Having time to kill and being by a Verizon corporate location, I stopped in to take another stab at fixing yet another issue with my tablet. Current issue is I can only use Wi-Fi to download/update Apps with Google Play Store, won't use data. Not a major problem, but inconvenient. However, the problem also affects downloading files with my gmail App. Which is rather irritating.
I had already done every possible fix I could find, after failed attempts at the store, technical support was brought into the picture. Well over a hour of trouble shooting later, the same result. At least, my trouble shooting information was correct, because everything they tried, I already tried.
This is a known issue with my ASUS Z10 Tablet, yet no final solution. It's obvious that something (probably simple) is causing this glitch, yet no one can figure it out. Verizon or Asus, and of course its past the warranty and still under contract for a month or so more
So now I'm down to the final option from ASUS...
The dreaded factory data reset

This was the only option I have not done, and was really hoping it would not come down to this.
Besides being a major pain to restore everything lost, ASUS says it may or may not solve the problem
So, do I feel lucky? It worked on Jurassic Park after all