March 2017 this and that.

Worn Out Manager

Veteran Expediter
US Air Force
Actually enjoyed it. Always fun to get your prospective on the industry. And I always learn something new when we meet. Plus the free dinner was really really good!

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Last time I was in town Murray invited me to lunch. I was on my way to meet him when he booked me in the other direction Hmmmm...?

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Veteran Expediter
So... transit got a clean bill of health and had 2 back
To back loads totally 600 paid miles! Ohio~pa~oh~mi- now nappytime in loganstown? Port something north of Kokomo Indiana .

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Nice name change Eric ... went to bed at 8 pm Friday night ... up and Rolling at 6.30 am ...

hauling freight from a Pond near you
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Veteran Expediter
Heads up ladies and gents the Logansport Indiana wal mart is chasing me out they do not allow any overnight parking

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Veteran Expediter
Heads up ladies and gents the Logansport Indiana wal mart is chasing me out they do not allow any overnight parking

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Boy .... you havn't been out here a week again and Causing trouble allready ....

hauling freight from a Pond near you
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Veteran Expediter
Heads up ladies and gents the Logansport Indiana wal mart is chasing me out they do not allow any overnight parking
Did the police chase you out or store personnel? Do you know if there is a city ban on overnight parking or is it that particular store's policy.

I've stayed at the Wal Mart just west of there in Monticello without a problem. I think we will see more and more Wal Marts banning overnight parking because of the damage and garbage left behind by big trucks. So many Wal Mart parking lots look like truck stops.


Veteran Expediter
Moved down the road ...

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Veteran Expediter
Monticello? I've never seen a sign that included RVs. No mention of overnight parking.


Veteran Expediter
Heads up ladies and gents the Logansport Indiana wal mart is chasing me out they do not allow any overnight parking

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Walmart likes sprinters, they beautify the property and bring value up.

Some Walmart stores have special designated space encouraging Trucks and RVs to park with signs that say so.
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