I only got my percentage of the published tariff and the percentage of the HazMat surcharge.
On many loads I did, too. But the 4 shippers above, I knew what they paid, and I stuck to my guns. I told them straight up I know what those shippers pay and I won't run HAZMAT from them on the cheap. I simply asked for 62% (despite not being contracted on a percentage), which I thought was fair. Only a couple of times did I turn the load down and not eventually get it at the higher rate.
That was back in the day when a lot of the BOLs had the line haul rate listed right there, and we knew exactly how badly we were getting screwed some times. LOL
I'll never forget one time with Panther I got a load picking up at a Gander Mountain in Chattanooga, TN going down to one in Mobile, AL. 400 miles and it paid my regular rate of 77 cents per mile plus the FSC (which I think was about 20 cents). My pay was $388. It was hot, hot, hot, picking up at 10 PM after they were already closed, and delivered straight through ASAP. It was emergency generators and coolers going down there because a hurricane was coming. It ended up being a pretty mild one that fizzled out before it hit land and I don't think it ever reached beyond tropical depression status. When they called me about the load I asked for a $50 bonus to cover deadheading back out to Memphis or Birmingham or even back to Chattanooga. The dispatcher said "We don't have enough in the load for that." Well, I got to the shipper and the BOL they handed me was the actual rate sheet that showed they paid Panther directly $1180.38. Cheap bastards.
I remember 1 carrier took their % of my hand unload....I'd say to them I got my 67% unloaded now you come out and do your share...LOL
The carrier taking their percentage of assessorials is normal, and understandable. They're the one that convinces the customer to pay it, and they are the ones who collect it.