Looks like McPain in FL


Veteran Expediter
Congratulations, FL! If McCain gets the nomination, we get the choice between a LIBERAL and a LIBERAL!!! Oh well... guess it's the baby-boomers wanting more government who voted him in. Seeing as Dems and Independants can't vote in the FL primary, that's all I can come up with. I'm depressed.

Well guys... looks like I'm voting for either the Constitution party or for Obama. I DEFINITELY don't want McCain in there! He'll have the (R) behind his name; meaning the party will get blamed for everything he does. And he's done nothing but backstab conservatives ever since he became a Senator. As president, we may as well get used to calling each other comrade. At least if Hillary wins, we can get another conservative revolution in two years. But I'm wondering how many TRUE conservatives died since 94... cause we certainly don't have many left now.

How much you wanna bet eco related stocks go thru the roof tomorrow?


Veteran Expediter
Well I heard his little victory speech and got to say he is living in a dream world. He has said all along how he is a conservative, he can pull the country out of the shape it is in and something to the effect that "It shows one thing. I'm the conservative leader who can unite the party" - that by the way came from the AP interview he did. I am sick.

Yea right, no one remembers McCain-Kennedy? or keating 5? Look out if you think you have issues with Mexican trucks now under Bush, McCain will make it an completely open border.

I am with you, I will be casting my vote on my ab ballot as soon as it arrives and it won't be for McCain - the repubs have surely lost my vote.

AND to beat all, Giuliani is now dropping to of the race and going to endorse McCain, what a chicken **** he is. I am sorry but I blame him for Hillary and he has done the same thing.
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Veteran Expediter
Barack Hussein Obama

How does a senator who came from out of the fog land himself front and center on the pages of USA Today, where he's touted as "the new face of change and reform for the democratic party?"

Without the media, could Barak Obama have discovered the fast track to fame?

Looking at his day job, the Senator from Illinois is a senior lecturer in constitutional law at the University of Chicago. Make that the Rockefeller-funded U of C, a school that is Rockefeller down to the bone.

Obama's Dad, a Muslim from Kenya, left home when he was two. His Mom remarried and went with her new husband to Indonesia where Obama lived during his salad years.

Obama must have attended school in Indonesia. Is it possible that as a young Muslim boy he went to a Saudi madrassa?

Yes, that's a possibility.

The chapters in the Life and Times of Barak Obama always race ahead. It was during one of those chapters when we found him taking up community organizing in the Altgeld Gardens housing project on the south side of Chicago, when he converted to Christianity, formerly being secular.

As a fledgling Christian, Obama didn't join just any church. He joined the United Church of Christ.

The United Church of Christ is very anti-Israel and supports divestment. It also sponsors speeches at its many functions by the Arab "Christian" pro-terror religious organization, Sabeel. Sabeel holds some of its biggest meetings in Chicago.

Essentially Obama is a Christian convert--but also then a Muslim apostate.

The "What If" category of "the new face of change and reform for the democratic party" doesn't get written up by the mainstream media.

What if Obama is engaged in pious fraud? This is a Muslim practice of pretending not to be Muslim to further the cause of Islam or to "defend the faith". He becomes President and then says, "Gee…I think I want to be Muslim again" after he finds the "football" in his hands that carries the launch codes for the USA nuke forces.

What if the converted-to-Christianity Barak Obama decides to exercise his right to revert back?

Then what?

Currently, Obama is an apostate as far as Islam is concerned. They believe all babies are born Muslim but then parents of infidel religions brainwash the baby Muslims into other lesser faiths.

What must be done with an apostate of the Muslim faith? Give him a chance to convert back to Islam.

Obama is soft on the handover of the ports to Dubai.

Obama's Mom met his step Dad at the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii. The Center gets money from Bill Gates, the Rockfellers and, of course the United Nations.

Obama went to Occidental college, whose motto is "West is nearest to the East".

Occidental College has a historic connection to the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now known as SIL International.) Associated with the Rockefellers, SIL has something going on in Dubai (www.finanz-adressen.de/asien/UAE-info.,html,) Scroll down three quarters of the way until you see their blinking pyramid logo.

Now another wealthy and powerful family, Chappaquiddick Ted, and the younger Kennedy's have endorsed Barack Hussein Obama. The Kennedy's, Rockefeller's, Bill Gates...will make Barack Hussein Obama servant to the master.

Meanwhile hype notwithstanding, "the new face of change and reform for the democratic party" is no Abe Lincoln, but could be the most upwardly mobile Muslim of the millennium.

Oh, and Sen. Barack Obama has learned a great deal from the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. when it comes to crafting a message that Americans can grasp. You remember Reverend Wright, don't you. Barack Hussein Obama touts Jeremiah Wright as being the single greatest influence in his life. Wright is the pastor of the church where Barack Hussein Obama now attends since his conversion.

Wright, the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's far south side, is a fiery pastor who "delivers magnificently cranky sermons on how the 'African diaspora' struggles under the yoke of the 'white supremacists' who run the 'American empire.' "

1982 Wright founded Trumpet Newsmagazine; his daughters serve as publisher and executive editor. The magazine named Louis Farrakhan as the winner of the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award, saying he (Farrakhan) was a man who "truly epitomized greatness."

Farrakhan "epitomizes racism" and is as "Anti-Semitic" as they come. Ya think he is a Muslim?

The Bible says in Genesis 12:3, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

Wake up!!! The passage is talking about Israel.

Barack Hussein Obama gets elected, gets pressured to turn our back on Israel...please turn out the lights because the blessings of God will cease as far as America is concerned!


Veteran Expediter
I am not worried about that, we have already seen the congress replace the state department with pelosi going to Syria. The issues about Obama are not about religion that really make me worry but of the twisted race issue that is ignored in this country.

Here is the thing even if hillary or Obama gets into office, the congress may not last in it's present form more then two years after the election. Having a new comer in the WH may not be as bad as having someone like McCain or hillary. With the latter, we already know what is coming, we already see the vicious attack on others by her group but I think that in all honestly Obama will not get the nomination because the political infighting within the party on race vs. gender is already forming.

But with McCain, that is a different story. Many are fooled into thinking this guy is a "war hero who deserves the position in the" WH (comment made by some retired auto worker in Spring Hill FL). A lot of repubs understand that if he is nominated, they can not vote for him and the party may divide again like it did almost 100 years ago.

If that makes sense at all??

Also if you look at McCains track record, he has been pretty much in lock step with the dems on several issues.

He voted against;
Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001

To name a couple.

He voted for or had a hand in the following;

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain–Feingold Act) - which is a direct assault on free speech

Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (McCain-Kennedy)

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act

Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007

McCain Detainee Amendment- of which ties the hands of the people who protect us.

He also was one of the keating 5 which he ran interfeirence for Keating to stop the government's seizure of Lincoln Savings and Loan. All the senators involved should have been censured and removed from the committee positions they held but not one of them was duly punished.


Veteran Expediter
Since Hill-Billy has won FL and MI by default, what do you want to bet she uses the courts to try and get their delegates seated? She is as evil and underhanded as they come.

Obama may be an Islamic operative. Who knows? And if so, will it be too late once it becomes clear? I think our only hope for the country is that he isn't. He may be the best realistic choice if Romney gets stomped by McCain. Only prob is he's a gamble. We know what we'd get with Hill-Billy or McCain. What DO we get with Obama?

And as far as McCain... one can only hope he takes someone VERY conservative as VP; and by chance, McCain drops dead from lead poisoning.

I'm sorry... but this is disturbing, to say the least. FL knows not what they have done! And a bloody revolution may be in the US's future. And I don't say that lightly.
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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
David: Please share the sources for this hatchet job, so we can verify what you are posting!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We are definitely in a dangerous and precarious position. The only thing we know for certain is the next president will be from either the republican or democratic party. That being a given, I will vote against whichever is the worse candidate of the two. As much as I'd like to do so by voting third party, that is in effect giving my vote to the eventual winner. I won't throw my vote away so I will be voting one of the only two with a possibility of winning to vote against the worse of the pair.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
David, I was right there with you, sort of, up until you started with the Barack Hussein Obama thing. That's not his name. If you want to make an intelligent, impassioned plea, it makes no sense to toss intelligence and credibility out the window with name calling. Truly.

Also, "...please turn out the lights because the blessings of God will cease as far as America is concerned!"

Really? So rich the irony. I would think that you, of all people, would give God a little more credit than that.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Underlined and in bold lettering?

I was over the top about the name calling, but did so to make the point, is all. In the Muslim world, Hussein is about as common as David.

There was a really funny Bugs Bunny cartoon, from, like, the 1950's, maybe earlier, that they won't play on TV anymore. It had to do with Bugs running around the palace and driving the Sultan crazy. The name of the Sultan? Saddam Husein.

Other Saddam Hussein relatives still on the loose:

The Brothers :

Guday...............the half-Australian brother
Ebay..................the internet czar
Sooflay ..............the restauranteur
Huray.................the sports fanatic
Sashay...............the gay brother
Kuntay & Kintay...the twins from the African mother
Sayhay..............the baseball player
Ojay..................the stalker/murderer
Gulay.................the singer/entertainer
Biliray.................the country music star
Ecksray..............the radiologist
Puray.................the blender factory owner
Regay................the half-Jamaican brother
Tupay................the one with bad hair

The Sisters :

Lattay..............the coffee shop owner
Bufay...............the 300 pound sister
Dushay.............the clean sister
Phayray............the zoo worker in the gorilla house
Sapheway.........the grocery store owner
Olay.................the half-Mexican sister
Gudlay..............the prostitute



Not a Member
David, I was right there with you, sort of, up until you started with the Barack Hussein Obama thing. That's not his name. If you want to make an intelligent, impassioned plea, it makes no sense to toss intelligence and credibility out the window with name calling. Truly.

Also, "...please turn out the lights because the blessings of God will cease as far as America is concerned!"

Really? So rich the irony. I would think that you, of all people, would give God a little more credit than that.

Turtle my hats off to ya!
You "are" the quintessential voice of reason..


Veteran Expediter
I think what the Padre is eluding to is the quashing of all religion in communist nations. While the libs are downplaying religion, unless you pray to the east, they are advocating a form of socialism that most European countries are part of.

We're on a path to socialism, not communism. Communism gets its way from the barrel of a gun; socialism, from the delusion that government should do for its ppl what they should do themselves.

I can just hear Floridians last night... "I can't vote for a Mormon!" Well... congratulations! You turned down a Mormon, and got someone with NO soul. You fools.

Leo... while you hold a novel idea there, about voting for the lesser of two evils; THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE!!! You have a choice, sir. Do you prefer Mackinaw Island Feces, or Menudo Swirl? Personally, I'd rather vote for the We The People Sherbert and know I'm not going to get it, than dig into one of the other two brands that taste the same. At least an empty stomach will make me sleep better at night.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm really pretty sick over the whole thing. I was for Thompson but he got in too late and didn't get his campaign running to be able to do any good. It's true there is little to differentiate the contenders. I almost think it would be better for Obamily to win as we'd have a better chance of greater congressional changes in subsequent years. It's really very depressing to see where we're going and what has happened over the last few decades. If the choice is one of the 3 that look strong today I may just run jobs and make more money rather than worry about getting home to vote.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Fred Thompson just laid an egg, didn't he? I, too, thought he'd make a good president, until his judgment went haywire when he meakly sneaked into the race far too late. Indecision does not bode well for that job.

Worst thing he ever did was visit that haywire factory. He's been, well, haywire ever since.

As for not voting well, that may very well be the ultimate in wasting your vote.


Veteran Expediter
The Bible says over and over again the God will turn his back on any nation that turns it's back on Isreal. Maybe not just like that, but that's is the jist of it. You can't believe just part of the Bible. You either believe the whole thing or none of it.


Veteran Expediter
It will not be Obama or Hillary that will turn their backs on Israel, it will be McCain.

He will also restrict freedoms as he has with his campaign finance reform.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I will vote against somebody but I will not be a happy camper.

They are not all the same, although they are similar and none are what we need. The following gives a good results and shows they aren't identical.

Select a Candidate 2008


Veteran Expediter
I took that quiz and McCain was on the top of my list. None of the candidate agree with me on immigration.

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
McCain will not turn his back on Israel, because he won't have the chance. Unfortunately, he's just a watered-down version of Bob Dole - not as principled, not as likeable, not as conservative, but more acceptable to the mainstream media. Whether his opponent is Barak Hussein Obama (that is his name, by the way) or Hillary Rodham Clinton, the results will be about the same as those of Dole vs. Slick Willie. Once again, it appears that the GOP is about to choose somebody because "it's his turn" since he's been around so long. Looks like this is shaping up to be the Mother of all hold-your-nose-and-vote elections for both sides. It's a shame for the country that neither party can come up with better candidates.


Veteran Expediter
You can't believe just part of the Bible. You either believe the whole thing or none of it.

And who told you that? There is something called a historical aspect of the Bible. I'm sure the Padre knows about that. It's the SPIRIT of the Bible that faith is based on, IMO; not historical fact.
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