Veteran Expediter
With my humblest respect I got to say something here.
I think that even though you make a great case against Obama, there are a few things that I really think is missing.
First thing is, we have tolerated religious bigotry in this country and because race has been interjected into the campaign, many have been more intolerant. I don’t mean you but I mean most of the media and left leaning people who want to destroy the ties between religion and its history with the government. Because of this bigotry, I do not see the things you speak of happening at all. Louis Farrakhan or the followers of nation of Islam will not change the face of the political scene, nor could they if they really wanted to. They can not force the country to turn our backs on Israel or other allies. And we don’t think of the Arab support we garner because we are supporting Israel, as our support provides stability within the region, especially with Egypt and Jordan. It is not the nation of Islam to decide, it is not even the president can pull the US out of treaties that is ensconced through the blood and religion of a majority of people in this country without causing a change in government.
The second thing is, you should not fear the system we have which it seems you do but entrust that the people can and will do the right thing. We are not a puppet country which is ruled by the minority elite, but an honest country that does speak up when we have to and we did last year – didn’t we. Because there is still a burning hatred for people who hated the Jews, because we have built our guilt up over the holocaust, because we still support the state of Israel and would stand with them against other allies, I don’t have a doubt that the people would just standby and allow our abandonment of Israel to take place.
With this, I also got to say the lack of the Republican Party to actually mobilize the voters is one of the biggest problems they have. Conservative values that some seem to have should be actually pointing to more of liberal values and need to take a lesson from 1994 and look at how they were defined. It is scary to think that I am told to stand behind a party because of my values when the party itself has imploded to the point that they don’t come close to representing the past values but represent the values of the opposition.
The third thing is we have Keith Allison in congress (thanks Minnesota). He has more ties with radical Islam than Obama.
The fourth thing is, reading the Koran alone is not a good path to learning about it. You must talk to and engage followers of the religion to really understand the meaning behind some of the things. I know for instance that one English translation says that women must be the follower of their husbands and if need to die for him without question but another says the opposite and when I heard word for word translation of the passage, it was about respect, not oppression. As much as I am leery over some of the translations of the Bible and how they have been twisted to follow modern day verbiage, I too am leery of some of the translations of the Koran and the Talmud, especially from non-followers of the religion. No offense but have you actually studied the Koran with a Muslim?
The fifth thing is I think people need to go back to my post “some deep political thought” and go through that list because we have more to fear with McCain and Hillary than Obama. Obama will not energize the country as many expect him to because the race issue will be front and center when he is opposed on his ideas or policies. But as for the list, see that list right now applies to both major parties, republican and democrat and that list was derived from an article written a long time ago about Fascism (which I am not going to reference but say was written in 1937) and the rise of the Nazis, amazing that it applies to both parties right now when you analyze the policies and legislation that has come about in the past 10 years. You could also say that Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom also applies without any doubt. (By the way, that list also is on description tag for “Liberal Fascism” by Goldberg.)
And last, David, if McCain is nominated, you better fear having him in the WH. He has already damaged the country and he has lied and cheated his way back into the spot light. I can not trust him to say he will support anyone one country, he has yet shown that we can trust him with his record. We already have a direct assault on the first amendment with McCain-Feingold and I would expect after he has been in office, the Fairness Doctrine will be the first thing he will push through – then we can talk about equal time.
With my humblest respect I got to say something here.
I think that even though you make a great case against Obama, there are a few things that I really think is missing.
First thing is, we have tolerated religious bigotry in this country and because race has been interjected into the campaign, many have been more intolerant. I don’t mean you but I mean most of the media and left leaning people who want to destroy the ties between religion and its history with the government. Because of this bigotry, I do not see the things you speak of happening at all. Louis Farrakhan or the followers of nation of Islam will not change the face of the political scene, nor could they if they really wanted to. They can not force the country to turn our backs on Israel or other allies. And we don’t think of the Arab support we garner because we are supporting Israel, as our support provides stability within the region, especially with Egypt and Jordan. It is not the nation of Islam to decide, it is not even the president can pull the US out of treaties that is ensconced through the blood and religion of a majority of people in this country without causing a change in government.
The second thing is, you should not fear the system we have which it seems you do but entrust that the people can and will do the right thing. We are not a puppet country which is ruled by the minority elite, but an honest country that does speak up when we have to and we did last year – didn’t we. Because there is still a burning hatred for people who hated the Jews, because we have built our guilt up over the holocaust, because we still support the state of Israel and would stand with them against other allies, I don’t have a doubt that the people would just standby and allow our abandonment of Israel to take place.
With this, I also got to say the lack of the Republican Party to actually mobilize the voters is one of the biggest problems they have. Conservative values that some seem to have should be actually pointing to more of liberal values and need to take a lesson from 1994 and look at how they were defined. It is scary to think that I am told to stand behind a party because of my values when the party itself has imploded to the point that they don’t come close to representing the past values but represent the values of the opposition.
The third thing is we have Keith Allison in congress (thanks Minnesota). He has more ties with radical Islam than Obama.
The fourth thing is, reading the Koran alone is not a good path to learning about it. You must talk to and engage followers of the religion to really understand the meaning behind some of the things. I know for instance that one English translation says that women must be the follower of their husbands and if need to die for him without question but another says the opposite and when I heard word for word translation of the passage, it was about respect, not oppression. As much as I am leery over some of the translations of the Bible and how they have been twisted to follow modern day verbiage, I too am leery of some of the translations of the Koran and the Talmud, especially from non-followers of the religion. No offense but have you actually studied the Koran with a Muslim?
The fifth thing is I think people need to go back to my post “some deep political thought” and go through that list because we have more to fear with McCain and Hillary than Obama. Obama will not energize the country as many expect him to because the race issue will be front and center when he is opposed on his ideas or policies. But as for the list, see that list right now applies to both major parties, republican and democrat and that list was derived from an article written a long time ago about Fascism (which I am not going to reference but say was written in 1937) and the rise of the Nazis, amazing that it applies to both parties right now when you analyze the policies and legislation that has come about in the past 10 years. You could also say that Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom also applies without any doubt. (By the way, that list also is on description tag for “Liberal Fascism” by Goldberg.)
And last, David, if McCain is nominated, you better fear having him in the WH. He has already damaged the country and he has lied and cheated his way back into the spot light. I can not trust him to say he will support anyone one country, he has yet shown that we can trust him with his record. We already have a direct assault on the first amendment with McCain-Feingold and I would expect after he has been in office, the Fairness Doctrine will be the first thing he will push through – then we can talk about equal time.