Wow what?
If you know the entire story behind his refusal to do what he agreed to do, then it should be 'about time'
If you wonder what that unfinished bridge is doing there, it is a symbol of a billion dollars of investment that wasn't needed and that a lot of it went on to pockets of this guy.
Wow - as in surprised that it actually happened. And yes, you're right--it is about time.
atleast the business made a profit .because that is all that matters. RIGHT
I don't have a frickn' clue where any one gets this profit thing but I think that the naive nature of people's idea of what this is all about warrants a need to look at the history with this guy and the subject of screwing tax payers. The only thing that I agree with him is we don't need another bridge.
Layout the traffic studies that were done in the 90's had the same traffic then as now but the changes made after 9/11 have been one source of the slowdown, as admitted to by the dhs a couple years ago at that mack conference, and if you watch during high traffic times, they seem to move a lot slower. One thing that you should understand is that the state wants another bridge so they can get more taxes and I feel they are working with the feds to create a
The bottle neck on the bridge is caused by the US customs - nothing else.
There is a reason to "replace" the bridge but not a second one at tax payer's expense. The bs of floating bonds is just bs because the cost will exceed the bond sales.
No profit, no business. No business, no jobs. If you have a better way to do it, speak up! Better yet, start your own business, run it how YOU choose, hire who YOU want. At least for now we still have that freedom.
DO WE you better go check on that agian
Check on what? I can start a business any time I choose too. The greatest force holding me back is taxes. You know, Robin Hood in action.
I hope to make an even GREATER PROFIT this year than last and find a why to keep ALL OF IT for MY family. I don't work to support everyone, just us.
and how are you going do make more profit by lieing and stealing it by ripping people off . like matty moroun is doing
and what type of business are you going to start a Lemonade Stand. will guess what they have even shut them down because they didnt have the right permits ,paper work ,bonds and everything else the need to run a Lemonade Stand today . because of guys like Matty Moroun . people ***** about to many regulations . the stuff Matty Moron is pulling here is one of the reasons why .
people need to sit down a look and see why when and where all the regulation come from . would you buy your dinner from a place that had mice running around . guess what there is a regulation on that . wonder why . was it because we first trused where we eat to serve us good food . but they saw they could make more profit if they let the mice round around .
Not to be a smart butt and only wishing to help you where I can. I suggest that you might do better for you self if you were to spend more time moving ahead and less time blaming others for your problems.
You are where you are, as I am where I am, do to your actions or inactions taken years ago. The trick is over coming those short falls. It is also fun.
Besides, you don't even use that bridge, how does it affect you?It is in the Detroit/Windsor area, not PA.