Let me see;
Steve ya gots $6500 bucks for a run to CA. and Ur weeks not over so U couldnt shut down for a week.
I agree with slowing down I have Hey Im not paying for the fuel but doing My part for In this Skid Row Trucking Business of which so it seem Trucking has been given a new Name Skid Row Tucking.
I make good monie when its good but as everyone knows when ya sit or hit the wall u dont make Crap.
Oil Prices well, If the Trucks stop running then it will bring the nation to its Knees. However I guess they will just higher mexican drivers to run the freight. with the way prices are now it cost darn near 80 cents a mile to run a truck and that dont include Tolls. I see a lot of cheap Freight out there and seen it post on here for 1.48 amile ect get outa here. For a Tractor Trailer.
YA Steve UR right to many worried about shutting down but then agan whats owner OPS like Ur self going to do run that Cheapo Freight for UR Companies???
IF ya dont well they will just higher Mexican Drivers to do it. Hey the real deal is Crack the President and The Dum Congressmen and Senators alike in the head and let these scum bums know we had enough of there high priced BS.
U said it UR self freight hasnt changed in 10 years or better. Well Why is that??
However Fuel has big time. That Fuel Surchage U get its a joke ok well give u fuel surcharge but guess what the overall price offered stays the same. hmmm ya ur getting more. The Truth UR getting taken to the Cleaners by UR Companies.
They dont give two sheets to the wind about U or I , only that they sit behind a stinking desk and get the JAbrawnes and Jamokes to take their cheap freight.
Now Dont we all feel Crunchy.
Now how many people have u watched thus far get out of the business because of the FUEL Prices. THE country BIG WIGS are slowely getting what they wanted in the first Place.
The Industry will be flooded with the Mexican Drivers as they will run the Frieght for ELCHEAPO.
They can Bring the Price of Fuel down to a 1.50 a gallon just get rid of that riduculos stupid Fuel TAXES State and FED.
The next thing, open up our reserves again.
There aint no shortage thats a bunch of BS. & were suppose to buy off on that.
One last thing Bush made the mistake by taking Sadam out he should have stayed the course and stayed after Bin Lauden.
Sadam was black marketing oil to France Germany and Spain and Italy. Kept the Price down. Hmm
As long as Their is a Dick and Bush or Hillary around were going to have Problems.
Grab the shovels and lets get rid of the dukey.

Im trying to be polite.
Have a nice day all.

No Chains Allowed
RIdge Runner