Maybe Obamacare is good for America.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't believe that was ever the plan. Too bad though.

I don't know. I DO know, for a fact, that everyone who had SS deducted from their checks were denied the use of those funds for planning their own retirement. The excuse that government could do it better has been proven wrong beyond any doubt.


Rookie Expediter
No problem here. Lets see, 30k a year income and a 12K yearly deductible. Yep...just like I said. You have no real insurance. I'm not sure where someone thinks "they deserve" something.
Even social security most only put in 100k in a lifetime yet cost closer to 400k through their life.
Someone has to pay for that.
I don't think "deserving" is how I would describe that. Being "grateful" may be a better position to take.

The way the agent explained it to me: the insurance comes in after the $5k in the event of a catastrophic illness. If our medical goes over $5k we still pay 30% unless we have individually met the deductible. What are the chances of both of us having a catastrophic illness? Yes, it 'could' happen, but more than likely not. This is affordable access to medical care even before that. What is wrong with that? We are VERY grateful for this, believe me. I am not going to be yours or any one elses whipping boy over this. I gave you the agents contact #. Call and learn for yourself. Maybe the terminology wasn't exactly correct....however my point IS that we have worked since we were teens and all of our adult lives taking care of ourselves and our kids, and taking care of others thru our taxes. Now you can look down your nose at us all you want, you can nit pic my words, whatever. We have never been able to afford to go to the dr. when we were ill, and had to do with out and suffer thru tooth aches and infections because we couldn't afford to get a bad tooth pulled. We have paid in and we have EARNED the right to be subsidized. SS may not even be there for us in another 15-20 years ( and we PAID into it). There has to be a balance. Somewhere. When we go back on the road, our subsidy may well end, and we may well have to be the balancing factor for others less fortunate. SO BE IT. What goes around, comes around. There is a time for every thing. For now though, I can get this tooth pulled, and I will be able to see to read the bill and my portion that I will be paying. I am **** thankful.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
I'm still trying to figure out what the $976 subsidy does, if it doesn't get paid towards the deductible or anything else, nor is it paid to anyone. I'm also trying to figure out how if it weren't for the $976 subsidy that one would have to pay $400 a month instead of $3.88 a month for insurance. So, apparently, a $400 a month insurance premium gets reduced to $3.88 thanks to a $976 subsidy that doesn't do anything and doesn't get paid to anyone.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
May want to talk to that agent again so you understand how those deductibles work. You numbers don't make sense.


Rookie Expediter
I'm still trying to figure out what the $976 subsidy does, if it doesn't get paid towards the deductible or anything else, nor is it paid to anyone. I'm also trying to figure out how if it weren't for the $976 subsidy that one would have to pay $400 a month instead of $3.88 a month for insurance. So, apparently, a $400 a month insurance premium gets reduced to $3.88 thanks to a $976 subsidy that doesn't do anything and doesn't get paid to anyone.

I do not know how they come to the amount of the subsidy. I only know that when I went on the market place, our insurance was going to cost us $400. They even had plans that cost to and above $1K a month premiums. Then I chose to see if we were eligible for a subsidy, and that was the out come. At our income level that is what we qualified for. I could be wrong that the subsidy is not a pay out to any one....he never really said. I asked if the subsidy went towards the deductible or the premium and he said no. (Therefore...where is it going?? To any where/any one?) That is when he explained the $5k deductible was our out of pocket in the event of a catastrophic illness. In the mean time....we get medical care at a discounted, affordable price, and we do not get penalized on our taxes. Yes, we qualified for $976 subsidy, however we are only using $200 something of it because of the custom plan that we went with. We are not using the entire $976 that we were eligible for.
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Rookie Expediter
May want to talk to that agent again so you understand how those deductibles work. You numbers don't make sense.

I am not a genius, and I definitely do not claim to know it all. I was forced to do something I was entirely against. I did not understand it then, and now I only understand it a little more than before. What I understand now: is that we have access to medical care at an affordable cost, that we can take care of ourselves, still pay the bills and put food on our table. There are different levels of coverage to chose from. He even helped me to weed out what we didn't need and 'custom fit' our plan to our needs. The premium then went down to $269 a month. Then he figured the subsidy. HE FIGURED IT, NOT ME. If it doesn't make sense...I gave you the contact for yourself and find out. He can answer your questions better than I can. We pay $3.88 a month to be able to pay $45 co pays to the Dr. instead of $120 per office visit (for example), 0 cost of preventive health checks (tests for cancer and other catastrophic illnesses) and in the event of a catastrophic illness, we pay up to the $5k and Anthem BC/BS picks up the rest. We bought additional coverage for dental and vision which costs us apprx. $29 each. We only have to pay 30% on lens, frames (that probably only cost $10 to make, but get sold for $35-$1500). We only pay $200 for an ER visit and $500 if we are hospitalized. All for $63 a month total. How is that not insurance? And WHAT PART do I not understand. As for the rest??????? I am not an insurance agent, nor do I work for the government. I understand what I need to. I have enough to worry and stress about, I do not add any more to my plate than I can handle. And WHERE am I required to do any more? To satisfy your questions? I am not the professional. The Agent is. Call him.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
I do not know how they come to the amount of the subsidy. I only know that when I went on the market place, our insurance was going to cost us $400. They even had plans that cost to and above $1K a month premiums. Then I chose to see if we were eligible for a subsidy, and that was the out come. At our income level that is what we qualified for. I could be wrong that the subsidy is not a pay out to any one....he never really said. I asked if the subsidy went towards the deductible or the premium and he said no. (Therefore...where is it going?? To any where/any one?) That is when he explained the $5k deductible was our out of pocket in the event of a catastrophic illness. In the mean time....we get medical care at a discounted, affordable price, and we do not get penalized on our taxes.
The subsidy is tax dollars that pays directly for your affordably priced, discounted medical care, and for your premium. The money gets paid by the federal government directly to the insurance company. is one hundred percent all about government subsidized private insurance. That's what it's there for, that's it's sole purpose.


Rookie Expediter
The subsidy is tax dollars that pays directly for your affordably priced, discounted medical care, and for your premium. The money gets paid by the federal government directly to the insurance company. is one hundred percent all about government subsidized private insurance. That's what it's there for, that's it's sole purpose.

Thank you. Like I said, we were eligible for $976 but in the end we are only using $269 of what we were eligible for. We are not using the entire subsidy. Because, by the time the agent weeded out what we didn't need and went directly on our current health conditions and our income, that is what our monthly premium ended up being. With out that subsidy, there is no way we can afford $269 a month after the bills are paid, plus taking care of an elderly family member. It truly was a God send for us.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
We are not using the entire subsidy.
You aren't, but the insurance companies are. They get to claim the difference between what you pay and what you are eligible for. In your case, they claim the difference between your subsidy and the $976, because $976 is what you'd pay for full-priced, non-discounted insurance. That's the tradeoff that insurance companies get for having to be forced into taking on anyone with pre-existing conditions - they get to raise premiums to basically whatever they want, and the government makes up the difference.

If someone snapped their fingers and all government health insurance subsidies went poof, then everyone would be paying at least $1000 a month for their health insurance, with a $5000 deductible and a 30% copay. And every time you halve the deductible, the monthly premium doubles. That's how the math works out.

That's what happens when you have the insurance industry writing insurance legislation.


Rookie Expediter
Well, it is a law that we do this. I was against it entirely, but if we do not do this we get penalized on our taxes. We have no choice and I do not think everyone understands this fact. It took a lot for me to post a thank you. I did not realize what a help this was until it was explained to me. I even sent Obama a letter listing everything that was wrong in forcing this on us. Maybe I don't fully understand everything, but I do understand it is a benefit to my husband and I, and many others as well. Thank you for helping me to understand a bit more than I did. This has all been so confusing. I have done the best I could to help others understand. We may not like the changes, and maybe not everyone will benefit. I do feel more people would benefit if they just give it a chance.


Rookie Expediter
One thing I would like everyone to understand: My husband and I were team Expediters. We loved it, and were very good at it. Things changed and we had to make a choice to sacrifice our life, or put my father in a nursing home under the care of strangers. Obviously, we chose to care for him our selves. We went from being a $100K a year team, to being a $30K a year team. If given the choice to do it again: we most certainly would. $100K a year seems like a lot of $$. Overall, it is. However, after the splits with the carrier, the truck owner, IRS and expenses, we still brought home about the same as we do now, and in some years it was less. This legislation, is the law. You can point the finger all you want, but it will all come out in the wash. Things change in an instant. One day, you may be where we are now, or worse. After all, we were once where you are. Our regards to all of you who are still out there running freight. Please accept our 'Thank You' for helping us, through your taxes. There are some who probably would not help any other way. Just remember: The higher the horse you ride, the longer the fall and the harder the landing. Happy Trails Y'all. May the road and the New Year bring you prosperity and good health.


Retired Expediter
There is absolutely nothing wrong about going the subsidized route if your income dictates that you qualify don't let some of these bozos try to attach a stigma for doing so... Why any idiot would prefer to choose to pay $500 a month when they can only pay $200 a month is beyond me or beyond stupid


Rookie Expediter
True....but that isn't Blue Cross. That is why they expanded Medicaid.
Medicaid is subsidized insurance if you are at 200 percent of poverty.
Should add, a Blue Cross agent can write the policy for medicaid, but it isn't Blue Cross insurance.

Wow, maybe I need to contact the Agent to rectify his mistake, because my policy and papers say: Anthem Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. even has the insignia. Holy Crap!! This is NOT medicaid. We do not qualify for Medicaid. We make too much $, we have no children in the house hold and I am not pregnant. We don't qualify for Medicare. We aren't old enough. I don't know about elsewhere, but here in Ohio one applies for Medicaid through 'Department of Family and Children Services'. NOT via an insurance agent. Further more: the people who are on medicaid, do not pay for anything, not a co payment, not an office visit...NOTHING. The cap for medicaid here in ohio for 2 people is apprx 26K. I deal with clients and the DFCS every single month because of my job. And THAT is with the expanded medicaid. The Government pays 100% for the medicaid. And, IF I would have qualified the ONLY assistance medicaid had to offer me was pre natal care, and anything to do with a pregnancy. How do I know this? It is partially my job to know what help there is in the community.
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Retired Expediter
Wow, maybe I need to contact the Agent to rectify his mistake, because my policy and papers say: Anthem Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. even has the insignia. Holy Crap!! This is NOT medicaid. We do not qualify for Medicaid. We make too much $, we have no children in the house hold and I am not pregnant. We don't qualify for Medicare. We aren't old enough. I don't know about elsewhere, but here in Ohio one applies for Medicaid through 'Department of Family and Children Services'. NOT via an insurance agent.

Don't mind the crowd in here some of them don't know crap !! They've never even filled out an application


Veteran Expediter
There is absolutely nothing wrong about going the subsidized route if your income dictates that you qualify don't let some of these bozos try to attach a stigma for doing so... Why any idiot would prefer to choose to pay $500 a month when they can only pay $200 a month is beyond me or beyond stupid

I don't think anyone suggested they should pay one penny more than they have to.

sent from my Fisher Price - ABC123


Veteran Expediter
Just popped your Quote in there because you were the first to bring up subsidizing...........

Prior to that it mainly focused on the OP's Story that these Peoples "Costs" was $0.....and it was stated....what.....3 times in the OP??

Aint Nothing "FREE" in America.........if the Government Claims it is Free.......and the Recipients believe it is Free..........they will never understand that Reality is is that Guys like ME are Covering their worthless asssses INSTEAD of enjoying the Fruits of THEIR in Buying Themselves a USED Fishing Boat.

(BTW.......I'm still going to get a Boat sometime this year..........Just Annoyed that I have to pay MORE in Taxes just so that Michelle Obawas 4th Cousin from her 3rd Displaced Aunt that was married to her 6th Off Cousin who's name is Antwone Johnson outside of Detroit can keep playing Video Games until 6 AM every day and not worry about Health Care Costs cause this Administration "got his back"..............)

My My,aren't we up on the high horse!


Rookie Expediter
Just popped your Quote in there because you were the first to bring up subsidizing...........

Prior to that it mainly focused on the OP's Story that these Peoples "Costs" was $0.....and it was stated....what.....3 times in the OP??

Aint Nothing "FREE" in America.........if the Government Claims it is Free.......and the Recipients believe it is Free..........they will never understand that Reality is is that Guys like ME are Covering their worthless asssses INSTEAD of enjoying the Fruits of THEIR in Buying Themselves a USED Fishing Boat.

(BTW.......I'm still going to get a Boat sometime this year..........Just Annoyed that I have to pay MORE in Taxes just so that Michelle Obawas 4th Cousin from her 3rd Displaced Aunt that was married to her 6th Off Cousin who's name is Antwone Johnson outside of Detroit can keep playing Video Games until 6 AM every day and not worry about Health Care Costs cause this Administration "got his back"..............)

WOW. By having preventive testing at 0 cost, ensures that maybe we will be able to live healthier lives, thereby costing less medical care in the long run. Instead of no preventive measures and letting an illness get out of control that could have been preventable or caught sooner as not to cost more. WORTHLESS ASSES???? You sir, do not even know me, or the majority of the people who will benefit from this legislature. I am insulted and offended as an AMERICAN and as a HUMAN BEING, that you could be so arrogant, so heartless and so self centered and ignorant. How dare you? Because you make more $$, does that make you any better than us, or those like us? One day sir, I hope you eat those words. The fruits of our labor is keeping a roof over our heads, utilities on, food on the table and vehicle in good order and insured. The fruit of our labor is taking care of our basic needs and keeps us near a loved one who needs our care and attention. The fruit of our labor is helping to fund the needy who are much worse off than we are. The fruit of our labor is keeping me from saying anything further as I would sooooo much like to.
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