Emptyied in cleveland at 6 am , drove down the the Pilot on I-90 at Avon and parked next to one of Steve's Sprinters...woke up this morning and he / she was gone, called Pam, they got a load out..Sooo I told her i'd sit here till 1600 and if she got me something cool, if not, i am heading for home..
Talkin about too many units in the Taylor area....Becareful looking at the "19"...it showes all those vans doing locals and the Canadian units also (Hi Scott!!

) so you could probably cut that number in half...now that being said, when I and my new driver and his dad went in service Thursday, I went home to Toledo and was dispatched out the same night...the other 2 took off out of Taylor around noon Fri and they were both dispatched Friday evening by heading out of Taylor and moving closer to the southern freight...we were all 3 closer then those units up north....