If those wacky Zionists own and control the media, the
Federal Reserve, the Federal Government, and most of the really good delis then that means they own and control this country. And us Goyim Sheeple continue to allow this.

I have proven plenty of times already they do. I think allot of the sheeple get led into the belief that it says here in the bible..I all ready addressed that one

My question to you is; why do you stay in this country? It is too late to save the U.S. If you are a true anti-Zionist crusader, why not return to the Motherland and fight the world wide spread of Zionism from there? The U.S. is a lost cause. Get out while you still can.

I will ask you or anyone else..Why should I sit back and allow a few people destroy the greatest nation on earth with out a fight? As you noticed in posting about the Georgian Conflict if the brillant, provoking riviting etc etc Greg couldn't dispute it..And he is jewish/zionsit. The country my forefathers fought and died for why should I or you let a few scam artist for their own little nation destroy mine? I can trace my ancestory back to 1633 in this country and to a family that has been quite a part of this country..A gggggggg uncle was the first Governer of this country.From the Revolution and every war after.that my family has served..I can trace to both sides of civil war. WW 1 ad WW2 Korea and Father was a Air Force adviser for Vietnam. I am a Vet to. You tell me why a few people are allowed to destroy it? Or I or you should allow it? I know it says in the bible that they wrote that we are suppose to be servants to them ..Anyone who doubts annything I type should pull aside a rabbi and ask a few question about the talmud. You might even find a honest one like I did..But usally they will dodge the questions. Its is just for them not us Goyim..Right Greg?..And askare Christians really Goyim?
And maybe Tweg and the rest of people who think I am crazy can find out why a Menorah is displayed at the white house while a Christain Nativity scene or statue of Christ isn't .Explain that Greg why is that?

As for the term sheeple; may I assume you mean people that believe whatever they are told? People that will blindly adhere to a few specific doctrines without questioning the origin or validity of these tenets? I bet you sure are glad you don't fall into that category!

You darn right am. Thanks for the compliment. I would hate to be a person who can't think for themselves.I bet that would have to drive someone crazy knowing that a Gorilla has a higher IQ then they do..A Gorilla can think for itself.Defends itself and its family and its territory. Really have you ever seen one that sticks its head in the sand and just resighns itself to a good screwing? Plenty of the Goyim do and those (Pesky Zionist ) count on it. Reminds me of dogs, though they actually can think a little here and there but lays down when the master tells them too. Kind like well it says here....or falls for all the guilt trips and believes that a certain bunch is actually intitled to do what ever to whom ever they want with impunity


Veteran Expediter
Originally Posted by Moot
Beemer, the vast majority of names you listed and I apologize for deleting them, but the list was way too long, are company officers, not owners. These companies are publicly held and traded.

Beemer: "So why did you do that why were trying to deny or hide them?"

I explained why I deleted your list. It was way too long. Why quote your long list of names when you already have it posted in this thread. I did include your link.

So can you explain in your own words why these six Zionist owned companies are in fact publicly held and traded? And why the vast majority of names on your list employees or officers and not owners?

Again I ask; why stay in this country? According to you the Zionists have control of the government, the media, the money and the delis. It's over partner. You lost this country. We the Sheeple are way too stupid and lazy to help your cause and you can't go it alone. Get out while you still can. Save yourself so you can continue to fight the good fight. There are other countries out there that can still be saved. Please help them before it is too late. Help them before they all become Zionist pawns like us.

Originally Posted by Moot
As for the term sheeple; may I assume you mean people that believe whatever they are told? People that will blindly adhere to a few specific doctrines without questioning the origin or validity of these tenets? I bet you sure are glad you don't fall into that category!

Beemer: "You darn right am. Thanks for the compliment. I would hate to be a person who can't think for themselves."

You are welcome! I thought you might like that.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Mr.Turtle... Why didn't you mention how many of the slave markets were closed on the sabbath.
Well, that would be kind of silly, wouldn't it? A redundantly irrelevant point, considering that all, not merely many, of the slave markets were closed on the Sabbath, in addition to all markets of all kinds, including farmer's markets, horse buggy whip markets, gas stations and Wal Marts, they were all closed on the Sabbath back then. I remember as a kid in the 60's when the Piggly Wiggly in my little Southern home town drew gasps from folks when they decided to start opening their doors on the Sabbath. Still, people had to make sure they had plenty of gas in the car before they went to Piggle Wiggle, cause no gas stations were open.

How many plantations were owned by Gregs tribe?
I didn't know Greg had a tribe.

If it's Jews you're talking about, the number is gonna be a really, really small one, and the percentage of Jewish planatations is gonna be even smaller. Jews, by and large, are not farmers, they are laywers, doctors, bankers, merchants. They do, by and large, like for life to be easy, though, so the percentage of Southern Jews who owned slaves was a rather large percentage, I know that.

Called the County Clerk where I live, a friend of mine, she got someone on it and they called me back. The 1830 Census shows 322 Jewish household in the South, with 231 of them owning one or more slaves. 179 owned a single slave, probably used as a house servant, a butler/cook kind of thing. 52 owned more than one slave. 13 of the households were 10 acres or more. So, assuming that Greg's tribe is a Jewish tribe, there ya go, 13.

How many plantation owners were NOT owned by Greg's tribe? I'm guessing more than 13.

The point I was trying make was the media tries to make seem like it was just white Christains involved in the slave trade..Stirring up hate towards whites in the black communties. Having whites that had no family involved in it carry so much guilt..
Oh, it's not just the media. It's everyone. Any idea how shocked black folks are when they discover that other black folks were the ones that captured and sold them off in the first place? The history textbooks certainly don't say anything about that. And please don't say that all history textbooks are written by the Zionist-controlled media. Please don't. Jews don't want to talk about what little they played in slavery, much less the fact that a larger percentage of them owned slaves in the South than the percentage of the Southerners as a whole, same as Arabs don't want to talk about the fact that they took the idea of slavery from the Greeks and turned it into an art form, same as the Germans in Germany won't even entertain the thought of discussin the Holocost (yeah, I know, I know, save it).

But can you actully think of one drama/ documentary where the jewish took responsiblity about their part..Just one?...
Documentaries are supposed to be true, to document some event. A documentary about Jews in the slave trade? That would be like calling "An Inconvenient Truth" a documentary. No, I can't think of a single documentary of drama that deals in any way about Jews taking part in the massive slave trade. Even if there were a 2 hour movie about the slave trade, if as much as 30 seconds were devoted to the Jewish participation in it would be giving them way more credit than they deserve.

I do like your writing style...your not arrogant and condescending like my Khazar buddy Greg
Thanks. I figure that if I'm gonna waste someone's time in reading something I wrote that they do not agree with, the least I could do is entertain them while I'm wasting their time.

They all got skeletons in the closet. Both parties candidate leave alot to be disired. Frankly all of them suck...
And on that note, we agree completely.

Obongo....lets see how does a unknown except one big speech 4 years ago become a presidentual contender?


Veteran Expediter
Yea Turtle, I am Jewish, I didn't know this and I have a tribe to beat all. I wrote to the Pope asking him to bless our tribe and telling him that he is also Jewish. I don't know about this because I thought if I had a tribe, someone would come over and help me plant a garden or cut the lawn.

Oh I am arrogant too....


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Maybe it's a Hip Hop thing. You know, tribe, posse, Zionist Gang of Thieves.

The Kosher Kollective

Resistance is Futile.

Hey, some of my ancestors were Cherokee.
I have a tribe.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't know if I want to waste the time on it, but I'm thinking about visiting some if the radical Islamic websites that are easily available on the web. I'll be one could find the same kind of antisemitic vituperation employing the same sentence structure and terminology (eg: goyim, kazar, sheeple, referring to "tribes", etc.) to drive home the same fanatical message that comes from the Beemer. I suppose it's enlightening to be exposed to the Muslim viewpoint in order to understand how the members of Hamas and Hezbollah feel about the Israelis. Their propaganda is well thought out, well sourced, and they have certainly displayed their ability to manipulate the media over the years. On second thought, I don't think I'll spend the time after all - I've heard enough already and I ain't buying it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Reverting back to the original theme of this thread - most of you may have already seen this picture, but for those of you who haven't, here ya go. As women candidates go, would you rather have her or Hillary? Is this change, or what?


  • sarah-palin-vogue.jpg
    24.1 KB · Views: 5


Not a Member
I don't know if I want to waste the time on it, but I'm thinking about visiting some if the radical Islamic websites that are easily available on the web. I'll be one could find the same kind of antisemitic vituperation employing the same sentence structure and terminology (eg: goyim, kazar, sheeple, referring to "tribes", etc.) to drive home the same fanatical message that comes from the Beemer.

Fanatical message?? Excuse me I gave a different to a bunch of BS that was fanatical. Where as I read a fanatical message about Islam or anyone else for that matter. I read where people who don't have a clue what they are writing or thinking about telling abunch of untruths.. I read where his holiness Greg constantly condesends me with a few others. How about radical Jewish sites AIPAC - America's Pro-Israel Lobby matter of fact here is a good list of them to go through. While your at read about this bunch and there anti everyone but themselves
Chabad Lubavitch - Torah, Judaism and Jewish Info This one fits your second paragraph quite well..

I suppose it's enlightening to be exposed to the Muslim viewpoint in order to understand how the members of Hamas and Hezbollah feel about the Israelis. Their propaganda is well thought out, well sourced, and they have certainly displayed their ability to manipulate the media over the years.

Your right your zionist friends who view you as Goyim are quite good at it..Lets see if Islam has theirs,,,,Are you or anyone else actually foolish enough to believe the zionsit don't have theirs???

On second thought, I don't think I'll spend the time after all - I've heard enough already and I ain't buying it.

You should spend about the scams they pull..


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Granted, there are radicals among Jews as there are with any other group. However, I haven't read about many Jewish suicide bombers lately, or seen any films of Jewish terrorists filmed beheading Muslim civilians or anyone else. But what should we do about these "scams"? As I've said before, if we don't agree with consuming kosher blessed food, don't buy it - anything with the circled K gets left on the shelf. Regarding the media, as Moot pointed out they are publicly held companies - don't buy their stock, don't watch their programs, don't buy their magazines or newspapers and don't support their advertisers. Other than that, I don't see much point in dwelling on these supposed conspiricies.


Veteran Expediter
Yea but Beemer the thing many of us already know is this is all propaganda and we heard it all before.

It don't matter anyways, like Moot said maybe it is time to rescue another country if we are all ready under the influence.


Not a Member
Granted, there are radicals among Jews as there are with any other group. However, I haven't read about many Jewish suicide bombers lately, or seen any films of Jewish terrorists filmed beheading Muslim civilians or anyone else. But what should we do about these "scams"? As I've said before, if we don't agree with consuming kosher blessed food, don't buy it - anything with the circled K gets left on the shelf. Regarding the media, as Moot pointed out they are publicly held companies - don't buy their stock, don't watch their programs, don't buy their magazines or newspapers and don't support their advertisers. Other than that, I don't see much point in dwelling on these supposed conspiricies.

I do agree with you on pretty much every thing here.No doubt at all no arguments.....I wonder why though a kid,a young man or woman would become a suicide bomber? Could it be they are treated so horribley like I have continued to say that they see no hope in life? Maybe its when the gift of US made firepower destroying your homes, your farms, your families, does that make the bomber? Some blame is the fault of propaganda, but it can't be all of the blame. There are plenty of you tube vidieos about the horrible, cruel, inhumane treatment the isrealies give the Palastinains..Cameras don't lie. Even Greg would have to agree with me on that one.


Seasoned Expediter
Why are the choices for Pres always Hardcore Liberal vs Slightly Conservative? How do they always get what they want, while we have to accept middle of the road?[/QUOTE]

G.W. Bush and chicken cheney slightly conservative? obviously you been asleep at the wheel for what 8 YEARS. oh yes mcains vp MMMMMMM kept the money sent for the famous bridge to no where- maybe she just needs a break from caring for her disabled child? not a carrer politician? oh yea miss alaska more dirty politics there then even the republikans can handle.(spelling not incorrect)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
II wonder why though a kid,a young man or woman would become a suicide bomber? Could it be they are treated so horribley like I have continued to say that they see no hope in life?

You should read up on Islam and try to understand it. The word "Islam" is an Arabic word that actually carries a snotload of meanings, but the two main ones are submission and peace, and they go hand in hand. For submission, it is the complete and total submission to, and acceptance of, the One and Only God (Allah) and His will. For peace, it is inner peace with oneself, peace with the Creator, and peace with all of his creations. It is only through the total submission to God that this peace can be achieved. When one submits, totally, his mind, heart, body and soul to Allah, the relationship between Allah and man is one of total peace, and as such man will readily accept and obey His will and His commands. As a result of this obedience and inner peace, Muslims feel (what they think, anyway) is a unique feeling of satisfaction, fulfillment and contentment. This in not unique to Islam, incidentally, as all religions have the same teachings, more or less.

It is the fundamental belief of all Muslims that man was created for the purpose of serving Allah. Man was created and placed here on Earth as Allah's representatives and deputies, and is entrusted with great responsibilities to take care of one's physical being, families, wealth, health, communities, the environment, the Earth. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to care for and maintain the trust that Allah has given him.

One of the trusts is actually to care for life in all possible ways, including keeping themselves and others from harm. But this teaching, as with many others, can be interpreted in many ways (if it serves a purpose for the interpreter). You wouldn't know it from the actions of Islamic Fundamentalists, but Islam has made human life sacred and has safeguarded its preservation. According to its teachings, aggression against human life is the second greatest sin in the sight of Allah, second only to denial of Allah Himself. The Qur'an declares, "..If anyone kills a person for any reason other than for (the killing of) a person or for sowing corruption in the land, it will be as if he had killed the whole of mankind." (5:32)

How well one maintains that trust here in the physical world will determine whether or not they can win the latter life. Winning the latter life is Heaven, not winning it is Hell. Muslims are told by Prophet Muhammad to "work for this life as if we are living forever, and work for the latter life as if we are dying tomorrow." This saying highlights the balance that Muslims are to work towards achieving in their life on earth.

It can get blurry the difference between daily life of human affairs, and all the things that go with it, and Islam. But Islam deals with that so that there is no difference. Everything, from politics to law, to school to work to government of the state, indeed even the state itself, including that of the whole world, is all integrated into a single system of worship to Allah.

Islam provides both the individual and the state with a comprehensive "constitution." Through this constitution, ethics, righteousness, legitimacy, correctness, and similar fundamentals are well defined and are not left to individuals to experiment with or differ about (although they are wide open to interpretation, but only by those high clerics who have the knowledge and blessing of Allah to do so). Having been legislated by Allah, the Creator of this world, Muslims believe that the Islamic way of life is the most suitable one to follow. Total submission to Allah makes this pretty easy. That's why religious leaders tend to be the leaders of countries in the Middle East and Muslim countries. There is no difference, as the separation of church and state is simply not gonna happen with Islam. They are one in the same.

Muslims believe that everything, everything, is preordained by Allah, and nothing, nothing, happens that he does not know about or did not ordain. You die when Allah says so, and not a split second sooner or later. In fact, the date and time of your death is already known to Allah before he even created you, and there's nothing you can do about it, not that you'd even think about it, since you've submitted totally to His will, anyway. Although it might appear that a person committing suicide is ending his own life, or that a paramedic or medical treatment has prolonged a person's life, nope, a person's life ends only when Allah says so.

When a Muslim cleric, a leader of the Muslim faith, and usually a leader of the community or sometimes the state, interprets the Qur'an in such a way that it's teachings reveal that you are to put on a C-4 vest and blow up a city bus, you'll do it without question, without hesitation, for you have submitted totally to Allah's will. Doing so is merely part of the trust that Allah has placed in you to carry out His will, and carrying out his will is certainly going to allow you to attain your goal of winning the latter life. Praying to Allah, brushing your teeth, pointing towards Mecca, blowing up a bus, absolutely, without question or hesitation, praise be to Allah. It's all that easy.

No, these people don't become suicide bombers out of despair. Just the opposite. They do it because it has been preordained, because it is Allah's will, because they have been chosen by Allah to carry out His will, and because they are at peace with Allah and at peace with all things.

How scary is that? They do it because of a lifetime of systematic, controlled, relentless brainwashing. Oh, man, talk about sheeple! And people wonder why I'm jaded with religion. Religions of all kinds have a history that point squarely at being purely invented, by man, in order to control the people, plain and simple. Nothing illustrates that more clearly than the above.


Not a Member
Well Turtle, what you said maybe true to a point..(I do like your writing style) But you know you every Palastinian I talked to said it was because of living conditons...They are treated like dogs in their occupied country. Families that had lived their for 100s of years until the zionsit Terrorist ( Yes they were called that late 40s up to to the 60s actually untill they pretty much had full media control) over ran them and anyone else that stood in the way of a quote (homeland) Although real semitics jewish and Arab had been living their together a long time before that.
When you trace it down it is brother mistreating brother(dna wise) with the semitics. Not the Zionsit Khazar who could care less who they kill, why they kill, who they scam as long as they get what they want. No I am not anti semitic if anything I defend them....I am anti zionsit khazar who are no more semitic then you or me,I quess I should of made myself clearer on that issue.
Interesting how you read about these devout zionist killers and they somehow get the spin as some one great..Rabbis egging the lower Khazars into killing the semetics are somehow in the American veiw all knowing, loving, gentle, creatures who believe its ok to have one jew die for 1000 Arabs.
If a preist was to say go kill 1000 protestants they would tried and hung by the media..But a rabbi go kill them Arabs it is ok.
I wonder why such a double standard? Why are they allowed to kill with impunity? What makes them and some Christain sects think they are able to get away with what they do? Why do people think they are Gods special people and we are suppose to be sub servant to this bunch of khazars? Because it says so in book that was written by a group of the semitics that followed judasim?
IF I am not mistaken the orthodox jews believe they will have their homeland when the messiah returns? Or was that one they already killed? So if the orthodox are right why are these khazars scamming and killing so much
Kinda like the peaceful nomadic plains Indian that never caused war blah blah blah in pictures wearing long war bonnets?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
They say that money is the root of all evil. They are wrong. It's religion. (I'm on a campaign to be real popular here lol). Religion is about power and control, and the more power and control one has, the more one is corrupted. Absolutely. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, doesn't matter, it's all the same, it's all corrupted, and in its corruption, it's all evil. <gasp!> No it's not. Yes, it is.

"Come here altar boy and let us kneel and pray. Well, I'll kneel, you get on all fours. Who's your deity, who's your deity?"

Yep, that should do it.


Not a Member
They say that money is the root of all evil. They are wrong. It's religion. (I'm on a campaign to be real popular here lol). Religion is about power and control, and the more power and control one has, the more one is corrupted. Absolutely. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, doesn't matter, it's all the same, it's all corrupted, and in its corruption, it's all evil. <gasp!> No it's not. Yes, it is.

"Come here altar boy and let us kneel and pray. Well, I'll kneel, you get on all fours. Who's your deity, who's your deity?"

Yep, that should do it.

True to a point but I think women are the root of all evil. Man would be happy picking his nose, substance farming,fishing and hunting..Then women came along..Man had to impress them and ever since we have been trying to out do each other for the women will pick us over others :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
G.W. Bush and chicken cheney slightly conservative? obviously you been asleep at the wheel for what 8 YEARS. oh yes mcains vp MMMMMMM kept the money sent for the famous bridge to no where- maybe she just needs a break from caring for her disabled child? not a carrer politician? oh yea miss alaska more dirty politics there then even the republikans can handle.(spelling not incorrect)

And what do you call "No child allowed to succeed"? I call it liberal indoctrination! And what about so much pork being passed, you'd think everyone had bacon farts? Tax rebates? Those were welfare checks! And today I heard the feds are taking over Fannie and Freddie. Hey Greg... tune up the Soviet National Anthem!!!


Veteran Expediter
True to a point but I think women are the root of all evil. Man would be happy picking his nose, substance farming,fishing and hunting..Then women came along..Man had to impress them and ever since we have been trying to out do each other for the women will pick us over others :rolleyes:

How true! Not only are women evil but they are all a part of the Zionist take over. The 27th Protocol says that women were made from man's rib, a cheaper cut. And therefor are inferior and evil. Sure would be nice if we could just be left alone to drink beer, masturbate, fish, farm, hunt and watch the human race die out.