Nice!Finally replaced the front transverse leaf spring. Should have done it 100K mi ago ...Such a noticeable difference ..
Leaf spring - $285
Bushings & mounts - $100
Labor - $300
Alignment - $85
Nice!Finally replaced the front transverse leaf spring. Should have done it 100K mi ago ...Such a noticeable difference ..
Leaf spring - $285
Bushings & mounts - $100
Labor - $300
Alignment - $85
Did you by chance get a look at the alignment machine / tools they used? I had issues even getting my E350 done in Ohio, at least at the local shops ($90 for those that could)
I've been doing my own string alignments for the last several years, not on the sprinter yet tho. That'd be a lot of string
Nice!Finally replaced the front transverse leaf spring. Should have done it 100K mi ago ...Such a noticeable difference ..
Leaf spring - $285
Bushings & mounts - $100
Labor - $300
Alignment - $85
Did you by chance get a look at the alignment machine / tools they used? I had issues even getting my E350 done in Ohio, at least at the local shops ($90 for those that could)
I've been doing my own string alignments for the last several years, not on the sprinter yet tho. That'd be a lot of string
Yay! My pay stub got emailed. I OWE money
So glad I came back in January
I can only dream of those days. I haven't had fries, pizza, etc. For over 3 years. I lost the weight but age (and laziness) if fighting to get it back. I gained 2# just looking at your picture. This is week 6 of couch patrolWith the amount of sitting I do, I cheeseburger is the least of my worries ..
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And this is why i don't miss Driving a Diesel in the Wintertime ...![]()
Did a Well Paid SC to Charlotte load yesterday afternoon. ..
Now loaded Charlotte, NC to Peru , Illinois...
Greenville area , more pd DH miles than loaded miles...Where'd you load out of SC at?