WOW. By having preventive testing at 0 cost, ensures that maybe we will be able to live healthier lives, thereby costing less medical care in the long run. Instead of no preventive measures and letting an illness get out of control that could have been preventable or caught sooner as not to cost more. WORTHLESS ASSES???? You sir, do not even know me, or the majority of the people who will benefit from this legislature. I am insulted and offended as an AMERICAN and as a HUMAN BEING, that you could be so arrogant, so heartless and so self centered and ignorant. How dare you? Because you make more $$, does that make you any better than us, or those like us? One day sir, I hope you eat those words. The fruits of our labor is keeping a roof over our heads, utilities on, food on the table and vehicle in good order and insured. The fruit of our labor is taking care of our basic needs and keeps us near a loved one who needs our care and attention. The fruit of our labor is helping to fund the needy who are much worse off than we are. The fruit of our labor is keeping me from saying anything further as I would sooooo much like to.
WOW. By having preventive testing at 0 cost, ensures that maybe we will be able to live healthier lives, thereby costing less medical care in the long run. Instead of no preventive measures and letting an illness get out of control that could have been preventable or caught sooner as not to cost more.
WOW. By having preventive testing at 0 cost, ensures that maybe we will be able to live healthier lives, thereby costing less medical care in the long run. Instead of no preventive measures and letting an illness get out of control that could have been preventable or caught sooner as not to cost more. WORTHLESS ASSES???? You sir, do not even know me, or the majority of the people who will benefit from this legislature. I am insulted and offended as an AMERICAN and as a HUMAN BEING, that you could be so arrogant, so heartless and so self centered and ignorant. How dare you? Because you make more $$, does that make you any better than us, or those like us? One day sir, I hope you eat those words. The fruits of our labor is keeping a roof over our heads, utilities on, food on the table and vehicle in good order and insured. The fruit of our labor is taking care of our basic needs and keeps us near a loved one who needs our care and attention. The fruit of our labor is helping to fund the needy who are much worse off than we are. The fruit of our labor is keeping me from saying anything further as I would sooooo much like to.
Well.......looks like a Nerve was Struck.......
Oh least I appreciate the sligh "Thank You" you said in another post.
Maybe it wasn't a Nerve that was struck..........and quite possibly a revelation.......Guilty Conscious deep inside......that you have a sinking feeling that annoys you that instead of THIS TAXPAYER using his hard earned $$$$$ to get what wants.......what he worked hard for............what every American Deserves............and that is to be able ENJOY the Fruits of Their Labor............INSTEAD of Covering somebody else's........YOUR...........Health Coverage with the TAX $$$$ that is being collected from him that he could've used to buy that USED Fishing Boat.
It's not like I'm going for broke and wanting a NEW Fishing Boat......To Save Money I'd be satisfied with a USED Fishing Boat. But..........Considering I am now having to Cover the Health Expenses for those that "Qualify" for Subsidies under the ACA.............there's a Chance I may not be able to do what I WANT TO DO with MY hard earned $$$$.
What get's me is how you started this Rant Off with this:
0 Cost my as....................
You still don't GET IT.................Do You..................![]()
But you aren't taking care of your basic needs if you are reliant on others (in this case the taxpayers) for your basic health insurance. As mentioned, someone else is paying for it so you can do what you are doing. You are hardly the only one so I wouldn't take it personal.
You probably "stepped in it" when you started this whole thread with you were entitled and "deserved" it. Not going to win a lot of fans from the ones that are paying for it.
What would I be wrong about? You essentially cast yourself out when you said you "deserved" to have a health care entitlement.
Since the program is new and you have paid nothing for the subsidy, why would you think you are entitled?
Remember, it was you that said that. So, people are only responding based on what you post.
The use of the word "too" indicates that you think Brisco is an expediter. He's not. Never has been. He sells used office furniture, and it's a position that enables him to sit atop his high and mighty perch so as to be able to kick someone when they are down, and to be able to consider himself a "real trucker" because he once drove a dually pickup truck pulling an RV. He doesn't have to have a sense, understanding or concern for humanity, because it is you who should be awed and grateful that he would take the time to grace you with his presence, not only in these forums, but on this planet. You should worship the used high-back, executive leather, swivel office chair he sits in.The nerve that you 'struck' is the fact that we are expediters too, who are currently on LOA to care for an elderly member of our family, and you sir have no sense, understanding or concern for humanity. What are you doing from your high and mighty perch?? Besides kicking someone while they are down? Enjoy your boat.
Oh stop pointing your finger at me. Let me recap on you a minute: You were wrong in saying this was not insurance, then, that it wasn't BC/BS, then about the monthly premium, then about medicaid insurance. a
Insurance agents cannot write the policy's for medicaid. It does not work like that. Only people on welfare are eligible for medicaid, and the welfare dept. caseworker handles it. You could have come back and said: hey, I was wrong. Nope. Instead you just keep digging deeper and keep kicking. Well, guess what? I have a shovel, I know how to use it and I am not afraid to:
I use the term deserving because I believe every human being deserves/should have the right to be treated by a dr. when they are ill. Life and the quality of (- NOT MONEY -) rules my world.
I did not come here to be kicked around by anyone. Or blamed for the state of the union, or for all the things wrong with this country. I am a fellow Expediter (on LOA) doing what I have to do, for as long as I have to do it. Everyone's circumstances are different. You are a fleet owner, you have it better than most. You can afford the basic necessities thanks to your station in life. Not everyone can. I earn every bit of my income even tho it is low. I WORK for it and pay taxes. It was a shame I could not even go to the dr. when I needed to. And now you folks who have it far better than I, want to condemn me for dipping into "YOUR" pockets. Well, the last I knew, taxes are paid to handle the needs of this country and the citizens in it. I am a citizen, born and raised in this country. I have paid into the IRS since I was 16. If some one helps pay for the pie, they deserve a portion. After my Father is buried, I will return to Expediting and hopefully will once again be successful at it. When that happens, I hope I will not have to be subsidized. I hope that coin flips and I too will be helping someone have medical care. Things change. One thing that will not change, is my opinion of the well to do low life's that have $$ to make changes and are too blind to see the need in others. And too tight fisted to help. The sad thing is. A lot of people who are against this.....will benefit from it. Maybe even you. One just never knows what the future holds. On top of the world one day, the next the world is on your shoulders.
OVM, since this isn't "his America", what is this "New America" you speak of? changed it. Probably a good move.![]()
I originally understood your income to be 12k which would be medicaid in most cases. So I was wrong on that until you posted your income. Then it went to 30k when you first posted with how the subsidy was all over the place. Then I said at 30k, and a 12k deductible, you basically have no insurance except wellness. If you don't have at least 50 percent of that deductible (for one illness), your insurance is very limited. You then said you would pay 5k in the event of something catastrophic. But if the deductible is 12k as stated, and the subsidy is not used for that, then how would you only pay 5K?
What does the 12k deductible represent?
If something happened and carried over in to the next year, guess what, you need to meet the deductible for that year of coverage as well unless it is the same claim.
That is for my husband and myself together. The agent first quoted 12K (6K each), then it went to 5K each). If it is a catastrophic illness BC/BS picks up at $5001.00 and above. It is based individually. Not together. EXAMPLE: say I get cancer. The insurance would not come in until my bills went over 5K. I pay up to that amount out of pocket. They are taking it on an individual basis. We are talking catastrophic illness. In the mean time, we pay for our meds, dr. office calls, glasses, frames, etc...just at a lower rate. Like I said, I am not an insurance agent. The subsidy changed because I got a lower amount when I was doing it myself. The insurance agent found we qualified for a larger subsidy. What they showed me was just an estimate. When the agent wrote the policy, the amount he got was the final. They charge out outrageous for drugs, care and etc...this is just bringing it down to earth. The subsidy does not go toward the premium...I asked. I thought the subsidy was a write off for the dr.s etc... notice I said thought. Like the Government was saying: "this is what these people can afford to pay". I am just an average person. I am not a politician, insurance agent or text book. There is so much negative propaganda going on, we don't know what or who to believe. Insurance was confusing to me even before this. I have limited knowledge on this subject. I can only tell you from my own experience. I told you as much as I know. Any further questions please call a qualified agent.
That is for my husband and myself together. The agent first quoted 12K (6K each), then it went to 5K each). If it is a catastrophic illness BC/BS picks up at $5001.00 and above. It is based individually. Not together. EXAMPLE: say I get cancer. The insurance would not come in until my bills went over 5K. I pay up to that amount out of pocket. They are taking it on an individual basis. We are talking catastrophic illness. In the mean time, we pay for our meds, dr. office calls, glasses, frames, etc...just at a lower rate. Like I said, I am not an insurance agent. The subsidy changed because I got a lower amount when I was doing it myself. The insurance agent found we qualified for a larger subsidy. What they showed me was just an estimate. When the agent wrote the policy, the amount he got was the final. They charge out outrageous for drugs, care and etc...this is just bringing it down to earth. The subsidy does not go toward the premium...I asked. I thought the subsidy was a write off for the dr.s etc... notice I said thought. Like the Government was saying: "this is what these people can afford to pay". I am just an average person. I am not a politician, insurance agent or text book. There is so much negative propaganda going on, we don't know what or who to believe. Insurance was confusing to me even before this. I have limited knowledge on this subject. I can only tell you from my own experience. I told you as much as I know. Any further questions please call a qualified agent.
That makes a little more sense. The subsidy goes to the insurance company so they can offer you the rates that you are paying.
The original premise of the thread was that Obamacare was a good thing. Even in your case, I'm not convinced. Mainly because at your income level or people in a similar place, meeting the deductible with the care will be a challenge. There wasn't wellness prior to Obamacare but I see all kinds of issues with how this would affect even low income people.